40 Prayers for My Husband at Work to Get Promoted and Stable

Praying is essential when your husband is at work. As you all know, he has many responsibilities and tasks in his daily routine. Below are 40 prayers for my husband at work to double his happiness you can say each day when your husband takes on his work.

We wives must keep our husbands in prayer. This is a wife’s most noble duty. Unfortunately, sometimes this task requires us to delve into uncharted territory, but the very essence of prayer allows us to transcend time and space, and so through prayer, it is possible to pray for your husband wherever he is, whenever you need to.

40 Prayers for My Husband at Work Today

It is our Christian duty to pray for our husbands, love them, and not just “say” we do. But how do I pray for my husband’s job? What are the different prayers I can say every day to help him with his work from home?

You need not worry anymore because today, we will deal with a prayer for every concern, whatever it may be—whether financial, employment, or anything else. These 40 prayers for my husband at work today have the instrumentality to meet his needs and yours.

How Do I Pray for My Husband’s Job?

Here are the first 10 prayers…

1. Lord, help my husband to be able to handle stress better. Help him not to take things so personally — especially when dealing with other people who have their own issues. Help him realize that he doesn’t have all the answers or even all the facts about other people’s situations. Give him wisdom as he interacts with others daily.

2. Lord, give my husband an extra dose of patience each day as he deals with customers, coworkers, or vendors from whom he may receive less than desirable behavior or attitudes toward him. Help him understand that everyone has problems and no one is perfect — even though it sometimes seems that way when dealing with others who don’t show respect for others in their workplace environment.

3. Lord please help my husband to know what is right and wrong when it comes to his work or outside of work. Help him make wise decisions on how he treats other people at work, no matter how much time he spends away from home, Lord, please help me to trust that everything will be okay if we follow your word and keep ourselves clean through prayer.

4. Jesus, please help my husband find a new job. Help him to be in a position where he can live out his dreams and serve You. Please help us not to lose faith during this time. In Your name, Amen.

5. I pray that God will open the doors for my husband’s next step in life. I pray that he will have a dream job that pays well, is fulfilling, and allows him to use his talents. I pray that God will bless him with opportunities to grow and mature at his new place of employment. I pray that God will protect him from people who are against him or try to bring him down. In Jesus’ name, Amen

6. I pray that he would have a job that will allow him to use his gifts and skills. I pray that he would be able to work with people who are kind and caring and supportive of one another. I pray that his boss will be someone who treats him fairly and appreciates his hard work.

I pray that he will have the opportunity to grow in all areas of his life while on the job. I pray that there will be no layoffs or downsizing of staff at his place of work because this could cause stress in our family if my husband were to lose his position at work unexpectedly.

7. God, I know that you have a plan for my husband’s job. I pray that you will guide him and give him wisdom as he makes decisions about his career. Help him to be patient with his boss and coworkers.

Give him the courage to speak up when he needs to and the wisdom to know when it is best to keep quiet. May he be a blessing in the workplace and may he find favor with his employer. Lord, I pray that you would give him favor in the eyes of his boss so that they can work together harmoniously in all that they do.

May he be able to accomplish his goals without having to worry about getting fired or having his responsibilities taken away from him because of problems with other people at work.

9. Lord Jesus, please help my husband find favor with those who have authority over him so that they will look favorably upon what he does at work each day. Please give them wisdom and guidance so that they can make wise decisions regarding my husband’s job performance and future advancement within the company or organization where he is employed.

Lord God, please help my husband to become an asset to the company through hard work and dedication while at the same time making himself available for new opportunities if they are presented by management.

10. I pray that you will always be a blessing to your coworkers and that they will see Christ in you. I pray that you will be faithful in doing the work that is given to you. I pray that God will protect you from all evil, and give you wisdom for every situation.

I pray that God will give you favor with all those who employ you, so that your life may be easier and less stressful. I pray for protection for our family, especially our children. I pray for protection from accidents, illness, or injury while at work. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

30 Ways to Pray for Your Husband’s Work

What are 30 ways to pray for your husband’s work? Prayer is the most important tool in marriage. God designed marriage to be a relational connection and fellowship between a husband and wife.

Prayer for my husband can be hard, even if you are a prayer warrior. If you need ideas to pray for your spouse, here are 40 prayers for my husband at work. I have broken them down into four categories.

