30 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs in 2022

– Stay at Home Mom Jobs –

If you’re looking for stay-at-home mom jobs, you’ll have no trouble finding the appropriate fit. You’re already performing a lot of duties as a mom.

If you’re seeking stay-at-home mom jobs, look no further. We’ve cobbled up a list of job postings that might be a good fit for you.

Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

While a mother’s work never ends, let’s face it: the pay isn’t spectacular.

According to a , the percentage of mothers who to raise their children has increased over the last decade, reaching 20% in 2012.

So you’re not alone if your main job involves more juice boxes than water coolers and Sesame Street than spreadsheets.

Best Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

Below are curated list of 30 stay-at-home mom jobs.

1. Freelance Writer

As a , you have the opportunity to make a lot of money. You’ll also have more control over your schedule because you’ll be able to work from anywhere.

When it comes to careers for stay-at-home parents, freelance writing gigs is highly popular. The best part about this choice is that it requires very little capital cost.

If you have access to the internet, you can get started right away.

2. Virtual Assistant


You could be a successful virtual assistant if you have basic computer skills. You’ll be able to set your own hours and determine your hourly pay as a .

However, you should be able to start earning around $15 per hour. You can work your way up to higher hourly pay as your experience grows.

3. Proofreader

If you have a keen sense of grammar, you could make an excellent proofreader. is a fantastic fit for stay-at-home moms because it is another profession that can be done on your own time.

You may expect to earn roughly $20 per hour as a proofreader. However, you will frequently have to bargain with clients over your fee.

is a great place to start if you want to give it a shot. If you want to work as a freelance proofreader, this is an excellent resource.


4. Sell Photos


Consider selling your y if you enjoy shooting images. You may make money by selling prints, holding photo sessions, or documenting events.

For a single event, photographers might potentially earn thousands of dollars. Many wedding photographers, for example, can charge thousands of dollars for a single evening.

As a photographer, you may make a good living if you have the necessary skills and invest in good equipment. However, you must determine whether or not this fits into your timetable.

5. Childcare

You have plenty of childcare experience as a mother. Why not offer your services as a childcare provider to others? You’d simply become a hired .

However, you might make it a requirement that all of the children be watched at your home with your children. Because you’re already watching kids, adding a few more could be beneficial to your day.

6. Start a Blog

It is not easy to create a successful blog. It can be tough, but it can also be extremely profitable. A blogger’s earning potential is virtually limitless.

However, you must be willing to put in long hours of effort before seeing the results of your efforts.

You could launch your own website right now! This is yet another popular option for stay-at-home mom jobs.

7. Online ESL Tutoring

Teaching English online could be a fantastic fit if you enjoy working with children. For its teachers, each corporation has its own set of guidelines.

Some employers, for example, will demand that you have a college diploma, while others will not.

To get started, look at companies like and . You can expect to make between $14 and $25 per hour in most cases. However, this range will vary depending on your previous experience.

8. Social Media Manager

In today’s world, almost every company has a social media account that must be kept up to date. This is where you can help.

Many business owners are eager to compensate you if you have the expertise to effectively manage a social media presence.

As a social media manager, you might earn anywhere from $10 to $30 per hour. Take some time to educate yourself with a variety of as you get started.

9. Data Entry

The process of entering data is fairly simple. However, many people are ready to pay someone else to complete this typically time-consuming chore.

Many chances exist for those who are detail-oriented and eager to work with data. However, you must be cautious to avoid the numerous scammers.

This can be a wonderful alternative if you want to make between $10 and $15 per hour. The Smart Crowd and are two excellent resources for getting started.

10. Resume Writer

People at different phases of their lives require assistance with their . Fresh grads and those seeking better jobs will seize the opportunity to polish their CV.

You can assist them in creating a resume that will stand out among the competition.

You might earn several hundred dollars for each resume you assist with, depending on the quality of your job. Begin by assisting family and friends in constructing a resume .

11. Graphic Designer

Graphic design may be a good fit for you if you have a creative streak and computer skills.

