3 Years Old Niece Birthday Messages, Wishes and Quotes

Being an uncle or an aunt is such a beautiful experience and you get to have the feeling of being responsible for a soul. Isn’t it sweet when a younger one finds trust in you and looks up to you as a soul who cares, loves and cherishes them? The feeling is mutual and I trust you have come to cherish the joy of having a niece to look out for and to celebrate on a special day like her 3rd birthday.

As your 3 year old niece may be expecting a gift or two from you on her birthday, add a birthday message, wish or a quote to make it more special. Leave her with memories of your words that can carry her from her 3rd birthday even until she grows old. Do you know that words can be powerful? Let’s get started with these 3-year-old niece birthday messages, wishes and quotes to compliment your niece on her special day and wish her well.

Make her trust you more. Make her feel special and leave her a prayer that will be a blessing to her now and in the future.

Niece, as you are turning 3, my prayer for you in this message is that you will grow up into a beautiful woman full of life and brightness. You will be filled with wisdom and excel every step of the way. Happy birthday, niece!

1. Welcome to 3, dear! You will flourish and excel in all your ways. Your life will speak of God’s goodness, grace and mercy. You are loved, dear. Have a wonderful birthday today.

2. God will give His angels charge over you and you will never suffer any hurt or harm. You are protected from every evil and you will grow up into an excellent lady.

3. You are a delight to me and the family. I pray that God will fill your heart with peace and fill your life with sweet things. You are lifted and blessed always. Happy 3rd birthday to you, niece.

4. Celebration time! Let’s dance to a new age filled with pleasant surprises for you and our family. I want you to know that I love you not only as a niece but as my daughter too. God’s blessings on you, dear.

5. Happy birthday to my super niece turning 3 today! You look amazing and I pray that beauty will always radiate in and around you. Remain blessed.

6. As you grow, may you grow on the right path and with the knowledge of the truth. Anything that opposes this, I pray it will be far from you. Your 3rd birthday is blessed and you are blessed too.

7. Sweet little girl, see how beautiful 3 looks on you. Today, you are blessed to be a blessing and above all, you will prosper in all your ways. Happy 3rd birthday, Niece.

8. I pray you will have faith to overcome every challenge that might come your way as you grow. You will be strong and courageous to overcome at all times.

9. I asked your parents to read this message to you and I hope you will get to read it some other times as you grow. I love you and I will be your best uncle. You have my blessings and I’ll always be there for your every request. Happy birthday, niece.

10. May you always have reasons to rejoice and be glad indeed. You are lifted above every curse. Keep being your best self. God bless your heart.

11. Lines fall to you in pleasant places, dear and you will be a goodly heritage, the joy of many generations. I love you now and always.

12. For signs and wonders you are and nothing will stop that in your life. God bless your heart as you grow older every day. Happy birthday to you, niece.

13. As you continue to grow, may you grow in good health, wisdom and understanding. You are always blessed. I cherish you, Niece.

14. I celebrate you powerfully today, sweet. My prayer for you is that your future goals will become real with ease and I pray for provision to make life easier for you.

15. It’s 3 years of being attached to a Niece that makes being a big aunty beautiful. I pray that you will live long and prosper. Your joy will be full. Happy birthday, dearest.

16. People will see God’s light in you at all times. Shine forth, dear. Don’t let anything block your light. I’ll always pray for your manifestation to greatness.

17. God will provide your daily bread and you will always enjoy plenty. Your 3rd year on earth is blessed and every day of your life is blessed and beautiful for you.

18. Among your mates, you will be admired and selected for greatness. You will never experience bad luck in your life. I love you, Niece!

19. Dear Niece, you will always be the head and never the tail. You will excel in everything you set your heart to do for good. Happy 3rd birthday, sweet.

20. As you clock 3 today, I pray that your parents will be glad to have you and you will always be a source of joy to our family and the world at large.

