50 Highly Effective Instant Miracle Prayers for Breakthroughs (2022)

Do you find yourself or your loved ones in a critical situation where all hope seems to be lost? Where you have exerted all of your energy and nothing seems to get better? It looks like the whole world is crumbling on you and you can no longer help yourself.

Well, the best thing in this kind of situation is not to fret or lose hope, all you need is instant miracle prayers to avert the situation and bring things back to normal.

Praying instant miracle prayers will help invite a higher power into the situation and do the extraordinary, even when all hope is lost. All you need is a sincere and believing heart. This list of highly effective instant miracle prayers will guide you to your immediate miracle and total victory. Now, let’s take a look.

Powerful Instant Miracle Prayers

When challenges come your way, and overcoming them seems impossible, you must learn how to provoke your miracle to happen, and get you out of any situation in no time. Hence, you need powerful instant miracle prayers for the impossible situation to change for good.

1. Dear father, here I am before your throne of mercy, I am weak and have no power of my own. You have the power over everything, including my life. Lord, today I pray that you perform a miracle that will turn the situation of my life around that I may have testimonies.

2. Our Father in heaven we thank you because nothing is impossible for you. Please fill me with faith to be able to receive a miracle from you and help me to see your power amid my challenges. Amen.

3. Our dear God, your strength is unending and your power is unlimited. Just as you have said in your word, that if I have faith as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains. Father, please surprise me with your miraculous power, even as I face these mountains before me. Thank you because you can do far above I can ask or even imagine.

4. Dear Lord, you are my strength and my hope. Thank you for the wonders of your name. I offer my prayer with the assurance that there is no other power in heaven and on earth greater than your name. Please let me find eternal comfort and hope in you. Please order my step in your grace. Amen.

5. Father of all flesh, I know your plans for me are for my good and for Your glory, you are a miracle-working God. Perform your miracle in my life and rescue me from my distress. Increase my faith and let your glory be visible in my life. Amen.

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6. Dear powerful God. By your power, you perform miracles, you turned water into wine, you made the lame to walk, you made the blinds to see, you made the sick well and raised the dead. Please let me experience your powerful touch in my life. Let me find strength and peace in you as a follow you.

7. Dear Jesus, you are the resurrection and the life and you have power over death. Thank you because your resurrection power is at work in me. Let me experience victory in your name and enjoy your miracles in my life.

8. Our ever-present help in times of trouble, thank you for being our rock and redeemer. Help me to hold on to you in times of my troubles. Let your faith put away every fear in me. Let me feel your power around me and keep me assured in you. To you, the immortal, invisible, and the most powerful God be all the glory.

9. Dear father, thank you for the promise, that when we ask it shall be given, when we seek, we shall find, and when we knock the door shall be opened for us. Please answer my prayer for a great miracle and grant my request. Help me to trust in you alone and rest in your peace as it guides my heart.

10. My father in Heaven, I appreciate you because you defend and care for me. Thank you for the victories I enjoy in you. Please let your protection be upon me and keep me safe from every evil. Make my life a miracle and let it bring glory to your name.

11. Almighty God, thank you for protecting me and providing for me. Thank you because, by your love, all things will work together for my good. Please transform my life and make it a miracle. Please show me the way when everything seems dark. Give me the wisdom to sail through and let your light shine upon me.

12. Our dear Father we bless your name, for you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Today we ask for your miracles upon our lives for we put all our hope in you. Thank you for your grace in our lives. We walk in victory by your power at work in us.

13. Dear Lord, we desperately need a miracle right now. Please show us our strength and exert your mighty resurrection power. Please meet our needs and let us experience total victory.

14. Almighty Father, you have everything under your feet, and you are above all things. Thank you for your miracle that we will experience even in this hopeless circumstance. We take our position to be seated with you in the heavenly places and declare peace over this raging storm by the authority we have in you. We declare all these hopeless situations under our feet by your power. Amen.

15. Everlasting God, thank you for our victory that is assured on this issue. We know that your power is available for use by your Spirit at work in us. Dear Lord, we ask that you intervene in this battle and let us experience your miracle as you give us victory. Thank you because you are fighting this battle for us. Amen.

16. Oh Lord, our refuge in time of need, we admit that we have no power of our own to scale this mountain before us. Now, dear father, we look unto you and trust in your strength. By your mighty hand, take hold of us and help us through. We appreciate you, our dear Lord for your miracle. Amen.