Many business owners would be eager to recruit you if you had the correct skillset. Additionally, you might sell your designs on or .

For your services, you could charge up to $75 per hour. However, before you can take advantage of such a high return, you’ll almost certainly need to create a portfolio.

12. Sell Crafts

Why not turn your passion for crafting into a business? You can benefit from your crafts by selling them on Etsy and other platforms. You’d be astonished at how much people will pay for a homemade item.

Although you may find that crafting comes naturally to you, this is not the case for everyone.

While doing what you enjoy, you can assist others in creating unique gifts and experiences. While there will be some initial fees, your earning potential is limitless.

13. Website designer

In today’s world, almost every company requires a website. However, not every business owner is ready to build their own. They can make a wonderful website with your help.

Consequently, you’ll need to learn more about a website’s backend structure before getting started. However, these might be
lucrative stay-at-home mom jobs.

14. Walk Others’ Pups

Walking your neighbors’ dogs is a great way to get some exercise and get the kids out of the house at the same time.

Walkers can connect with dogs in need of exercise using apps like or , but those who are less tech-savvy can simply print fliers and bring them to their local dog park.

Naturally, you should never take on more clients than you can properly supervise with your children.

15. Start a Baking Business

People who don’t like getting their hands dirty in flour will pay for the fruits of your labor.

Desserts are required for holidays, graduations, birthdays, and even weddings, especially if you have a gift for decorating. 

16. Sell Cast-Off Books

If your bookshelf (or the one in the kids’ playroom) could use some , instead of donating or discarding them, make a profit by selling them online.

Websites like can help you determine the market value of your dog-eared books and even help you sell them.

Textbooks and academic materials can be expensive, but smaller sums from the remainder can add up quickly.


17. Teach Music Lessons

Consider teaching in-home music lessons if your children are old enough to play quietly by themselves for a few hours each day.

You can try your teaching methods on your own children first, as one of the finest reasons to have children is to utilize them as test subjects every now and then.

18. Transcribe Notes or Calls

Those of you who aced typing in high school can put your speedy fingers to work as a transcriber.

You may log in and convert audio files to text whenever you have a few minutes to spare by joining up to work with services like or .

19. Take in Sewing

Your creative expression can be turned into a flexible business by sewing or altering clothing. As a seamstress, you can work from anywhere, including at home with the kids, and set your own hours.

And if you can put together expensive costumes such as wedding and formal attire, you may earn money by helping people create their most memorable moments.

20. Provide Tech Support

Calling all computer wizards: If you’re the go-to person for your friends and family when they need help with technology, turn it into a job.

You may debug technical issues, assist businesses with the installation and implementation of new software or hardware;

And even consult on technical issues from the comfort of your own home, even if you have a child on your lap.

21. Assist Executives from Home

You may plan appointments, book travel, and accommodations, help filter through emails, and perform other administrative work as a personal assistant without ever leaving your house.

Websites like Virtual Employee can assist you in connecting with executives and others that require assistance.

22. Put Your Fashion Sense to Work

Others who enjoy putting outfits together might convert their hobby into a business by providing styling services to those who require assistance with their appearance.

Use a website like Cabi to identify people that require your fashion sense, or start there and work your way up to producing your own fantastic looks.

23. Try Accounting

During tax season, math whizzes can offer their talents in accounting, bookkeeping, or even tax preparation.

Because acquiring and keeping one’s or a company’s books in order can often be done online or over the phone, it’s a perfect at-home job to accomplish during naps, early mornings, or late at night.

24. Plan Events

Do you know how to throw the best parties in town? Start your own event-planning business to put your abilities to use.

Begin with birthdays, bat mitzvahs, and graduations for children, then on to weddings and larger gatherings. This job is ideal for folks with good organizational skills, which we all know indicates moms.

25. Pinterest Manager

Are you a Pinterest superfan?

If you do, you can charge other bloggers and businesses for your Pinterest services. You can manage their Pinterest account and assist them in using Pinterest to promote their site.