Happy birthday to my favourite niece. As a new day opens you to the 3rd chapter of your life, I wish you bliss, love and happiness as you grow. I’m glad I can celebrate your birthday with you. Have fun today.

21. May God bless your new age, sweet niece. You are made for greatness and you will get there. Have a great 3rd birthday party.

22. From a little girl, you have shown us what it means to be blessed. I ask that blessings will always come for you in all your ways. Have a pleasant 3rd birthday.

23. I pray that generations after you will look back on this day and they will be glad that you were born. I celebrate God’s grace in you from a tender age.

24. Welcome to 3, dear! I wish you many beautiful things that your sweet little heart desires. You will never regret being born.

25. You have been a wonderful blessing and I pray that blessings will never cease from your life and in your path as you grow. Celebrate, Niece!

26. Your success story will move the World and make many people become successful too. No matter what you go through, I pray that you will always come through gloriously. Happy birthday, Niece.

27. This time 3 years ago, a Champion was born and this Champion is you. I wish you a life filled with many wins.

28. I wish you God’s blessings in all you do. You will never wish your past to be your present, but every day will be beautiful for you. I celebrate your special day with you.

29. My amazing Niece, cheers to your 3rd year birthday and I wish you many amazing things in life. You are blessed and lifted.

30. I wish you a strong mind to live above every fear ahead of you. Grace will speak for you and you will be great in life. Happy 3rd birthday, Niece.

31. May you always find support when you need it and I pray that life will smile on you and give you ease on every path. Celebrate, Niece!

32. My Niece is wonderful and admirable. I know you will become great in life and I’m looking out for you. I wish you all the best in life.

33. The world will rejoice because a Queen was born today. You will be strong and do exploits. I wish you a sweet happy birthday, niece.

34. Welcome to your big 3! You will excel in all you lay your hands on to do and you will be a blessing to your generation.

35. You are here for greatness and nothing will steal your joy from you. I’ll keep praying for you every day and I’m looking out for the best girl with so much talent in the whole World. Go girl, you have all it takes!

36. Sweet little Angel, may your wishes come true and every high and low around you become levelled. I wish you a happy birthday, Niece.

37. I wish you a wonderful birthday. The birthday that you have asked mummy and daddy for, may it be just as you have desired and for what they can’t afford, please manage the much you have and trust that your next birthday will be better. I hope your little heart understands this.

38. Your new age is blessed and as you grow older, may you be kept safe and secure from every evil. No harm will come near you and you will be for signs and for wonders.

39. Happy birthday, niece. I wish you long life and peace of mind as you grow into the lady we hope and trust God for as a family. Have a wonderful birthday, today.

40. See how beautiful you have grown to be in 3years. I can’t wait to see you grow into a beautiful woman hitting her goals one after the other. Keep shining!

Yay! My niece is 3 years old today and I’ll write you messages filled with many quotes to celebrate you, pray for you and make a wish for you over and over again. God’s grace is sufficient for you. I’m wishing you a beautiful happy birthday!

41. Have a remarkable 3rd birthday, Niece. I rejoice with you and your parents for giving me a sweet niece like you. Have a sweet birthday.

42. For having a Niece like you, makes the world an amazing place to be. I’m wishing you a beautiful birthday filled with love and wonderful gifts.

43. I always feel you are troublesome, but I love your sweet troubles, dear. Please trouble me more this new year. Happy birthday to you.

44. Sweet Niece, you are 3 years old today and it gives me a sweet feeling to be the aunt of an amazing Niece. Take this as a sweet happy birthday message from your aunt to her niece. I hope you have fun.

45. Always remember that you are special and never let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you and I pray that God will help you on your path to greatness.

46. Happy birthday to my super amazing, Niece! You will find peace on all sides and grace as you grow older into a strong, beautiful woman.

47. Your 3rd birthday is a reminder that God is faithful and good to us. I wish you a beautiful future ahead. You are blessed, dear.