Make Your Husband a Good Leader at Work

11. Heavenly Father, I ask that You make my husband a powerful leader at work. Lord, please make him a great leader. Please help him to be a good example of leadership to those around him. I ask that You would give him wisdom and discernment in all situations.

Father, I ask that You would give him favor with his superiors and coworkers so that they would respect and admire him for who he is as well as for his abilities. Enable my husband to use his gifts and talents for Your glory, Lord.

Give him the courage to speak up when needed and the wisdom to know when it is best to be quiet or listen so that others will be encouraged by what he says because of the way it is said rather than just because he said it.

Father, please grant my husband favor with other men so that they will respect him as a person rather than just look down on him because he is not like them in certain ways (such as age or race).

12. Dear Lord, I pray that my husband will be a great leader at work. I pray that he will be able to lead his team effectively and make a difference in their lives. Help him not to be afraid or intimidated by his boss.

Please give him the wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong. Give him the courage to stand up for what he believes in, even if it means going against his superiors.

Help him to gain the respect of other people around him at work through his hard work and not because of who he knows or how much money he makes.

Teach h
im how to delegate tasks so that his subordinates can grow as individuals and learn new things about themselves every day. Help them develop as leaders too so that they can take over from him when he retires someday. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

13. God, I pray that You would help my husband be a sincere leader at work. I pray that You would give him wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to lead others. I pray that You would give him the courage to take risks and make tough decisions.

I pray that You would give him favor with the people under his authority and that they would respect and honor him as a leader.

I pray that You would give him favor with the people above him so he can receive promotions and salary increases in accordance with his abilities, experience, and performance.

I pray that You would be an advocate for my husband with the ones who can offer opportunities for growth at work or new positions where he can excel even more than he already does today.

I pray that You would give my husband favor with the ones who can promote his career or give him a better job at another company if it’s time for us to move on from this place of employment.

I pray that You would protect my husband from gossipers, betrayers, liars, and those who are jealous of his success or promotion at work because they want what he has but don’t want to put in the hard work it takes to achieve these things for themselves. In Jesus’ Name, I Pray. Amen.

14. Dear Lord, You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You have called my husband to be a leader at work. Lead him as he leads his team. Help him to lead with confidence and strength. Give him wisdom as he makes decisions that will impact the lives of many people.

Keep him safe from the enemies who would try to destroy him at work. Protect him from any kind of harm or danger. Give him peace in the midst of all the stress that comes with being a leader at work.

Give him supernatural favor so that he can accomplish what God has called him to do. To make sure that everyone who works under his leadership knows how much he cares about them and is committed to helping them succeed in their job responsibilities.

Strengthen his resolve when things get hard or when someone tries to discourage him or make fun of his authority at work by reminding him that You are always with him and reminding him too.

15. Dear Lord, thank You for my husband’s job. I pray that you will give him wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as he leads his team. Give him a servant’s heart and compassion for each person on his team. Help him to be a powerful leader who is respected by all. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, thank You for giving my husband this opportunity to work at this company. I pray that You will bless and protect him as he works hard each day for Your glory and our good (Psalm 90:17). Amen.

Lord, please help my husband to lead with kindness and authority so that others will respect him as their leader (Ephesians 5:21). In Jesus’ name, amen.

Dear Lord, thank You for allowing my husband to lead others in this company. I pray that You would give him the strength to lead well (Romans 12:10). In Jesus’ name, amen.

16. Dear Lord, please make my husband a powerful leader at work. Help him to be the best he can be and give him the ability to lead his team with confidence, wisdom, and love. Teach him how to treat others with respect and honor. Give him the strength he needs to overcome any obstacles that stand in his way.

Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.”

Father God, I pray that my husband will have joy in his job today because he knows that what he is doing is important work that will bring glory to You. Help him see the big picture so that he doesn’t get bogged down by all of the little details that sometimes come along with leading a team of people. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

17. Lord, help my husband to be a respected leader at work. Give him wisdom and knowledge to lead the people he works with. Give him the ability to think clearly and make good decisions quickly. Give him self-control over his emotions so that he can remain calm in stressful situations at work.

Help him to be a person others look up to, respect, and admire because of his leadership qualities, not because of his position or rank in the company hierarchy. Give him the ability to listen well so that he hears what other people are saying and understands what they need from him as their leader at work.

