3rd Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

I have discovered different ways to celebrate important people in my life, and one of those ways is by wishing them heartfelt wishes and prayers on their birthdays. Asides from material gifts, sweet words are considered more powerful and thoughtful than birthday presents to give anyone, their age notwithstanding.

It’s your baby boy’s birthday and he’s 3 months old. Have you considered sending him your wishes and prayers? You should try this out as a birthday gift, alongside other things you may want to gift him.

Here are 3rd month birthday wishes for baby boy written just for you. This will make you celebrate his day more beautifully. Enjoy!

My baby, you’re 3 months old already. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives. I love you so much, boy. Here are my prayers and wishes for you as you clock 3 months today.

1. My dear baby boy, happy third month birthday to you. The Lord who has kept you till this now will continue to keep and preserve your life. Amen.

2. God’s hand be mighty on you. You’re greatly loved, little boy. I pray that help always comes for you. You’re helped of God, my baby boy. Happy 3rd Month Birthday.

3. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday. You’ll continue to mature and flourish. Amen. Dear baby boy, I wish you well. Happy 3rd Month Birthday.

4. On this special day of yours, I send you my love. Happy 3rd Month Birthday, little boy. I wish you a great one.

5. I wish you a life filled with love and abundant blessings. May your days be filled with so much joy and laughter. My baby boy, happy 3rd month birthday.

6. I’m thankful to God for preserving you for us all. Today means so much to me. It’s all about being grateful and thankful for your existence. I pray that you’ll succeed. Amen. Happy 3rd month birthday to you.

7. Today, I wish you a beautiful celebration. To ensure I do not miss this special day, I marked it on my calendar. Waking up to the sound of an alarm, I couldn’t help but send this to you, my little boy. With great joy in my heart, I wish you a happy 3rd month birthday. I wish you well.

8. Know that you’re really loved and are special to me, dear baby boy. I pray that you’ll always lead in life. You’ll prosper and be great. Happy 3rd month birthday to you today.

9. Birthday Wishes to you, my dear baby boy. I pray that you’ll expwy joy all the days of your life. Amen. Happy 3rd Month Birthday to you.

10. The Lord who has kept you till this day will continue to keep and bless you. Today, I bless you. Dear Baby Boy, happy 3rd month birthday.

11. Baby boy, happy 3rd month birthday to you. Counting our blessings, you sure top the list. We’re thankful to God for giving you to us. May God continue to protect you. Amen

12. I pray you’ll expand and grow in grace. Amen. Happy 3rd month birthday to you baby boy. God bless you so much.

13. You’ll sure make it in life. I pray that you’ll never be limited. God is paving way for your success little one. Baby boy, 3rd month Birthday to you

14. This is me wishing you an awesome 3rd month birthday. Baby boy, I hope that you’ll prosper in all of your ways. Amen.

15. This is a special day, not just to me, but to the family as a whole. To us, you’re a huge blessing. One we remain thankful for. Happy 3rd month birthday.

16. Happy 3rd birthday to you baby boy. Today, I declare that your life will radiate so much light and perfect peace. Amen. God bless you.

17. Baby boy, I pray that you will find meaning in life and conquer your foes. Amen. With great delight, I wish you a happy 3rd month birthday today.

18. Yes, you shall prosper and find favour with men and God Himself. Amen. Happy 3rd month birthday, baby boy.

19. Birthday Wishes to you, baby boy. My prayer for you is this: You’ll excel and be singled out for greatness in life. Amen. Happy 3rd month birthday.

20. I just bless God for this very day. Now, I pray that you triumph and break forth on all sides. Amen. Dear baby boy, happy 3rd month birthday.

21. I’m sure everyone in the family is as glad as I presently am. I can’t hide what joy I’ve got about your day little boy. Happy 3rd month birthday today, baby boy. I wish you the best in life.

22. On this special day of yours, I pray you enjoy a hitch-free journey in life. May God uphold and bless you dear one. Baby boy, happy 3rd month birthday to you today.

23. My darling, happy 3 months birthday to you. I love you unrepentantly, and it gives me so much joy watching you grow by the day. I love you, boy.

24. You are one gift I will eternally be grateful for. I’m so lucky and blessed to have you in my life, my boy. As you clock 3 months today, I pray you to continue to grow in wisdom and grace. I love you.