48. For as long as I live, I promise to be your favourite uncle. Don’t ask me how I’ll do it, but be sure you’ll always see me support you all the way. Happy 3rd birthday niece.

49. Sweet little Princess at 3! You have made me recognize the love a child brings to the home. Thank you for being special. I celebrate you today and always.

50. Sweet Niece, I admire you and how lovely you are. There’s so much joy in you and I pray that nothing will steal your joy away.

51. On your 3rd birthday niece, I want to remind you that I love you and I’ll give my all to be there for you as often as you need me. I might act busy, but you can always pull my leg.

52. You are destined for greatness and nothing will steal this from you. Keep winning each year. Mercy will speak for you always.

53. Soar, Niece! You have all it takes to grow into the strong woman of your dreams. Don’t let anything stop you and never let anyone pull you down.

54. Happy 3rd birthday, Niece. You are a royal diadem and we will ever rejoice with you every step of the way. I love you.

55. I really don’t see a reason why anyone should struggle before making it. So I pray that you will never experience any struggle in life. You will grow into an eternal excellency.

56. Your life will be beautiful and God will grant you perfection in everything you do as you grow. I celebrate the woman you will become. Have fun, dearest.

57. I pray that God will shower His blessings on you and you will never be stranded in life. You are precious to me and I love you so much.

58. I’ll leave you a happy birthday quote on your 3rd birthday today that you can look back on when you’re much older and remember that I always love you, niece.

59. Wishing you the very best in life. As you grow, you become a joy of many generations. Happy 3rd birthday to my niece.

60. Happy birthday to daddy little girl. I love how your father cherishes you and I’m praying that you will never give them a reason to regret giving birth to you.

I pray that every positive wish comes true for you, niece. I pray you will stand out among your mates and you will be celebrated as the best all the days of your life. I’m wishing you the best birthday.

61. Happy birthday, beautiful niece. You are blessed to understand things easily and I pray that your gifts and abilities will find quick and easy expression.

62. Sweet little girl, welcome to your 3rd birthday. You have made the family closer and I pray that God will open doors for you with ease as you grow.

63. Those eyes and that smile. You are really pretty and I wish you more beauty in your life. Have a pleasant birthday and enjoy your gifts.

64. From the little baby in the crib, you have become the 3-year-old girl who is a delight to everyone. Your heart is blessed and you are graced to be a blessing to the world.

65. Happy 3rd birthday, niece. My best wishes are with you and I pray that blessings will rest on you now and forever. You are blessed.

66. My joy knows no bounds as I am excited to be here for your 3rd birthday, niece. I pray goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

67. To the niece who couples as my friend. I love the joy in you and I celebrate every little process of your growth. Many years to celebrate, dear.

68. I’m sending you a big tight hug, dearest niece. May you daily enjoy God’s goodness in everything you lay your hands to do. I’m grateful for your new age and I pray blessings upon blessings.

69. See who is 3 today? My niece with the swag and spice. I really love your spirit and I see a greater than us, your family in you. God will help us support you to live out your dreams.

70. A beautiful birthday celebration for my niece and I’m wishing her a day filled with blessings and love. Happy 3rd birthday to my sweet niece.

71. Your eyes speak of light and peace. You are a wonder to the family. I bless the day you were born and I ask that heaven shines through you towards all.

72. Rejoice little one and smile beautifully as we celebrate your birthday with you. Your 3rd birthday is glorious for you.

73. The best birthday to the best niece in the whole world. I bless God for having you and I pray that you will always be a blessing to me and your parents.

74. Thank you for being a wonderful niece. Every day with you comes with laughter, fun and exciting moments. I cherish you and I wish you a wonderful birthday.

75. I really want to call you little niece, but I remember you are celebrating your 3rd birthday and you are now becoming the big girl of our family. I should accord some respect to our Queen lady. I celebrate you, dearest.

76. Oh the joys of being an aunt. I’ll always be here for you, dear and I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Happy birthday, niece.