Make it easy for people to give feedback about how they feel about their working conditions and how things could be improved so that he can use this information wisely when making decisions about changes at work or new projects that will impact those who are under his leadership at work or those who report directly to him as their manager or supervisor at work (or both).

Give my husband wisdom and discernment when it comes to choosing new employees for their staff – men or women, who will fit well into their team environment and culture at work; also give them good judgment about who should receive the employment.

18. God, help my husband to be a voice at work. Lord, give my husband wisdom and knowledge so that he can lead well. Lord, give my husband the courage to make decisions and the strength to execute them with excellence.

Please give my husband a good reputation at work because of his integrity and ability to fulfill his responsibilities well.

Help my husband to be a good steward of Your money as he earns it through hard work and diligence so that he can provide for our family financially with joy and generosity in his heart for those who are less fortunate than us.

19. Lord Jesus Christ, please give my husband the strength, courage, and determination to do what is right even when it is unpopular or not popular with those around him because he knows that You are always with him no matter what happens in life or at work.

Dear Lord, I pray that you will guide my husband in his career. I pray that he will be successful in all that he does and that he will be a powerful leader. I pray that all of his coworkers will love and respect him, as well as those who work for him and those that are under his leadership.

Please keep him safe from any danger and harm, Lord. Please give him wisdom, knowledge, confidence, and strength to lead others to do what is right in your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

20. Lord, thank you for giving my husband the ability to lead others. I pray that his leadership gifts are used to glorify you and bless others.

Help him to have vision, wisdom, and discernment in his work. Strengthen him with courage as he faces challenges and adversity. Give him discernment in making decisions that will affect others. Help him to see what is best for each person under his care, and then lead them in that direction.

I pray that my husband would be a godly example at work by walking in integrity, humility, and respect for others. Help him to be a man of character who can be trusted by everyone around him. Give him wisdom when it comes to dealing with difficult people at work so he can keep peace where there is conflict or discord among coworkers or subordinates.

Lord, give my husband a good reputation among those he works with. Protect him from gossip and slander that may come from someone who doesn’t like him or feels otherwise about his position of leadership at work.

When it seems like things are falling apart at work and there is no way out of t
he mess he finds himself in, Lord God I ask that You would show him how to turn things around so that his job will not be affected.

Make Your Husband a Great Decision Maker

21. Lord, I pray that my husband will make great decisions at work. I pray that he will be a good steward of his time and talents and that he will use them to glorify you.

I pray that he will be kind to people in all aspects of his life, especially those he works with. I pray that he will always put Your kingdom first, even when it seems like the most logical choice is to put himself first.

Help him to be a man of integrity who can be trusted by others, even when it comes to important matters. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

22. Dear Lord, I pray that You would make my husband a great decision maker at work. I pray that he would be able to make wise decisions and have the wisdom to know what is best for our family.

23. I pray that he will have the wisdom to know when to take a risk and when not to take one. I pray that he will always be able to discern what is right and what is wrong and that Your Holy Spirit would give him clear discernment of situations so that he can make good decisions.

24. Lord, I pray that You would help him discern between right and wrong in his workplace so he will never compromise his values or do something wrong just because everyone else is doing it. Lord, please help him discern between good and bad advice from friends or coworkers so he won’t follow them down a path that leads away from You.

25. Help him not just do what’s easy but instead do what’s right. Help him see what needs to be done for things to go smoothly for our family. Give him wisdom about how to handle situations at work so that we can succeed in life together.

26. Lord, thank you for my husband. He is a good man! Lord, make him a great decision maker at work. Please give him wisdom and knowledge to lead his team in the right direction. Help him to be a great leader and set an example for everyone he works with.

I pray that your Spirit will give him wisdom and understanding for his position and responsibilities. Lord, please guide him in the decisions he makes at work today.

27. Dear Father, I ask that he will be able to overcome his pride and desire for self-glory so that he can be a good leader for your kingdom.

Father, I pray that you will help my husband to deal with difficult people at work. Give him wisdom, patience, and kindness when he needs it most. Help him to see beyond appearances, and show him how to love those who are different from him.

28. Father, I pray that you will help my husband to spread your love through his words and actions at work. Allow him to be a positive influence on those around him. Make him an example of how we should treat other people no matter what their status or position in life is.

