260 Best Never Have I Ever Questions to Spice Up Game Night

– Never Have I Ever Questions –

Are you in need of the best “Never Have I Ever” questions to level up your group hangout? Aside from that, “Never Have I Ever” is the best game you can add to your virtual game night or group hangout games. It’s free, requires zero props, you can easily do it over Zoom, and it helps you realize how alike (or different) you are from your friends.

If you have no idea how it’s been played or you need a refresher, here’s how to play “Never Have I Ever.”

Every player holds up their hands with all ten fingers showing and you go through the list.

Every time a player has, in fact, do one of the items, they must put a finger down. The person with the last finger standing wins.

If you want to spice it up, folks who have, say, skinny-dipped, can take a drink. The last standing player still wins.

Never Have I Ever Questions

1. Never have I ever cheated on a partner.

2. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.

3. Never have I ever faked sick from work.

4. Never have I ever played hooky from school or work

5. Never have I ever stolen anything

6. Never have I ever missed a flight

7. Never have I ever drunk-dialed my ex

8. Never have I ever ridden a motorcycle

10. Never have I ever lost a bet

11. Never have I ever gotten lost alone in a foreign country

12. Never have I ever bribed someone

13. Never have I ever gone skinny-dipping

14. Never have I ever cheated on someone

15. Never have I ever sang karaoke

16. Never have I ever broken a bone

17. Never have I ever lived alone

18. Never have I ever been on a yacht

19. Never have I ever been on TV

20. Never have I ever been on a blind date

Never Have I Ever Dirty Questions

21. Never have I ever lied to law enforcement

22. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo

23. Never have I ever used a fake ID

24. Never have I ever broken up with someone

25. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

26. Never have I ever marched in a protest.

27. Never have I ever over-drafted my bank account.

28. Never have I ever eaten someone else’s lunch from the office fridge.

29. Never have I ever played strip poker.

30. Never have I ever smoked a joint.

31. Never have I ever peed in a pool.

32. Never have I ever tried hard drugs.

33. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public.

34. Never have I ever fallen asleep at work.

35. Never have I ever lied on my resume.

36. Never have I ever drunk-dialed my ex.

37. Never have I ever dropped acid.

38. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.

39. Never have I ever read a partner’s text messages.

40. Never have I ever read a partner’s emails.


Good Never Have I Ever Questions

41. Never have I ever been hospitalized for something other than giving birth or being born.

42. Never have I ever sang in public.

43. Never have I ever played a musical instrument.

44. Never have I ever gone snowboarding.

45. Never have I ever gone skiing.

46. Never have I ever traveled to a foreign country.

47. Never have I ever learned a foreign language.

48. Never have I ever sent a stranger a drink.

49. Never have I ever accepted a drink from a stranger.

50. Never have I ever lied about my income.

51. Never have I ever gotten busy in a public place.

52. Never have I ever been nude in public.

53. Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 10 years older.

54. Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 5 years younger.

55. Never have I ever texted or taken a call at the movies.

56. Never have I ever lied to a law enforcement officer.

57. Never have I ever been a maid of honor.

58. Never have I ever been a best man.

59. Never have I ever called a partner the wrong name.

60. Never have I ever thought a friend’s baby was ugly.

Never Have I Ever Funny Questions

61. Never have I ever won more than $50 gambling.

62. Never have I ever lost more than $50 gambling.

63. Never have I ever gone vegan.

64. Never have I ever used a fake ID.

65. Never have I ever lied about my age.

66. Never have I ever had a lucid dream

67. Never have I ever campaigned for a political candidate.

68. Never have I ever had chickenpox.

69. Never have I ever flashed someone.

70. Never have I ever mooned someone.

71. Never have I ever lied to my best friend.

72. Never have I ever had a road rage incident.

73. Never have I ever cut in line on purpose.

74. Never have I ever held a grudge longer than a year.

75. Never have I ever blabbed something I swore to secrecy.

76. Never have I ever ruined someone else’s vacation.

77. Never have I ever chipped a tooth.

78. Never have I ever tried a fad diet.

79. Never have I ever cut my own hair.

80. Never have I ever been awake for 24 straight hours or more.

Never Have I Ever Juicy Questions 

81. Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.

82. Never have I ever cried or flirted my way out of a ticket.

83. Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s room, cabinets, or property.

84. Never have I ever gotten busy in a car.

85. Never have I ever worked with someone I couldn’t stand.

86. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.

87. Never have I ever eaten food that broke the five-second rule.

88. Never have I ever spent an entire day watching reality TV.

89. Never have I ever sent nudes.

90. Never have I ever received nudes.

91. Never have I ever blamed a fart on a pet.

92. Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was hot.