25. Having you as my nephew is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into the family. I love you, my baby.

Darling, welcome to your month 3 on earth. I love you so much and pray that you continue to grow in God’s wisdom and grace, Happy 3 months, my baby boy.

26. You will be strong and healthy even as you grow older. Happy 3 months birthday, baby boy.

27. You brought a big smile to us when you were born. I pray that happiness will never cease in our family and in your life as well. Happy 3 months birthday, baby boy.

28. God’s purpose for your life will be fulfilled, my baby boy. Amen. Happy 3 months birthday.

29. You will experience the amazing grace of the Lord in your life ever. Happy 3 months birthday. I love you.

30. My little baby boy, the good Lord will guide and protect you with His angels of mercy and blessing. Happy third month birthday.

31. You are more than everything to me my baby boy. I love you, dear son. Happy third month birthday.

32. Grow bigger, stronger and higher my dear son. Your strength in the Lord is full. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

33. Your existence is significant and has made this family and the world so amazing. Happy three months birthday, my son.

34. You are so lovely and beautiful my baby boy. For so long, I have prayed for you to come and now you are finally here. Happy third month birthday, my son. I love you.

35. Your smile is beautiful, and your little eyes sparkle. I always want the little you by my side always and hold you in my arms. Happy 3 months old baby boy. God bless you.

36. I can’t express the peace and happiness I felt in my heart when I had you. You mean so much to me baby. You are now three months old, happy birthday son.

37. It has always been my dream to be a father someday and now, you have made this happen. You are my dream come true. Happy 3 months birthday. I cherish you.

38. You are turning three months old today, you will grow above and beyond expectations dear son. Happy birthday to you.

39. We are grateful to God for giving me the gift of you. You are the best gift we have received so far. Your life will be full of great fortunes.

40. Our baby boy has turned three months today. God in His infinite mercy will keep you and grant you a fulfilled life. Happy birthday, son!

41. Blessed are you among your peers. You will be blessed far and beyond my dear son. Happy third month birthday.

42. I pray that you will excel in every facet of your life. Happy third month birthday to you, my baby boy.

43. God has great plans for you, and I pray those plans will come into fulfilment in your life my dear son as you turn three months old today. Happy birthday.

44. The grace, mercy and the favour of God shall speak for you every day of your life. Happy 3 months old today, baby boy.

45. I love, cherish and care for you now and always. Happy birthday to you, my dearest baby boy.

46. I thank God for your life. May I have more reason to thank God for your life. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

47. I love every bit of each day as I watch you grow. Today, you are now 3 months, you will grow bigger by God’s grace. Happy birthday, dear son.

48. As you celebrate your third month on earth, your light will shine brighter and brighter. Happy birthday, my baby boy.

49. My dear son, you have just started with your journey on earth, you will make it and you will excel for the sky is not your limit. Happy third month birthday.

50. God will be there always for you, and His presence will never leave you. Happy third month birthday, my lovely son.

As you clock 3 months today, my boy, my prayers and wishes for you is that you become all that God has planned for you. Continue to shine and bring joy into our lives, my sweet baby boy. Happy birthday, darling.

51. You are lovely, good looking and so much endowed with God’s blessings and goodness. Be blessed, dear one. Happy three months old, baby boy.

52. Dear son, you are sure going places. The sky is your starting point. Happy third month birthday.

53. Today as you turn three months, in all your ways, you will never experience shame in your life. Happy birthday, baby boy.

54. It’s such a beautiful thing to have you as part of the family dear baby boy. Every part of your life will be so beautiful than you expect. Happy three months old.

55. Great is the Lord for the wondrous thing He has done in our family with the blessing of you. We will more give him thanks. Happy birthday, dear baby boy.

56. You will always please God my dear son. Happy birthday, boy.

57. God’s love is a great one. His steadfast love will never leave you. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

58. You will always experience angelic assistance in your life. Happy birthday, son.

59. Happy birthday to my favourite part. I birthed you and I am happy you came from me. Thank you and God bless you son.

60. Happy birthday to my baby boy. You will never lack but always have. Welcome to the world. Happy third-month birthday, son.

61. Dear little boy, I pray that the Lord lift you above your enemies always and forever. Happy third month birthday.

62. My precious little one, ever since I gave birth to you, every moment with you has been special. You are special and so also your birthday which we are celebrating today. Happy three months birthday, dear son.

