275 Daily Use English Words to Improve Your Communication Skill

– Daily Use English Words –

Education they say is the key to success. Also, knowing the right English words is the perfect key to effective communication. Therefore, think of your vocabulary as some sort of vitamin for your entire body of English knowledge.

Did you know that the more words you know, the healthier your English knowledge and skills are? Think about it!

Before we check out the list of the daily use English words, let’s quickly go through the reasons why it’s important for you to build your vocabulary.

Why Do You Need to Build Your Vocabulary?

1) While our thoughts can influence our words, our words can likewise shape our thoughts. As a result, having a decent set of words in your vocabulary can help you improve your thinking pattern.

2)  English is such a dynamic and amazing language, you’ll never grow tired of all the wonderful things you may learn and re-learn from it by just supplementing your existing English vocabulary.

3) Speaking of supplementing, think of your vocabulary as some sort of vitamin for your entire body of English knowledge. The more words you know, the healthier your English knowledge and skills are. 

4) While learning common words in English is a great start, it will definitely give you the push you need to level up on the words you know.

Hence, before you know it, you’ll be and well-informed in more advanced types of English terminology.

How Can I Start Building my Vocabulary?

Good question! You can start building your vocabulary with everyday common words.

However, using everyday common words is the most convenient way to learn English. The more you hear these words, the better it is for you to process and understand them.

Also, the more you use them, the stronger your English skills become. Therefore, it is a great process of learning from others, and at the same time, learning from you, too!


The Use of Figurative Expression

Words and Phrases to Use in Salary Negotiations

List of Smart Daily Use English Words

Here’s a collection of essential words that will be useful in your daily lexicon and will as well help you speak English with confidence:

< td width="49">37)
1) Academic 85) Justify
2) Adapt 86) Kitchen
3) Affect 87) Knee
4) Accomplish 88) Knife
5) Acknowledge 89) Knock
6) Administration 90) Know
7) Accompany 91) Knowledge
8) Afford 92) Language
9) Absence 93) Large
10) Apparently 94) Landscape
11) Background 95) Lap
12) Balance 96) Largely
13) Building 97) Land
14) Budget 98) Marketing
15) Beyond 99) Market
16) Business 100) Manufacturing
17) Beside 101) Many
18) Borrow 102) Margin
19) Besides 103) Mark
20) Characteristic 104) Negotiation
21) Capacity 105) Neighborhood
22) Campus 106) Neither
23) Campaign 107) Neighbor
24) Civil 108) Nerve
25) Coalition 109) Opportunity
26) Coalition 110) Objective
27) Capability 111) Observe
28) Category 112) Obligation
29) Colonial 113) Observation
30) Distinguish 114) Portray
31) Defensive 115) Portion
32) Dialogue 116) Portrait
33) Democracy 117) Port
34) Description 118) porch
35) Deal 119) Pose
36) Distinction 120) Qualify
Dimension 121) Quality
38) e-mail 122) Quarter
39) Elsewhere 123) Quit
40) Elite 124) Quite
41) Emotion 125) Quote
42) embrace 126) Recipe
43) Emergency 127) Recognition
44) elementary 128) Refugee
45) emerge 129) Refuse
46) eliminate 130) Regard
47) Else 131) Scientist
48) Fiber 132) Scope
49) Forever 133) Score
50) Field 134) Scream
51) Forest 135) Screen
52) Foreign 136) Script
53) Fiction 137) Tactic
54) Formal 138) Tail
55) Fewer 139) Take
56) Forget 140) Tale
57) Formation 141) Talent
58) Form 142) Ultimately
59) Gene 143) Unable
60) Generate 144) Uncle
61) Genetic 145) Under
62) Gear 146) Undergo
63) Generation 147) Understand
64) Gaze 148) Victory
65) General 149) Video
66) Imagination 150) Viewer
67) Implication 151) View
68) illustrate 152) Village
69) Judge 153) Violate
70) Journalist 154) Violation
71) Incorporate 155) Wealthy
72) Impact 156) Weapon
73) Image 157) Wear
74) Implement 158) Weather
75) Income 159) Wedding
76) Holy 160) Week
77) Joy 161) Yard
78) Highly 162) Yeah
79) Highway 163) Year
80) Holiday 164) Yell
81) Journey 165) Yellow
82) Highlight 166) Yes
83) Zone 167) Yesterday
84) Zany    

Most Common Words with Examples


Must-Have Words for Resumes Words that Can Land You the Job 

Why Use of the R-word Needs to Stop and People become more Civil

Action Speaks Louder than Words Quotes that Reduces Indecision

Notable Differences Between Laid and Layed in the English Language

Check out this list of commonly used words with examples. It is listed in alphabetical order for proper usage.

