40 Affirmations to Attract Love, Romance and a Healthy Relationship

These positive affirmations for love will help you attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within.

Using the Law of Attraction to Attract Love

Believe it or not, both single people and those in relationships can use affirmations to attract love into their lives. If you’re single, affirmations can help you find your soul mate.

If you’re in a relationship, manifestation can help you add more love and passion to your relationship.

Keep in mind that manifestation is not a passive process. To successfully attract something or someone into your life, you must shift your reality in its direction through daily manifestation practice.

Affirmations are only one manifestation technique that uses the law of attraction to bring about change in your life, but they are an excellent place to begin.

What Are Affirmations?

You may be wondering what affirmations are and whether they work, which is completely understandable.

Simply put, positive affirmations are statements made to oneself that reinforce a positive aspect of one’s life. They are powerful tools that use positive statements to help you overcome negative thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of life.

Affirmations can be used to improve aspects of your life that you believe require improvement, such as self-confidence and self-esteem.

While some people dismiss affirmations as wishful thinking, research shows that positive self-talk and positive affirmations are much more than just making you feel good.

Using Affirmations to Manifest Love

Affirmations are straightforward: they are short, positive statements that bring you closer to the reality you desire.

The true magic lies in how you employ them. The most important thing is to use affirmations on a daily basis. It is entirely up to you how you use them, but here are a few suggestions:

• Affirmations should be written on sticky notes and placed in places where you will see them every day (bathroom mirror, desk, your phone wallpaper, etc.)

• When you see your affirmation, repeat it three times aloud (yes, out loud)

• This should be done several times per day.

It’s important to note that this may not feel completely natural and genuine at first, and that’s perfectly fine.

Saying out loud, “I am beautiful just the way I am,” for example, may be unsettling if you are lacking in self-esteem.

Still, say the affirmation.


Each time you do this, try your best to accept the truth in the affirmation.

Affirmations have the power to change your mindset and your reality, so choose wisely.

40 Affirmations to Attract Love, Romance and a Healthy Relationship

1. I am distinct, intriguing, and intelligent.

2. My partner is fortunate to have me.

3. I am fortunate to have my partner.

4. I feel incredibly loved.

5. My partner and I have a good time together.

6. I am in a loving, committed relationship.

7. I’m madly in love with you.

8. I’m motivated to be the best partner I can be.

9. My relationship gives me hope.

10. My relationship is worthwhile.

11. It is simple for me to adore my partner.

12. My top priority is love.

13. I am at ease because I know that love comes naturally to me.

14. Love freely flows in and out of my heart.

15. I am a patient person.

16. I am a trustworthy partner.

17. I am satisfied.

18. I make time for those I care about.

19. The love I seek seeks me as well.

20. The universe is directing my path to love.

21. I’ve let go of the past and am ready to find love.

22. I am worthy of love just as I am.

23. My love is priceless.

24. I’m going to have a fairytale romance.

25. I spread love, and it comes back to me.

26. I am open to all forms of love.

27. I am capable of having a happy relationship.

28. I have an infinite and unconditional love for my partner.

29. Every day, our love grows stronger.

30. I take care of my relationship.

31. I am meant to love for the rest of my life.

32. I believe that when the time is right, love will enter my life.

33. My heart is overflowing with love and eager to share it.

34. Dating is a pleasurable experience for me.

35. I am prepared for intimacy.

36. I am deserving of genuine love.

37. I know exactly what I want.

38. I express my requirements.

39. Because I respect myself, others will respect me.

40. I’m a fantastic catch.

Final Thoughts on Love Affirmations

Which of these love and romance affirmations stood out to you? And how will you put them to use in the future?

Before you leave this post, write down a few affirmations and commit to using them to attract love into your life.

Even better, say them aloud.

Remember that you are deserving of love right now. You’re doing your best, and that’s all that matters.

Love is rare and beautiful, and it takes time to attract it. However, the wait is well worth it.

I wish you the best of luck on your path to attracting love with these affirmations and beyond.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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