63. Your cute little face gives me this special joy when I look at it. Your beauty will never fade out by God’s grace. Happy third-month birthday, dear baby boy.

64. I am proud of you son and proud to be your mother too. You will live longer on the earth which God has put you. Have a beautiful birthday, my three months old son.

65. Dear baby boy, your smile is outstanding, you are such a happy little boy. Keep smiling my dear baby boy, your happiness will always be full.

66. Today is the third month birthday of this lovely baby boy. You will have a happy birthday and it will be accompanied by gifts and loads of love. Happy birthday.

67. I pray on your birthday that God will grow you and make His face shine on you. Happy third-month birthday, dear baby boy.

68. You are loved, dear little son. Happy third month birthday to you. I bless you every day of your life.

69. In everything, there’s always a reason to thank the Lord. We thank Him for giving us you. It’s your third month birthday today. Happy birthday, son.

70. May the presence of God be felt strongly on your birthday and every day of your life. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

71. My dear son, you are blessed on your birthdays and always. You are richly blessed. Happy third month birthday to you, baby boy.

72. Happy third month birthday to you, son. You make me happy every single day. I love you, my baby, and will do everything to make you happy as long as I live.

73. I celebrate with you your third month. We will all live to witness more of it on earth. Happy third month birthday.

74. You are a diamond in my eyes, as precious as anything. May you favoured, loved and blessed in all your doings in life. Happy third month birthday, son.

75. Happy 3rd month birthday, my baby boy. I love you to the moon and back. You are so beautiful. Stay amazing and sound.

My darling son, I am and will always be grateful for the gift of you. Now and henceforth, your light shall shine for the whole world to see. I love you forever, my baby. Happy 3 months birthday, sweetheart.

76. We bless God for your life dear little one. As you celebrate your third month on earth, the Lord will make you grow higher and bigger. Happy birthday to you.

77. Our baby boy is three months old today. You will live a fruitful life and prosper in all that you do. Happy birthday, dear one.

78. It was just like yesterday, now you are three months old. You will become great in life as you expect. Happy third month birthday to you, baby boy.

79. Your birth has brought joy into our lives. You will not become a source of sadness to us and your life will be a happy one. Happy third-month-old, boy.

80. You will live a life full of testimonies, God’s blessings, peace and love. Happy third month birthday to you.

81. I’m glad to witness this day to celebrate our baby boy who is three months today, God will bless you and keep you. The enemies will not overpower you. Happy third month birthday.

82. The more you grow, the more you will receive God’s blessings, mercies and favours. I wish you a very happy birthday.

83. As you celebrate your third month birthday today, God will make his favour rest upon you and His face shine upon you always. Happy birthday, baby boy.

84. No more how much the evil ones try to harm you, God will save you from their traps. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

85. Dear baby boy, you shall know no sadness. Your joy shall always be full. Happy third month birthday.

86. Babies are generally beautiful, but you are specially amazing. I love you, my baby boy. Happy third month birthday.

87. You are like a bar of gold that glitters to us. You are more than awesome. Happy third month birthday to you, baby boy.

88. Children are blessings from God. You are a blessing to God and a blessing to us as well. God will bless you abundantly. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

89. For to us you were born, you will excel far and beyond. Happy birthday to you, baby boy.

90. Though some people regret ever being born, you will never regret you were born. Your life will be an amazing one and you will be happy always and forever. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

91. The desire of your heart will be given to you and your plans will keep succeeding all the way. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

92. You are surely a covenant of success in all your endeavours. Happy third birthday to you, baby boy.

93. Happy third month birthday to you baby boy. God will show his unfailing love to you and your generation yet to come.

94. No matter how hard it seems to people, you will outshine others and your glory will be made known. Happy birthday to you, baby boy.

95. We have always been happy since your birth. We will keep being happy at your victories and successes. Happy third month birthday, to our baby boy.

96. God’s blessings for you is everlasting, dear baby boy. Happy third month birthday to you.

97. Your journey in life is going to be a beautiful one. You will always find favour before God and men. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

98. You’re 3 months old today. May God increase you in all ramifications. Happy birthday!

99. I love you and will always love you. Thank you for being part of the family. Happy third-month birthday, baby boy.

100. I pray for you my dear baby boy, your life will be a blessing to you, a channel of blessing to others and your generation. Happy 3 months birthday.

I do hope going through this 3rd-month birthday wishes for baby boy was worth your while.

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