77. The Lord will lead you and guide you in every area of your life. As you celebrate your 3rd birthday, it will make you overflow in grace.

78. My adorable little niece, see how your 3rd year looks on you. You have made being an uncle so much fun. I love you today and always. Best birthday to you, dear.

79. Happy birthday wishes to you, dear niece. Your days are blessed and you grow in the knowledge, wisdom and grace of God. I wish you the best.

80. Little Princess, I want you to know that your aunt loves you and cherish you with all my heart. Enjoy your 3rd birthday and smile as much as you can.

Blessings rest on you, sweet niece. I pray that you will experience comfort, love and light as you grow. We won’t mourn over you as you’re turning 3 today and we will never have reasons to weep over you in the future.

81. Happy birthday supper, amazing, niece! You have brought peace to the family and that peace will be here forever because of you.

82. You are protected against every evil and you will grow up as a great woman who will positively influence her world.

83. It’s your 3rd ladder, niece. I pray that you will grow old and nothing will steal your growth process. You won’t be disappointed in life.

84. I have a whole pack of gifts for your 3rd birthday, niece. But for now, let me celebrate you in words as I pray that blessings will fall on you and make your path beautiful.

85. Lines will fall to you in pleasant places, dearest. I celebrate the beautiful lady you are becoming. Enjoy the warmth of love and gifts that comes with this day. Happy 3rd birthday, niece.

86. Isn’t she beautiful? A Queen in our clan. I pray your future will be great and successful. You are starting out beautifully, nothing will stop the beauty.

87. You will always be the best version of yourself and among your mates, you will shine bright. I love you, niece.

88. Blessings to you, Niece. You have been a source of joy to your parents and the family as a whole. I pray that we won’t have any reason to mourn over you. Happy 3rd birthday, niece.

89. I pray that your little heart will be gracefully blessed and open to knowledge and wisdom. You are precious to me and I celebrate your uniqueness, niece.

90. A beautiful Princess is 3 years old today and that beautiful Princess is my lovely niece. You are blessed, sweetheart. Your new age is filled with pleasant surprises.

91. Do you know you are amazing? Niece dearest, I wish you nothing but the best and you will experience joy and love even beyond what we can offer you as your aunt. Birthday blessings sweetie.

92. Happy birthday, niece! I can’t wait to have you grow up and start coming over for the holidays at my house. Your cousins would be super excited to have you. Have fun, dearest.

93. To the one who makes the family smile, a wonderful 3rd birthday to you, niece. May God’s blessings rest on you and you will grow strong.

94. I’m wishing you a happy birthday from the depths of my heart. You will enjoy sound health and growing up will be easy for you and my sister. Happy birthday, niece.

95. You are blessed when you go out and come in and only God’s word for your life will be fulfilled. Anyone that would stand on your way to success, they are removed and you have great success.

96. I love my niece and I’m sending this message to her right now on her 3rd birthday. She is gradually becoming a woman and I pray she will be a woman of great worth. Happy birthday to the best niece ever!

97. God be with you, niece and cause you to grow in grace, wisdom and favour with all men. You are blessed and lifted.

98. Your 3rd birthday is here and you are growing into an intelligent sweet lady. I wish you long life in good health. You will celebrate more birthdays and you will be successful in life. Happy birthday, niece.

99. Our lovely Princess, I celebrate God’s grace in your life today. I am blessed to have you and to be your uncle. Birthday blessings for you, niece.

100. I bless God for blessing our family with you. It is wonderful to watch you grow into a beautiful girl filled with love for all. Your light will never go dark. Keep shining, dear one.

Imagine how your niece will feel when she receives some love from you on her birthday. She will know she has a family who cherishes her from a young age and each love quote in your words to her will leave a lasting memory on her heart.

I’ll really love you to share your joy and show me how impressed you are with these 3 years old niece birthday messages, wishes and quotes. Please, leave a comment below.

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