21st Birthday Captions for Instagram and Facebook in 2022

Every year is worth celebrating, but some years are just so special that they deserve extra celebrations. One of such wonderful ages to give extra celebrations to is 21.

Considered that adult age in some parts of the world, and the attainment of youth in parts of the globe, it could also mean other things. But whatever it means to you, take out time to celebrate the 21st birthday of your family (both nuclear and extended) and friends, and even yourself!

Here are 20 messages for 8 categories of people you would definitely want to celebrate at 21.

Sweet 21st Birthday Captions for Yourself: 21st Birthday Captions for Self on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter.

1. It has not been easy for me, going through 21 years in this world, but I’ve made it through anyway. Congratulations to me.

2. When I was a kid, 21 seemed like a thousand years away. Now, I’m here and even though I regret certain things, I never regret being created. Happy 21 to me.

3. Instead of having 21 questions for myself as to why things are the way they are, I choose to rejoice and celebrate this day with thanks on my tongue. Happy birthday to me.

21st Birthday Captions for Myself

4. 21 is just a start, thousands of days and millions of seconds are left for me to be and do everything God has planned for me. Happy birthday to me.

5. Today, I’m going to make a list of 21 great things I’ve accomplished, and I know for certain that it would be more than 21 times that when I’m done. Happy birthday to me.

6. 21 years is no joke. It’s been through will, determination and grace that I made it here and I don’t take it for granted. Happy birthday to me.

7. If no one is going to blow my trumpet, I’m going to do it myself. I’m awesome, I’m strong, I’m 21 and I’m grateful. Happy birthday to me.

8. Two decades and one year gone! Whew. It’s been one hell of a race, I’ve met good, bad and outright ugly, but I’m grateful regardless. Happy birthday to me.

9. I have more than 21 things to say about the last 21 years but suffice it all to say that there is no time I would have wanted to live in other than these past 21 years. Happy celebration to me.

10. I’ve climbed to the top of high mountains and fallen to low valleys during my 21-year race. All through, determination, hard work and faith have kept me going. Happy 21st to me.

11. I expect things to get 21 times better, not easier, and I expect myself to be 21 times stronger. Happy birthday to me.

12. This new year, I’m going to be 21 times stronger, wiser and better than I’ve ever been, so help me God. Happy birthday to me.

13. Throughout this 21 year period, I’ve been able to see for myself the good people in this world to grow lasting friendships with, and I’ve been able to weed out the bad too. Thank God for this wonderful journey.

14. Even though I’ve had the best 21 years of my life so far, I celebrate because I know there are many better years ahead. Happy 21 to me.

15. I’ve learned to love myself and people for the better part of my 21 years of existence in this world. I’m grateful to God for this life-changing lesson. Happy birthday to me.

16. My 21 years in this world has definitely paved way and open numerous doors for people. I’m grateful to God for creating me when he did. Happy 21 to me.

17. My life at 21 is much better than any animation 21st Century Fox can come up with. Happy birthday to me.

18. It’s up to me to develop and love myself 21 times more than I did the previous year and expect 21 times the result I got before. Happy 21st birthday to me.

19. I thank God on behalf of this world for giving me to the earth. I am proud of the person I’ve grown to be these past 21 years.

20. Many people thought I wouldn’t make it here, but God had better plans. I’ve successfully crossed the two-decade mark, and I’m nothing but grateful. Happy birthday to me.

Collection of 21st Birthday Captions for Your Special Friends. 21st Birthday Captions for Best Friend.

1. Forget those who said life begins at 40. Truly life begins at 21. Now is the time for you to explore the earth, doing great things. Happy birthday.

2. If we all knew the greatness that awaits us at certain ages of our lives we’ll appreciate certain ages more. Today, you are 21, Happy birthday to you.

3. Happy 21st birthday. Is the 21st century not a good time to be 21? Have the best of years ahead and know that you are unstoppable.

21st Birthday Captions for Friends

4. Happy 21st birthday. 21 years on earth have thought you a lot, so even when they say life is a nonsense pot of beans, you can boldly say no, it’s cupcakes and ice cream.

5. Happy birthday to you. Today, you’re 21. 21 years stronger, wiser, and better than when you were born. 21 years from now, the growth will be more than that which have been. Have a blast.

6. 21 years gone and you’re still great and amazing. You’re an epitome of perfection. Happy birthday to you.