Word Meaning Usage
Absence lack, unavailability I missed your absence
Academic scholastic Ivy league colleges accept students with an academically strong background.
Boundary bounds, confines It is important to draw boundaries with friends and relatives.
Sluggish to be slower than usual, having less energy, and moving in a tired and slow manner
A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
Borrow take I routinely borrow books from the library.
Characteristic typical Beautiful branches are characteristic of Goa and
Dialogue conversation The counsellor tried to initiate a dialogue between the fighting couple.
Embrace accept Joy learned to embrace her flaws.
Foreign overseas On her 25th birthday, Ray’s parents took him on a foreign tour.
Generate Produce, cause The boss asked her interns to generate ideas for her new projects.
Highlight call attention to The report highlighted the various discrepancies in finance.
Incorporate include It is important to incorporate fruits and vegetables into the diet.
Justify defend, maintain The politician tried to justify his actions in his speech.
Knowledge understanding, comprehension The science professor has a great deal of knowledge in his subject.
Language speech, vernacular The speaker had a great command of her language.
Margin edge, gap Mr Gaius won the election by a great margin
Neighbourhood area, locality Tina lives in a friendly neighbourhood.
Obligation responsibility She retired after fulfilling all her professional obligations.
Portray depict The film portrayed women in a very bad light.
Qualify be eligible Arsenal qualified for the finals in the football .
Refused decline The officer refused to take bribes from employees.
Scream Shriek, Last night, Peace heard someone scream from the neighbouring house.
Tactic strategy The military used tactics to capture the terrorist.
Undergo undertake The athlete had to undergo surgery before participating in the tournament.
Violation breach Stalking somebody is a violation of their privacy.

Simple Frequently Used Words

Other most frequently used daily use English words with examples include:

168) too “I like her too.”
169) here “My mom is here.”
170) can’t “I can’t open it.”
171) like “I like this bag better than the other one you showed me.”
172) at “Can you pick me up at the mall?”
173) to “Let’s go to the park.”
174) back “I’ll be right back.”
175) any “Have you had any luck with your research?”
176) take “Please take home some of these apples”
177) won’t “I won’t open it.”
178) tell “Can you tell me which way to go?”
179) all “All my favourite books are on this shelf.”
180) a “I saw a bear today.”
181) you “You are really nice.”
182) more “I have more stickers at home.”
183) one “She is one of my English teachers.”
184) on “I watch movies on my iPad.”
185) it “It is sunny outside.”
186) first “She was my very first teacher.”
187) with “I want to go with you.”
188) can “What can I do for you?”
189) she She is very happy
190) them Please give this to them
191) time There was a time I liked to play golf
192) me Can you give me some apples
193) way Can you look this way
194) think I think I need to lie down
195) who Who can help me?
196 your Your mom is here
197 new I have new bags
198 have I have few questions
199) that That door is open
200) be Will you be my friend
201) other I like these shoes better than the other ones you showed me
202) what What are you thinking of?
203) about What is this movie about
204) him I heard him singing earlier
205) make Can we make our project together?
206) use How do I use this?
207) many We shared many dreams together
208) and You and I will always be friends
209) is Where is my pen
210) very I am very upset right now
211) my My mom is coming to visit
212) see Did you see that
213) get Can you get me my eyeglasses?
214) say Will you say something?
215) now I want to watch this now
216) in She is in her room
217) her Her grandmother is sick
218) there There are so many things I want to learn
219) go I want to go there
220) do What will you do now?
221) will I will help you find that place
222) into My puppy ran into the woods
223) those Those boots belong to my friend
224) not That’s not what I want
225) want Do you want these ribbons?
226) then We had breakfast and then we went to church
227) of Today is the first of November
228) as Her role as an English teacher is very important
229) its I need to read its manual
230) just Just close your eyes
231) come Can your mom and dad come to the party?
232) because I am crying because I am sad
233) how How do I turn this on?
234) know Do you know where this place is?
235) when When will I see you again?
236) as As soon as she’s here, I’ll talk to her
237) than I like this cake better than the other one you showed me
238) i I really like it here
239) people There are so many people at the mall today
240) even She can’t even stand on her own
241) these Do you like these cups?
242) her I have her book
243) would Would you help me out
244) find Where can I find rare furniture?
245) they They are here
246) this This is my favourite cookie
247) some Please give them some of the apples I brought home
248) he He is my brother
249) could Could you help me with my project?
250) one She’s the one he’s been waiting for
251) their This is their house
252) our This is our home now
253) by Will you come by and see me?
254) if What if I fail?
255) only You are my only friend here
256) from This card came from my cousin
257) but I’m sorry but she’s away
258) man There’s a man outside looking for you
259) give Give her these pearls
260) for This letter is for you
261) thing One thing led to another
262) or Do you like blue or yellow?
263) his This is his box
264) day Today is National Friendship Day
265) look Please look this way
266) two Two cheeseburgers, please
267) well You know me so well
268) year This is the year I’m finally going to learn English
269) no There’s no electricity now
270) also She was also my best friend
271) more Can I have some more milkshakes
272) which Which of these slippers is yours?
273) that That’s a really cool trick
274) out Please throw the trash out
275) we We are going to watch a movie

In conclusion, building your vocabulary with some of the most daily used English words is a great start for your journey in learning this beautiful language.

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