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Daily Quotes

Change Is Not Always Good Quotes

When we talk about change, it’s usually viewed positively. We all want things to be different and better, But we need to remind ourselves that change isn’t always good. It can be unpredictable and sometimes even negative. Sometimes, it can hurt you or someone/something you know. Sometimes, things are better the way they are. So […]

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Daily Quotes

Change Is Always Good Quotes

One thing that is sure in life is that it changes. Any development will always reflect a change, and the place where it first starts is inside you. You lead the way, and your change of perspective then leads to a change in other people’s attitudes, behaviours and ways. Change can be a scary thing. […]

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Daily Quotes

Feeling So Sad and Lonely Quotes

At some point in life, we all want to ask this question. “I feel so sad and lonely right now. What should I do?” Feeling sad and lonely is the reality for a lot of people. At first, you don’t realize how bad it makes you feel. You keep telling yourself that everything will be […]

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Daily Quotes

The Future Is in Our Hands Quotes

The future is in our hands because we are all part of the future. We can either choose to work towards a better world or continue on a path that leads to destruction. The choice is ours and it’s up to us to make it through our actions and through our words (or lack thereof). […]