7. I’ll tell you what nothing can compare to — a friend like you in his youth. Every year you’ve passed through is nothing compared to what you’ve achieved. Happy 21st birthday.

8. Happy 21st birthday to you. More greatness, sweetness and loveliness surrounding your beautiful life. Have a nice time.

9. I could tell you 21 things on a day like this, but I’ll not forget to tell you that you’ve been a wonderful person, not just to me, but to those around you. Happy birthday.

10. Happy birthday to a friend. As you turn 21 today, may your 21 wishes be able to accommodate all your needs, wants and desires.

11. Happy 21st birthday. May your world be one where life is light and love is heavy. May your youth be filled with good pleasures.

12. Happy birthday, friend. 21 is an age where growth is almost complete. I know you have learnt a lot. Go on and live them out.

13. Happy birthday to you as you turn 21 years old today. Nothing can stop you from being the best. Go ahead and shock the world.

14. Happy birthday to you. You’ve survived a lot of years, now you are stronger, better and wiser to handle the years ahead.

15. Happy birthday my friend. 252 months on the planet is not a child’s play. It’s an epitome of a life with a good amount of knowledge and experiences.

16. Happy birthday to you, my friend. You are a man now, a real man. Go and show the world the greatness you possess.

17. Happy 21st birthday. Love fills your life more from now on and forever. You are one amazing person I can’t do without.

18. I guess it’s humility when you decide to be natural and feel small when standing by the ocean because you’ve achieved a lot in 21 years. Happy birthday.

19. Everything planned for you by life is great. You are a valuable asset to earth. Happy 21st birthday.

20. Today makes you 21 years old. 21 days from now, everything concerning you will be perfected for the best. No regrets in your life.

Cute 21st Birthday Captions for Your Son.

1. I still remember vividly the day this bundle of joy came to my life 21 years ago. I remember because it was the best day of my life. Happy birthday, son.

2. I’ve had no regret being your parent for the past 21 years, and if I had the opportunity to go back 21 years in time, I’ll still request for you. Happy birthday.

3. They say children are gifts from God. You’re the best gift any person, not just parent, could ever wish for. Happy 21st birthday, darling.

21st Birthday Captions for Son

4. Sometimes I look back at the 21 years we’ve spent together and thought I really don’t deserve this blessing bestowed upon me by God. I cherish you, son. Happy birthday.

5. 21 years is a short time compared to how long you’re going to live, son. I’m very sure you’re going to outlive me, your parent, on this earth. Happy birthday, son.

6. Sweetheart, it’s been 21 years of knowing you, understanding you, learning from you and enjoying you. I wouldn’t trade these past years for anything else in the world. Happy birthday, my love.

7. From the first time I held you in my arms, I saw a child who had the potential to be greater than his parents and the expectations put on him. Through these 21 years, you’ve done nothing but prove me right. I love you, Son. Happy birthday.

8. Children like you aren’t easy to find, so I’m grateful to God that he gave you to me freely and that you’ve brought me nothing but joy these past 21 years. Happy birthday, baby.

9. Happy 21 years, baby! I am proud to be the parent of an adult- not just any adult, but a brilliant, generous and kindhearted one. God bless you, son.

10. It’s a big honour as a parent to celebrate 21 years of having this treasure in my household. I love, respect and cherish you forever, son. Happy birthday.

11. Happy 21 years to my son with whom I am well pleased. A man full of love, passion and strength. God bless you.

12. When I first held you 21 years ago, I wanted to keep you all to myself. However, within a very short time, I realized that I couldn’t hold you because I couldn’t contain your awesomeness. I had to release you to the world. Happy birthday, son.

13. You’ve been more than a son to me for the past 21 years. You’ve been a counsellor, teacher, source of inspiration to me and the family. I love you, son.

14. The motivation I’ve been getting over the last 21 years has been unprecedented and it’s because of no one but you. Happy birthday, son.

15. When I look at you, I see more than a son who’s an adult. I see a man full of life, not just for me and the family, but for the world. Happy 21 years, darling.

16. There’s no way to quantify how much I’ve grown to love you and cherish you through every good and bad of the last 21 years. I love you, son. Enjoy your day.

17. You’re everything a parent wants in a child, and today, I pray you get 21 times bigger and better. Happy birthday, son.

18. Losing you would be dangerous to me as you’ve grown to be a part of me in 21 years. Cutting you off or losing you would be analogous to a partial death on my side. I cherish you. Happy birthday, son.