26. Remote Customer Representative

You can expect to make $10 to $17 per hour as a remote customer care representative. You must be able to engage with consumers in a friendly manner in order to succeed in this position.

Not everyone that phones in will be polite, but you must be prepared to address their request without difficulty.

27. Bookkeeper

Bookkeepers assist business owners with day-to-day financial management.

You can be in charge of invoicing or keeping track of a company’s revenue. You’ll need to be very detail-oriented and prepared to deal with business numbers.

28. Transcription

Transcribing audio into text is a lucrative business. This is something I’ve tried before, but it’s not my favorite way to make money.

To write down nicely, you’ll need a keen sense for understanding occasionally jumbled language.For this task, make sure you have a lot of patience.

It may take a long time for you to create a clean transcript at first. However, with practice, you will improve.

29. Search Engine Evaluator

Have you ever been curious about how a search engine can find exactly what you’re looking for?

The use of search engine evaluators is one part of the solution. You can work as a search engine evaluator even if you have no prior experience.

The most difficult problem you’ll face is finding a job when you need it. Although you can earn roughly $12 per hour, you will have to put in some effort to locate work.

30. Try Dropshipping

Creating an online store may be a rewarding and enjoyable process. Although it is unquestionably time-consuming, it opens the door to virtually limitless earning opportunities.

When you choose to dropship for your online store, you’ll delegate the shipping logistics to a third-party vendor.

This approach comes with a severe learning curve. However, you’ll be able to create a reasonably hands-off source of income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions from mothers about stay at home mom jobs

What is expected from a stay-at-home mom?

This could include picking up and dropping off children at school, after-school activities, and weekend sports.
A stay-at-home mom can also help the family schedule and arrange medical and other appointments.
Housework. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, housekeeping, and grocery shopping are all considered stay-at-home activities.

What is a good part-time job for a stay-at-home mom?

1. Customer service representative
2. Data entry specialist
3. Recruiting coordinator
4. Proofreader
5. Writer / Blogger
6. Transcriptionist
7. Virtual assistance

How can stay-at-home moms and dads make money?

1. Become a storage host
2. virtual assistant.
3. Sell new and used items.
4. Tutoring.
5. Blogs and freelance writing.
6. Work as a photographer.
7. Direct sales positions.
8. E
diting and proofreading.

9. Real estate

What are some creative job ideas for stay-at-home moms?

1. Create your own clothing line.
2. Sell delicious homemade food.
3. Start a blog.
4. Become YouTube Guru.
5. Write children’s books.
6. Offer online training or tutoring.
7. Become a fashion consultant.

How to make money working at home as a single mother?

1. Freelance writing.
2. Blogging.
3. Virtual assistant.
4. Proofreading.
5. Online transcription jobs – get paid to type.
6. Graphic design.
7. Tutoring.
8. Teach online

Are there any remote jobs for a stay-at-home mum?

1. Tutor
2. Online teacher
3. English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher
4. Writer or blogger
5. Hulafrog editor
6. Accounting
7. Remote freelancer 

How do I become a social media manager from home?

1. Gather experience in social media marketing strategy.
2. Find clients.
3. Manage your time.
4. Manage your money.
5. Earn a degree or gain relevant work experience.
6. Build your own social media following and post strategic and thoughtful content.
7. Learn how to use social media and general marketing analytics.
8. Undergo training.

Should I quit my job and be a stay-at-home mom?

Quitting a job to stay at home mom
However, here are a few things to consider before leaving your job to be home with your children.
1. Have a vision of being a stay-at-home mom.
2. Leave work on a good note.
3. Update your budget to reflect your transition.
4. Find “Me-Time” every single day.
5. Find a side hustle.
6. Get ready for things to not go as planned.

What is a decent-paid job for stay-home moms?

1. Create your own clothing line.
2. Sell delicious homemade food.
3. Start a mom blog.
4. Become YouTube Guru.
5. Write children’s books.
6. Offer online training or tutoring.

Thank you for taking your time to go through this article on the topic stay at home mom jobs, I believe this information was really helpful.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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