30 Funny Memes That Will Make Every Introvert Laugh Out Loud

Introverts enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds. They prefer just being lost in their inner thoughts and ideas. We’ve compiled these introvert memes to help relieve stress of how introverts are.

1. Introverts need alone time

This is for individuals who strongly identify as social introverts. According to research, the reason introverts need alone time is because they respond differently than extroverts do to rewards.

Rewards include food, money, sex, and social status. Although introverts do care about eating, the income that they earn, and cultivating relationships with others, they are less driven and experience less enthusiasm for the possibilitie “You know you’re an introvert when you have inside jokes with yourself.”

2. Introverts never do things just to get a reaction. We do things to not get a reaction.

3. I always feel like a hostage negotiator whenever someone starts a particularly vapid small talk with me: “listen, you don’t have to do this.

4. Sometimes I just agree with people so they can stop talking.

5. Introverts are deep thinkers. This is for individuals who strongly identify as thinking introverts. Since introverts use less activity from dopamine, they rely more often on a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine, just like dopamine, is linked to pleasure.

The difference, however, lies in pleasure that is produced from turning inwards. This allows the individual to ponder and reflect deeply, and focus on one task with great attention for an extended period.

Acetylcholine also influences one to prefer calm, quiet settings over loud, crowded places.

6. I need three hours to get ready, and two of those are me talking myself into getting ready.

7. If you want to talk to me on the phone, I’ll need at least three days notice.

8. You know you’re an introvert when you have inside jokes with yourself.

9. Introverts never do things just to get a reaction. We do things to not get a reaction.

10. Introvert allergies: social obligations, phone calls after 6 pm, group of more than 3 people, talkative hairdresser and hosts that don’t let you leave early.

11. Introverts need solitude to recharge, but it is also within solitude that they find creativity.

Most artists and writers who identify as introverts do their best work when they’re by themselves as opposed to working in group settings.

Adolescents feel less self-conscious when they’re alone; therefore, it helps individuals feel safe taking more risks that allows their creative juices to flow.

12. Introverts do not tend to have tons of friends. Instead, they intensely value their close friends. If you have an introverted friend, you probably have an ally for life.

13. Recharging is important to introverted individuals. Rather than going out all of the time, they place a high value on quiet and restful time so that they can feel refreshed and prepared.

14. Those who are introverted do not necessarily want to be alone all the time. However, they do tend to be more comfortable with their own thoughts than others.

15. Introverts generally prefer to be valued for what they can bring to the table as an individual rather than how well they fit in with a group.

Because they prefer to think for themselves, they seldom are left to follow what is thought of as popular.

16. Introverts cannot be expected to “become” extroverts. They simply have a different temperament and manner of handling things. Sometimes the best solutions come from having a combination of the two personality types.

17. Introverts like their own space alot and can’t trade it for nothing.

18. Introverts likw the rain. Rain creates white noise that often attracts introverts, because of the opportunities it brings to seek solitude.

Its calming effect also helps introverts derive pleasure from it as they can turn inwards and escape within themselves for the time being. Rain helps lower expectations for the day and isn’t as overstimulating as other weather days with the overbearing sun.

19. Introverts hate parties and other social gatherings with too many people and .too much bickering drains their energy.

20. Introverts prefer quality over quantity. They have very few friends, whom they can trust. or no friends at all.don’t prefer superficial relationships, better to have no friends than have superficial friends.

21. Introverts loves nature, music, books, movies documentaries, pets, etc. If you want to talk to an introvert on the phone, you’ll need at least three days notice.

22. Sometimes you just need to lay on the couch and read for a couple of years.

23. You know you’re an introvert when you have inside jokes with yourself. Often times, introverts are rarely bored alone; I am often bored in groups and crowds.

They always regret the plans made when in a 5-minute extroverted mood.

24. Introverts are highly sensitive, and empathetic and avoids conflicts most of the time, hence can be misunderstood as weak and subservient.

25. As an introvert, most of the conversations they’ve ever had are imaginary. Introverts also have the best creativity knowledge. So they can be good artists, writers, musicians, etc.

26. Introverts are highly caring and altruistic not that interested in material comforts .wants to make the world a better place. But often misunderstood as arrogant or weird.

27. Solitude matters, and for some people, it’s the air they breathe. Introverts are most likely to be depressed easily but can bounce back stronger.

An introvert could be like, I saw people through the window today. That’s enough social interaction. I’m sorry I didn’t answer when you called my phone. I don’t use it for that.

28. Introverts hate small talk, they don’t initiate conversations don’t speak unless they want to prefers intellectual conversations. But once you get them talking. they can be hard to stop.

29. Most Introverts hate phone calls as they lead to unnecessary conversation. Hence prefers to text as they are good at writing.Introverts don’t like to draw attention to themselves.

30. Introverts do not “hate” people. They just don’t like being surrounded by too many of them. But they do try their best to reach out.

When doing so, they need to set boundaries and limitations, because that is what will make them feel more comfortable and protected.

Hope you found these introvert memes interesting. If yes, please do well to hit the like and share button!

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