19. I’ve lived every moment of my last 21 years giving praises and thanks for your arrival in my life. I’ll do anything to never lose you. Happy 21 years, son.

20. The little and big things you’ve done for me has contributed to making the past 21 years worth a lot for me. I appreciate you, son.

Sweet 21st Birthday Captions for your Daughter.

1. Happy 21st birthday, my daughter. You’ve grown from a sweet, cute child into a beautiful, lovely woman. I celebrate you today.

2. Happy 21st birthday to a lily among thorns. You stand out as the lively, lovely and sweetest among others. Keep being sweet.

3. When you were born 21 years ago was when I first saw an angel in my life. You came in and changed a lot of things for good. Happy birthday.

21st Birthday Captions for Daughter

4. We’ve been a team for 21 years making each other better versions of ourselves, celebrating our victories and healing after defeats. Happy birthday, my daughter.

5. Every day for 21 years I’ve had a reason to smile. You’ve been more than a daughter to me. You’ve been an angel, a God sent. Happy birthday.

6. At 21, you’re still my beautiful, sweet, loving, cute, pretty daughter. No matter how much you grow, you’re still my baby. Happy birthday.

7. Happy 21st birthday to you, my daughter. If anything has changed about you, it’s your increased knowledge and your bigger heart.

8. Happy birthday, my daughter. As you become 21 today, my only fear is that you may soon start planning to get married and leave the house. I love you.

9. Happy birthday, my little girl. 21 pages won’t be enough for me to write the kind of awesome person you are. Keep being more awesome.

10. Happy birthday to my sweet daughter. You’re more than two decades old already. I know you’ve grown in wisdom too. Have a blast.

11. Happy birthday to the loveliest daughter ever. Even at 21, you’re still my sweet little girl and I’ll treat you like one. Hope you know there’s none like you?

12. Happy birthday, my daughter. I am yet to see another with your level of strength and maturity at 21. Keep being a model for many.

13. Happy birthday to you, my daughter. When I was 21, I was very less compared to what you are at 21. I’m very proud of you, my dear.

14. Happy 21st birthday to you. The forces of heaven all join hands with the good people of earth to celebrate the excellence in you.

15. Happy birthday to you. 21 years is enough for your smart person to learn all she needs to go through life successfully. I know you’re ready.

16. Happy 21st birthday to you, my sweet daughter. Your heart of love that began to show even as a child will not leave you empty-handed.

17. Happy birthday, Mr dear daughter. Life is for all, whether they deserve it or not, but your 21 years on earth have shown that you deserve it.

18. Happy birthday, sweet daughter. Keep being the amazing person you’ve been for 21 years now. I’ll be glad to keep watching you grow into the amazing person you are becoming.

19. Happy 21st birthday, dear. You are my daughter with whom I am well pleased. I have no regrets having you as a daughter. Keep it up.

20. Happy 21st birthday, my daughter. I’m a proud father because of you. Your days have brought me joy, peace and more life.

21st Birthday Captions for your Cousin.

1. Happy birthday, Couz! These past 21 years you’ve been more than a cousin to me and I’m proud to call you my sibling.

2. Wow! It’s been 21 years of unlimited happiness, joy and strength oozing from you, couz. I could never replace you with anything else in the world. Happy birthday, blood.

3. If I could go back 21 years in time, I would beg God to send you to my family directly. Anyway, it doesn’t matter one single bit because you’re a part of my heart. I love you, blood. Happy birthday.

21st Birthday Captions for Cousin

4. You have, over the past 21 years, developed a heart bigger than the world itself and I know it’s about to get 21 times larger. Happy birthday, fam.

5. You have no idea how much I admire you, cousin. Now that admiration has moved 21 places up. Happy 21st, fam.

6. Write a list of 21 things you want from me today. I’m more than willing to cross to the end of the earth to get them for you. Just kidding. Happy 21st birthday, blood.

7. Yippee! My fresh cousin, the best in the world has crossed into 21 years today. I just want you to know that I am more than honoured to have you in my family and I cherish you a lot. Have a blast.

8. For 21 years, you’ve taken on the world and you’ve gotten tougher and tenacious and I have no doubt you have what it takes to handle more bundles of 21s coming your way. Happy birthday.

9. Just know that I believe that you are 21 times wiser and smarter than people your age. I am proud to be associated with you. Have a blast.

10. On your 21st birthday, I don’t need to wish you the best because that’s exactly what you are. I love you, couz. Happy birthday.