93. Never have I ever Googled someone before a date.

94. Never have I ever re-gifted something.

95. Never have I ever crashed a party or wedding.

96. Never have I ever dated a musician.

97. Never have I ever been on a blind date.

98. Never have I ever gotten or given a hickey.

99. Never have I ever gotten a bedroom-related injury.

100. Never have I ever tried moonshine.

Never Have I Ever Adult Questions

101. Never have I ever seen someone die.

102. Never have I ever had a wardrobe malfunction.

103. Never have I ever run for my life.

104. Never Have I ever been in a talent show.

105. Never have I ever gotten stitches.

106. Never have I ever tried to make an ex jealous.

107. Never have I ever driven a stick shift.

108. Never have I ever set something on fire while cooking.

109. Never have I ever set a friend up on a date.

110. Never have I ever saved a life

120. Never have I ever got a tattoo

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

121. Never have I ever wanted to be on a reality TV show

122. Never have I ever started a fire

123. Never have I ever gotten stopped by airport security

124. Never have I ever gone viral online

125. Never have I ever left gum in a public space

126. Never have I ever slept outdoors for an entire night

127. Never have I ever run a marathon

128. Never have I ever given/received a lap dance

129. Never have I ever made a speech in front of 100 people or more

130. Never have I ever relieved myself in a public pool

131. Never have I ever lied to my best friend about who I was with

132. Never have I ever been to a Disney park

133. Never have I ever had a threesome

134. Never have I ever started a hashtag.

135. Never have I ever paid for adult content.

136. Never have I ever been scuba diving.

137. Never have I ever hooked up with someone of the same sex or gender.

138. Never have I ever done a “drive-by” of an ex or crush’s house.

139. Never have I ever danced in the rain.

140. Never have I ever danced on a table.


Never Have I Ever Questions with Friends

141. Never have I ever joined the mile-high club.

142. Never have I ever slept in my car.

143. Never have I ever been on TV.

144. Never have I ever had surgery.

145. Never have I ever hit a parked car.

146. Never have I ever thrown someone else a surprise party.

147. Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.

148. Never have I ever worn a wig or extensions.

149. Never have I ever dressed in drag.

150. Never have I ever been dumpster diving.

151. Never have I ever broken a bone.

152. Never have I ever returned something after I wore it.

153. Never have I ever performed on stage?

154. Never have I ever slid into a stranger’s DMs.

155. Never have I ever left a negative Yelp review.

156. Never have I ever been in a helicopter.

157. Never have I ever lost my shoes during a night out.

158. Never have I ever had surgery.

159. Never have I ever parked in a handicap spot.

160. Never have I ever shoplifted.

Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

161. Never have I ever second-guessed a relationship.

162. Never have I ever cursed at an in-law.

163. Never have I ever had a cavity.

164. Never have I ever hitchhiked.

165. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker.

