41+ Life Sucks Quotes (and How to Make a Change)

Life can be miserable at times, but those moments pass, and we’d like to believe that life is more like a roller coaster than a dark hole.

Do you have a bad attitude toward life and desire to dwell in your own misery? You’ll love these “life sucks quotes!

Reasons to Read Life Sucks Quotes

There will be times when you feel isolated and stuck in a world where nobody can relate to you. It can be quite challenging to open yourself to others when you feel like you have no one to support you.

Because of this, quotes are more significant than you might realize. Encouragement might be helpful when you are unable to obtain the comfort you require from the people or things around you.

Reading quotes from people who have experienced similar experiences to you might be reassuring.

Check out this compilation of life sucks quotes!

1. “Life sucks, get a helmet.” – Denis Leary

2. “Life is a gamble better check the point spread and when life sucks, I just enjoy the head.” – Lil Wayne

3. “In life when horrible things happen, sometimes we have to laugh.” – Laverne Cox

4. “Things happen in life and you can’t control them. It sucks and you have to move on.” – Abbi Glines

5. “Maybe it is not the life that sucks.” “Perhaps it is just the people you let in your life that suck.” – Unknown

6. “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk

7. “Mastery is not measured by the number of terrible things you eliminate from your life, but by the number of times you eliminate calling them terrible.” – Neale Donald Walsch

8. “We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life.” – William Osler

9. “The truth is that life is delicious, horrible, charming, frightful, sweet, bitter, and that is everything.” – Anatole France

10. “Life is going to get hard sometimes, so get the fuck up and get your shit together. You’re either an ocean or a puddle. Don’t be a puddle. People walk through puddles like they’re nothing. Oceans fucking destroy cities.” – Unknown

11. “Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks.” – Alexa Chung

12. “Life is a shit sandwich. But if you’ve got enough bread, you don’t taste the shit.” – Jonathan Winters

13. “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.” – Charles Bukowski

14. “God knows life sucks. It’s right there in the Bible. The book of Job is all about Job asking God to take away pain and misery. And God says, “I can’t take away pain and misery because then no one would talk to me.” – Bill Maher

15. “As much as life can suck, it always beats the alternative.” – John Green

16. “Yeah, sometimes life really sucks,” she says. “But you know what I’m holding on for?” I raise my eyebrows. She raises hers, too, mimicking me. “The moments that don’t suck,” she says. “The trick is to notice them when they come around.” – Veronica Roth

17. “Bad things happen to good people all the time. It sucks. It’s not fair but then much of life isn’t fair. It’s how you live that matters. It’s how you deal with the bumps in the road.” – Maya Banks

18. “Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.” – Stephen Vincent Benet

19. “Whenever life sucks remember you’re going to die someday.” – Oscar Wilde

20. “Life isn’t a book. There’s no guarantee of a happy ending.” – PC Cast

21. “Life sucks, but you have the option to sit there and cry about it or you can simply move on and become stronger.” – Leah Iacono

22. “Getting control of life is never easy, and sometimes it can be definitely painful.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

23. “I believe pain is nature’s way of saying, you’re still alive, and life sucks.” – Bill Engvall

24. “Sometimes life gives us lessons sent in ridiculous packaging.” – Dar Williams

25. “Life is amazing. Even when it sucks, it is amazing, and we should be grateful for every moment.” – Hal Elrod

26. “Some people leave, yeah, and it sucks. But some people don’t leave, and they never will. And sometimes people are there, but you just can’t see them. But they’re still there.” – Robin Benway

27. “When life sucks and hands you lemons, I say beat the crap out of it and demand some Florida oranges as well.” – Unknown

28. “Sometimes life turns out hard, Isabel. Sometimes it just bites right through you. And sometimes, just when you think it’s done its worst, it comes back and takes another chunk.” – L. Stedman

29. “Sometimes life just sucks, and all we can do is go to our happy place where we plot our revenge.” – Antsy McClain

30. “People are always complaining about how life sucks, well life’s a bitch, deal with it!” – Unknown

31. “Life sucks, then you die, so roll a blunt and let’s get high, if at first, you don’t succeed, try again with better weed.” – Mass murder

32. “If the world didn’t suck, we’d fall off.” – Unknown

33. “Let’s play a game of whose life sucks worse. I’ll win, I always win.” – Meredith Grey

34. “Life sucks, but eventually you will find hope, the inspiration and it would all be a lot better.”

35. “If you think your life sucks, it probably does. Do something about it.” – Chris Crutcher

36. “Life is little more than a loan shark: It exacts a very high rate of interest for the few pleasures it concedes.” – Luigi Pirandello

37. “Bad stuff happens.” Sometimes it makes no sense at all. Sometimes it’s unfair. Sometimes, it just plain sucks. Bad stuff happens sometimes. Always remember that, but also remember that you have to move on somehow. “You just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky, or the ocean, and you move the hell on.” – James Patterson

38. “Whenever life sucks, remember you’re going to die someday. So, any day above ground is a good day.” – Unknown

39. “When life sucks, read. They can’t yell at you for that. And if they do, then you can ignore them.” – LauriHalse Anderson

40. “Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way.” – Axl Rose

41. “What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez

42. “It sucks, doesn’t it? Feeling like you’re not good enough.”

43. “Life is like a vampire, it sucks the blood out of you.” – A.J

44. “People will come and people will go. But life sucks forever!

45. “Just because your life sucks, doesn’t mean you have to make other people’s lives suck.”

46. “Whenever life sucks, remember you’re going to die someday.” – Oscar Wilde

47. “I believe pain is nature’s way of saying, you’re still alive, and life sucks.” – Bill Engvall

48. “Things happen in life and you can’t control them. It sucks and you have to move on.” – Abbi Glines

49. “Life sucks when you barely ever get to see your best friend.”

50. “When life sucks, throw yourself into art.” – Monica Drake

51. “Mondays are fine. It’s your life that sucks.” – Ricky Gervais

52. “Life is a movie we both said cut but most times darling the sequel sucks!”

53. “Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks.” – Alexa Chung

54. “Truth be told, life sucks and there just isn’t any other way to actually describe the feeling.”

55. “If you think your life sucks, it probably does. Do something about it.” – Chris Crutcher

56. “Life is a gamble better check the point spread and when life sucks, I just enjoy the head.” – Lil Wayne

57. “Whenever life sucks, remember you’re going to die someday. So, any day above ground is a good day.”   

58. “Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.” – Stephen Vincent Benet

59. “Life sucks, then you die.” Then it sucks again. – Tonya Hurley

60. “Life isn’t a book.” “There’s no guarantee of a happy ending.” – P C Cast

61. “My life sucks when I’m only half aware of it.” “If I quit drinking and saw what it’s really like, I’d probably jump off a bridge.” – Becca Fitzpatrick

62. “Life is amazing. Even when it sucks, it is amazing, and we should be grateful for every moment.” – Hal Elrod

63. “Life is like an onion: you peel off layer after layer and then you find there is nothing in it.” – James Huneker

64. “Bad things happen to good people all the time. It sucks. It’s not fair but then much of life isn’t fair. It’s how you live that matters. It’s how you deal with the bumps in the road.” – Maya Banks

65. “Life sucks, but you have the option to sit there and cry about it or you can simply move on and become stronger.” – Leah Iacono

Final Thoughts

We all know that life is not a bed of roses, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Your life is probably a mess right now, but there is always hope for tomorrow.

With these “life sucks quotes,” we hope to have inspired you. Find a handful that you can relate to if you feel like you have reached your lowest point, and read them. They might even assist you in changing your situation!

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