11. You’re that sibling that is not just close to me, but a part of me. You know what that means? I can’t afford to lose you, for my own safety. Happy 21 years, couz.

12. 21 shots in the air for the one who’s been my pillar, strength and source of inspiration for a long time. Happy 21 years, couz.

13. It seems like you get wiser each passing day, month and year. I feel like you have 21 large brains in your head. Happy 21 years, cousin.

14. You’re the wisest, kindest and most resourceful cousin a person could have, and you’ve done these things for 21 years consistently. I appreciate you.

15. For 21 years, you’ve been like a rose to me. That’s because you are good, attractive and also a thorn in my flesh, but I love you anyway. Happy birthday to the best cousin in the world.

16. It has been 21 years of unlimited blessing, grace and favour on this earth thanks to your presence in it. We don’t take it for granted. Happy birthday, cousin.

17. On behalf of the world, I wish to thank you for your 21 years of sharing your gifts with us an allowing us to enjoy and taste God’s love. Happy birthday.

18. It’s been a pleasure learning and getting motivation from you to push on with life struggles for the past 21 years. You’re indeed a gem. Happy birthday, cousin.

19. 21.years of tough, bitter, sweet, high and low has made you the strong person we know now. May you receive more experiences that will shape you into the person you’re meant to be. Through it all, remember that I love you endlessly. Happy 21.

20. Just want you to know that you’ve written the last 21 years of history in this world with your character, attitude and wisdom. The world celebrates you. Happy birthday, cousin.

Cute 21st Birthday Captions for Your Nephew.

1. Within 21 years of walking this earth, you’ve been able to place yourself on the table of kings with your diligence, determination and patience. I’m proud of you, darling. Happy birthday.

2. There’s no instrument that can measure the love and admiration I feel for you. In your 21 years, you have made me and everybody respect you for your character and integrity. I feel honoured that you are my nephew. Happy birthday.

3. The knowledge you’ve gained in your 21 years of existence is like cold water which quenches the thirst of an ignorant person and satisfies the wise. Thank you for choosing my family. Happy birthday.

21st Birthday Captions for Nephew

4. I love the way you’ve raised the bar within 21 years of being on this earth; so high that even people who lived for 80 years and more can’t reach it. I admire your strength. Happy 21st birthday.

5. A book containing 21 pages can’t successfully contain all that you’ve done and accomplished in your 21 years. What this means is that you’ve done more than expected of your age. Happy birthday.

6. You’re 21 today and you’ve already created a path for yourself and blazed a trail in this jungle called the world we live in. You’re a gem. Happy birthday.

7. For normal people, life disrupts your plan when it punches you in the face. You have refused to remain discouraged even after all the punches you’ve received in 21 years and if we are to be honest, that is not the trait of a normal man. You’re extraordinary. Have a blast today.

8. As you celebrate the 21st year of your existence, I wish for you that you continually remain the light that takes overtakes any darkness around you and that you grow in strength and character 21 times. Happy birthday.

9. Today, the luminous intensity of the light that you’ve given out to the world increases 21 times and blinds the eyes of the enemies around you. Happy 21st birthday.

10. While people of the world still live on 20/20 vision, you’ve graduated to 21/21. I am glad that I am related to a man whose mind can see farther than eyes can. Happy 21st birthday, Son.

11. Happy 21st birthday, man. You’ve grown fast, and even though I did not spend every day watching you grow, I followed your progress and I can say it’s been wonderful.

12. Happy 21st birthday, nephew. Days come and go and so do years, but you made the best of them while they lasted.

13. It’s been 21 years now and I have more than 21 reasons to celebrate this young man who has achieved what a lot of his mates haven’t. Happy 21.

14. Happy birthday to a genius at 21. 21 words will not be okay to express my happiness at what you’ve become at 21. But I wish you better years ahead.

15. Happy birthday to a true bro at 21. Even though I’m your uncle, you’ve been an inspiration to me and an answer to some of my questions. I celebrate you.

16. Many people come into your life and change a lot of things for good. You, my nephew, are one of them. Happy 21st birthday.

17. Birthdays are for everybody, but 21st birthdays are the freshmen. Happy freshman birthday to you. Welcome to the men’s club.

18. I have watched a lot of things, real life and on screen. But nothing compares to 21 years of watching you become who you are today. Happy birthday, nephew.