29. Father, I pray that you will help my husband to keep his focus on the needs of others instead of himself during stressful times at work. When the pressure is high and deadlines are pressing down on him, please give him strength so that he can keep his head above water and accomplish all that needs doing in time.

30. I pray that my husband will always make good decisions at work. He works with a lot of people who are not Christians and he needs to be able to trust his coworkers. He also needs wisdom in how he handles situations that arise in his job. I pray that he will always make the right decision for himself and others.

31.  I pray that God will give him wisdom when it comes to making important decisions for our family such as finances, where we live, or what type of car we drive. I pray that God will help him to be a good steward of all that God has given him including his work.

32. Lord, let him know that You are with him and that You will guide him in all things. Please help my husband to make good choices about what he does and how he spends his time at work. Lord, I pray that You would reveal to him any areas of his work that might be harmful to his health, family, or soul. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Pray for Him to Share the Gospel While at Work

33. I pray for my husband at work. I pray that he will share the gospel with his co-workers. I pray that he will be a good steward of the skills God has given him and use them to bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that he will not give in to temptation, but instead be an example of godliness and righteousness. I pray that he will be a good manager, and not just bossy or arrogant.

I pray that he will have grace in dealing with those who are difficult to work with (you know who they are).

I pray that he will have wisdom in handling difficult situations in the workplace, especially when tempers flare up because of deadlines or stress.

I pray that he will have compassion for employees who struggle with personal problems or other difficulties which affect their performance at work (including me).

34. I pray that my husband will be a good example to his co-workers. I pray that my husband will have the strength to resist temptation at work when he shares the good news through his character. I pray that my husband will have the patience to deal with difficult people at work.

35. Lord, please help my husband to be a witness for You at work. He is Your servant, and I pray that he would use the time he spends at his job wisely. May he use it to glorify You and help others find salvation in Christ.

36. I pray that my husband would be a good example to those around him through his actions and words. I pray that You would give my husband wisdom and knowledge in all things so that he can make good decisions for himself and our family.

37. Lord, please give my husband a clear conscience before You so that he will not have any regrets about the way he lived his life or treated others during his time at work.

38. 1. Lord, please help him to be a godly example at work. Please help him to be a light in his workplace, setting a good example for others. Please give him wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in this field of work so that he can do it well. Lord, protect him from accidents while driving to and from work each day.

Protect his reputation while he is at work today and every day. Give him favor with his employer so that they will see what a valuable employee he is and promote him accordingly.

Pray for His Work to Be a Blessing to Him and Others

39. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my husband at work today. I pray that his work will be a blessing to him and others. I pray that he will be encouraged by those who work with him and that he will encourage them as well. I pray that he will be able to extend grace to those who are struggling, and wisdom to those who are confused.

40. Please open up opportunities for him today, Lord. Allow him to see how You work in the lives of people around him. Give him patience, and help him stay calm if something goes wrong at work today. Please give him strength and endurance as he faces challenges at work this week.

I pray that my husband’s coworkers would see Jesus’ love shining through him each day as he works hard at his job. Help them see how much You love them too so they can know You better through his life example. Help me to encourage my husband each day in these ways so we can both glorify You more.

I pray that my husband will work hard and do his best at work. I pray that he will be a blessing to his coworkers and all those who he comes in contact with as he goes about his daily duties. I pray that he will be able to use his gifts and talents for the glory of God and the good of others. I pray that Your Spirit would guide him in every decision he makes, including those regarding our finances.

Dear Heavenly

Thank you for the man that stands before me. Thank you for the blessing of a husband, a father, and a provider.

We come to you today, Lord, to seek your face and ask that you would guide my husband in all areas of his life. Please bless him with wisdom to make good decisions at work and allow him to be an example of Christ at work.

Please help my husband to be honest and trustworthy in all that he does. We pray for his business dealings to prosper, but more importantly, we pray that all who have dealings with him will be blessed by his integrity and honesty.

Please give him favor with those who are in authority over him so that he may be able to do the job well in their eyes as well as ours. Help us both realize our own worthlessness apart from You, Lord Jesus Christ, and help us see our true value in You alone. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


These 40 Prayers for my husband at work are a great reminder that we aren’t just working for the boss or making money, but that we have an even more important task on Earth: to raise a generation after the likeness of Christ our Lord. This is what these prayers are meant to do through your husband to others.

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