166. Never have I ever cursed in front of an in-law.

167. Never have I ever lied about my relationship status.

168. Never have I ever lied on a dating profile.

169. Never have I ever gotten seasick.

170. Never have I ever had a broken heart.

171. Never have I ever broken someone else’s heart.

172. Never have I ever met a celebrity.

173. Never have I ever tipped less than 10 percent.

174. Never have I ever tipped more than 50 percent.

175. Never have I ever cried at a party.

176. Never have I ever cried at work.

177. Never have I ever cried in public.

178. Never have I ever used a gas station bathroom.

179. Never have I ever gotten into a fender bender.

180. Never have I ever gone to work hungover.

Adult Never Have I Ever Questions

181. Never have I ever changed a tire.

182. Never have I ever had braces.

183. Never have I ever worn white to a wedding.

184. Never have I ever peed my pants as an adult.

185. Never have I ever given someone a fake phone number.

186. Never have I ever left a mean YouTube comment.

187. Never have I ever trolled a stranger online.

188. Never have I ever been in a police car.

189. Never have I ever danced on a pole.

190. Never have I ever called the cops on someone else.

191. Never have I ever watched a NASCAR race.

192. Never have I ever been to a pro wrestling match.

193. Never have I ever been to an MLB  game.

194. Never have I ever been to an NBA or WNBA game.

195. Never have I ever been to an NFL game.

196. Never have I ever been to an NHL game.

197. Never have I ever gone surfing.

198. Never have I ever been on a cruise.

199. Never have I ever tried bodybuilding.

200. Never have I ever tried cross-fit.

Never Have I Ever Sexually Questions

201. Never have I ever visited a nude https://innaija.com.ng/articles/never-have-i-ever-questions/beach.

202. Never have I ever been to a strip club.

203. Never have I ever flirted with a married person.

204. Never have I ever gone bungee jumping.

205. Never have I ever slid into an ex’s DMs.

206. Never have I ever gone more than three days without showering.

207. Never have I ever gone more than a day without brushing my teeth.

208. Never have I ever kissed someone in public

209. Never have I ever ghosted someone.

210. Never have I ever been ghosted.

211. Never have I ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours

212. Never have I ever taken credit for someone else’s work.

213. Never have I ever hooked up with a friend’s sibling.

214. Never have I ever hooked up with a sibling’s friend.

215. Never have I ever hooked up with a friend’s ex.

216. Never have I ever had a black eye.

217. Never have I ever lost my voice.

218. Never have I ever given a eulogy.

219. Never have I ever stolen something from my workplace.

220. Never have I ever stage dived.



Best Never Have I Ever Questions

221. Never have I ever been backstage at a concert.

222. Never have I ever been arrested.

223. Never have I ever been someone’s one phone call from jail.

224. Never have I ever lied to my kids.

225. Never have I ever lied to my parents.

226. Never have I ever gone more than 20 mph over the speed limit.

227. Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.

228. Never have I ever gone skydiving.

229. Never have I ever spent a night in jail.

230. Never have I ever dined and ditched.

231. Never have I ever lied on social media.

232. Never have I ever eaten a ghost pepper.

233. Never have I ever auditioned for a reality show.

234. Never have I ever kissed a stranger.

235. Never have I ever prank called someone.

236. Never have I ever gone streaking.

237. Never have I ever lied during this game!

238. Never have I ever got seriously hungover

239. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush

240. Never have I ever clogged somebody else’s toilet

Fun Never Have I Ever Questions

241. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public

242. Never have I ever read someone else’s mail.

243. Never have I ever fought in public

244. Never have I ever dined and dashed

245. Never have I ever won the lottery

246. Never have I ever had to go to court

247. Never have I ever been to a destination wedding

248. Never have I ever lied to a boss

249. Never have I ever crashed a wedding

250. Never have I ever blamed someone else for my mistake at work.

251. Never have I ever pranked someone

252. Never have I ever had a one-night stand

253. Never have I ever regifted a gift

254. Never have I ever trolled someone on social media

255. Never have I ever climbed out of a window

256. Never have I ever driven over a curb

257. Never have I ever laughed so hard I, um, peed my pants as an adult

258. Never have I ever got on the wrong train or bus

259. Never have I ever sent a sext

260. Never have I ever cursed in a place of worship

Frequently Asked Questions About Never Have I Ever Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers provided for you:

1. How do you Respond to the Wrong Number of Texts?

“Sorry but you have the wrong number.” Be upfront with the sender to avoid more accidental texts. Let the sender know you’re not who they think you are immediate. This is a polite way to tell a stranger they’ve got the wrong number.

2. Should Guys Ever Double Text a Girl? Should a Girl Ever Have to?

Double-texting, or messaging two times before someone responds, is viewed as taboo in modern dating.
While double-texting can feel bad, therapists say there is no rule for how much you should text. If you feel bad about double-texting, put your phone down and let the other person reply at their own pace.

3. Is it bad I Always have to Text First?

Sending the first text can also demonstrate that you’re a confident and assertive person. “It can make you look confident but mostly it’s benign,” Trombetti says.
A person who sends the first text often knows what they want and is organized enough to assert themselves.

4. How do I Delete the Message Sent to the Wrong Person?

Can you Unsend a Text Message? There is no way to unsend a text message or iMessage unless you cancel the message before it was sent.
Tiger text is an app that allows you to unsend text messages at any time but both the sender and receiver must have the app installed.

5. When Should you Stop Texting a Girl?

You should only stop texting a girl if you feel the connection is very one-sided and she’s not that interested. Or if you get the feeling she’s just being polite. But if you think she’s ‘just being nice’ by replying, remove any and all doubt by simply asking her out.

6. Is it Worth Texting People who Never Text you First?

Always remember someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you. The effort is a two-way thing. Sometimes It is okay we will text first.

7. Why did a man, who said he liked me, Suddenly Stop Texting me?

If he suddenly stopped texting you and you and had said that he likes you then it is because what he thought you were and who you turned out to be was different.

8. Should I Ask her if I did Something Wrong or let it be?

If you can’t think of anything you did wrong, then yes. However pick the right time and place to have the conversation and make the conversation an honest one.

9. What Would you do if a Person Ignores your Text Message?

Give them time to reply to your text; If your initial message to them wasn’t an urgent one, it’s important to give them some time to reply.
There are plenty of reasons they might not get back to you right away they could be busy at work, not in the mental space to chat, or dealing with bad cell service.

10. Is it Bad to Send Long Text Messages?

Generally speaking, your texts shouldn’t be too long. Ideally, you want to keep their length to about that of a tweet.
Sending long texts can be annoying to the people on the receiving end, especially if they’re busy at work or trying to complete a project.

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