19. Gratitude fills my heart. I am so thankful that you have been a plus to the world, even as young as 21. I celebrate you. Happy 21st birthday.

20. I know you are a great person because great people do great things. But you became great even before 21. You are worth celebrating. Happy birthday.

Sweet 21st Birthday Captions for Your Niece.

1. After 21 years of watching you on this earth, I can beat my chest and say that I am proud of the woman you’ve become and I know you’re only going to get better.

2. The world is yours. It has always been from this day 21 years ago when you came as an addition to my family. I celebrate you. Happy birthday.

3. When people call you my extended family, they are right. For 21 years you’ve grown to be an extension of me I can’t let go of. Happy 21, darl.

21st Birthday Captions for Niece

4. Don’t get discouraged by little obstacles you might be facing right now. Remember, you’ve made it through 21 years in this world. Happy birthday.

5. I could call you my daughter anytime, any day, any place and no one would have the right to fight me about it, because you’ve been a part of me for 21 years now.

6. About this time 21 years ago, you arrived and the world felt a shift that shook it to its very core. The world hasn’t been the same since then and will never be the same again because you walked it. Happy birthday.

7. The last 21 years have been one of the best periods in my life because I’ve had the honour of watching you grow into this woman you are now. I’m proud of you. Happy birthday.

8. When you were born, I knew you were heaven sent. 21 years has been all it has taken you to prove this right because you’re already past sky level and only God knows where you’re headed. Happy birthday, dear.

9. You’ve shown more passion, determination and drive in 21 years than people get to show in their lifetime. I am proud to call you my niece. Happy birthday.

10. At 21, you’ve built a solid foundation of character that you can build and live on for the rest of your long life. I celebrate you. Happy birthday.

11. You’re one of the greatest assets I have in this world that I never had to buy. At 21, you’ve brought into my life what businesses and enterprises couldn’t give people in their lifetime. I appreciate you. Happy birthday.

12. Sometimes, it’s easy to sit and complain about your problems in life and ignore the blessings. 21 years ago, I decided to stop complaining and focus on you, a direct blessing from God. I’ve been the happiest ever since. Happy birthday.

13. Throughout the period of the last 21 years, your existence in my life has shown me that God’s blessings are without any form of sorrow. Thank you for this lesson. Happy birthday, my dear.

14. When you first came into this world 21 years ago, your value was inestimable. Over the years, it kept increasing and multiplying, and now, only God can say how valuable to the world because even numbers like 21 can’t. Happy birthday.

15. At 21, you’ve already created a shoe with the size so great that it’s impossible for the world to find another person to fill the shoes. I’m so proud of you. Happy birthday.

16. You’ve had a permanent space in my heart since day one 21 years ago. Over the years, you’ve built on it and today, it’s 21 storeys higher. I love you, baby. Happy birthday.

17. 21 years into your long life and you’re already a force to be reckoned with. It takes most people their whole lives to make as much impact as you have. You’re a gem. Happy birthday.

18. You’ve worked hard and smart to shoot for goals and make yourself a key player in this field called life. The amazing thing is you’ve done it in 21 years. Keep shooting, babe. Happy birthday.

19. When you came into this world 21 years ago, you were the breath of fresh air the world needed. What surprises me is that your fragrance never goes stale because you’re still a breath of fresh air in my life today. Happy birthday.

20. As you turn 21 today, I want you to know that you have total control of your life, you call the shots and make the decision about the direction you want to follow. Life is not a game of chance for you. Happy birthday, my dear.

Cute 21st Birthday Captions for Your Brother.

1. Dearest bro, it’s been 21 years since our family has had you and believe me, we don’t regret one second of it. Happy 21st birthday, bro.

2. 21 hearty cheers for the one who’s always had my back from the get-go. I love, cherish and appreciate you, bro. Happy birthday.

3. For 21 years now, you’ve been a blessing to the family and every single person you’ve come across. We appreciate you. Happy birthday, brother.

21st Birthday Captions for Brother

4. Today, you take a very deep step into the twenties. I know you’ve got more of the thirties, forties, till hundreds coming along. Happy 21st birthday, bro.

5. Happy 21st to God’s blessing to me in form of a brother. I love you 21 times more than I did before today.

6. You’ve gone through 365 days twenty-one times. Days of tears, joy and life sometimes rearing out an ugly head. You made it through. Congratulations, bro.

7. There is no better time for you to be 21 than now. All your struggles and tribulations came in their right times and seasons. Happy birthday.

8. There are so many things I know I wouldn’t have been able to do without you, now that you’re 21 times better, I’m sure that there’s no impossibility we can’t handle. Happy 21 years, brother.

9. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I think I have a brother 21 times all the other brothers in the world. I love you, bro. Happy 21st birthday.

10. I can’t start to imagine the how the world was before you were born 21 years ago. What I can do is thank God for this blessing bestowed upon the earth. Happy birthday.

11. As you celebrate today, remember that there are way more than 21 people that didn’t make it until this day since the day you were born. Enjoy your 21. Happy birthday.

12. For 21 years, no one has been able to prove to me that they’ve got a brother that matches your awesomeness. Happy birthday, bro.

13. As you turn 21 today, I pray that God deploys 21 times the angels originally guarding you. Happy birthday, bro.

14. 21 years ago, the world received into it a revolutionary, a game changer and an evidence of God’s love for it. Happy birthday, my man.

15. As you celebrate today, remember to get 21 times tougher than you were last year as life isn’t about to get any easier. Before then, enjoy your day. Happy birthday.

16. For 21 years, you’ve been a strong pillar to the world and me particularly. Just want to let you know that I cherish and appreciate you. Happy birthday.

17. If at 21, you’re already this wise, I just wonder what you’ll be like at 40 or 50. Thank God I’ll be alive to find out. Happy birthday, bro.

18. 21 years on this earth with you has been better than watching the best Walt Disney animation. What that means is it’s been better than the best kind of imagination anyone can get. Happy 21st, bro.

19. You’ve spent at least 7665 days in this world. Great thing is, you’ve not just counted the days, you have made them count. Happy 21st birthday, blood.

20. I feel blessed to have an adult brother by my side to guard, protect and take on the world together with me. Happy 21 years, blood.

21st Birthday Captions for Your Sister.

1. Happy birthday, my sister. Growing up with you for about 21 years have been the most amazing experience in my life. I celebrate you.

2. Happy 21st birthday. Dear sister. I wish you everything that will make your twenties glorious. All of us wish you well in all you do.

3. Happy birthday, dear sister. At 21, you are young and old. Young enough to celebrate your achievements. Old enough to do more work.

21st Birthday Captions for Sister

4. Happy birthday to my dear sister at 21. Saying “the sky is your limit” is a limit to you. Soar beyond the sky. Fly high and never go down.

5. Happy birthday to my sister. I don’t know what the number 21 represents, but it has to be the best among all the years you’ve previously had.

130+ Happy Birthday Status for Brother

6. Happy 21st birthday to my sister. Even fate knows that you deserve nothing lesser than greatness. Have a blast and let the world watch.

7. Happy 21st birthday to the best among sisters. Many sisters can do extraordinary things for their brothers, but you surpass them all.

8. Happy 21st birthday to you, my sister. For all the time you stood by me, for me and with me, I am grateful. My love for you knows no bounds.

9. Happy birthday to you, my sister. You’ve spent two decades on earth. I wish you spend more than four more or live as long as you want to.

10. Happy birthday to my dear sister. Its great to have grown up with you as my sister. And for your achievements at 21, I’m proud.

11. Happy birthday, sister. From year one till twenty-one, you have been a source of great joy and happiness to us. Keep it up.

12. Happy 21st birthday to my sister. I wish you grow to be all you want to be and have all you want to have. Many more years.

13. Happy 21st birthday to you, sis. May you have reasons to smile for the next 21 years and even beyond. Keep being the jovial person that you are.

14. Happy birthday to the greatest of sisters. I respect, love and admire you. There is no other sister on earth like you, trust me on that.

15. Happy birthday to you, sweet sister. 21 is the number of your strength, beauty and perfection. Live life to the fullest. Happy 21.

150 Best Happy Birthday Wishes for My Lover

16. Just thought I should let you know that the past 21 years of your life have been a blessing to the family, especially me. Happy 21st birthday.

17. Happy birthday to my sister at 21. God’s blessings will cover and follow you wherever you go, now and forever. You are loved.

18. Happy birthday, sweet sister. It is my wish for you that you get more than your 21 wishes and that all your wishes become reality.

19. Happy birthday to the sweetest sister on earth at 21. Keep being the great person that 21 years on earth have brought out of you and even greater.

20. Many people do super incredible things at 21, but you’re more super to me. Happy birthday to you, my sister.


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