17. Dear Lord, help me to be conscious of the greatness of your power anytime I’m weak. You are strong and mighty, and in your power, we shall receive miracles. Dear Lord, unto you we look up to, and in you, we put our hope. Please show us your mercy. Amen.

18. Sweet Father, thank you for you always defend us. Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy upon us. Thank you for the great privilege we have to come to your presence. We pray that by your mercy, you rescue us by a miracle. We glorify your name because you can do exceeding abundantly far above what we could ever ask or imagine. Amen.

19. Our help in times of helplessness We are assured that you will bring to fulfillment whatever we ask. Our dear Lord, please save us out of this peril we are in. We know, by your limitless grace, you can grant us a miracle we can not imagine. Thank you because, with you, all things are possible.

20. Father, your word says whatsoever we ask in prayer, we shall receive if we believe. And so dear Lord, help us to believe. Help us to hold on to you and put our faith in you so that we can have this miracle that we need. Amen.

Miracle Prayers That Work Immediately

When you are overwhelmed with troubles and challenges around your life, and you are on the verge of giving up, the best way to solve it is to cast it on God through prayers and
trust Him for a miracle.

The next few lines feature some instant miracle prayers you can say to bring about mighty miracles in your life. Here are miracle prayers that work immediately below.

21. Eternal rock of ages, you have said in your word that I should not worry about the food I will eat or what I will drink and the clothes I will wear. This assures me that my finances are settled. Though an unbeliever chases after these things, my Heavenly Father knows that I need them. Please let me receive a financial miracle right now and let me experience financial overflow.

22. Mighty God, I need your help right now, because I am helpless in this financial situation. Please let me experience abundance in my inadequacy. Give me insights and wisdom to get out of this debt and financial stress. Thank you because you are my provider. To you alone be the Glory.

23. Dear father, as I present my case before you, I pray that you give me a financial miracle right now because you have said in your word that I should not be anxious about anything, but In every situation, with thanksgiving by prayer and petition, I should present my request to you. I choose not to be anxious and depressed in this situation as I patiently wait for your miracle. Please hear my prayer and grant my request. Amen.

24. Dear God, I pray that you take me out of debt by your power. I declare financial freedom over my life and receive the grace and power to give out of love. I declare a financial miracle over my life and freedom from every form of oppression. Help me to be free indeed, that love will be my priority and not money, just as you have commanded. Amen.

25. My God, my helper, my financial situation needs your miracle. Please visit my life and answer my prayer by your grace and mercy. The situation scares me and I am afraid of tomorrow without a miracle. Please let me experience your miracle and show me the way to victory. Have mercy on me and guide me by your Spirit. Amen.

26. Father, I believe in you. I know the earthly father doesn’t give his son a stone if he asks him for bread, neither does he give him a snake if he asks for fish. If then men know how to give good things to their children. I believe you, my heavenly Father will give much better gifts whenever I ask. Lord I ask for a financial breakthrough right now and I believe that I receive it. Thank you because you are faithful to your word.

27. Dear Lord, this situation seems unbearable for me, I wish I could run away from it, but I know I must keep pushing. Lord I know I will be victorious over this financial oppression because I trust in your power. Please lift me from debt and set my feet on the path of financial freedom. Thank you my eternal and sovereign God because I am more than a conqueror.

28. Sovereign God, you promise to meet all my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Lord, I pray that you take charge of my finances. You know what I need and I believe in you that you can provide them with your miraculous power. Thank you, Father, I believe my miracle is here.

29. My miracle worker, I praise you because I don’t need to fear, though I feel oppressed by this situation. I get tensed because of these bills before me. Dear Lord, I know you will not allow me to sink. Thank you for the miracles of the financial breakthrough that is coming m way. Amen.

30. Faithful God, thank you for you are a miracle-working God. I know I will receive my financial miracle today. I know you going to abundantly bless me, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will prosper in every good work.

31. My savior and my God, you know my troubles and my silent cries. I come before you now with the assurance that you will speak peace on my financial storms. Please stretch your arms to save me, and be my strength in my weakness. Thank you, merciful Father, because I know I will receive your miracle.

32. Gracious God, look upon me by your mercy and save me from this financial adversity. By your mercy, let me experience your miracle. Thank you because you have made a way out of this wilderness. Help me to be wise and follow the right path out of these troubles. amen.

33. My compassionate God, I admit I made a mistake, I confess the carelessness that got me into this financial stress. I promise to be more careful with my spending in the future. Right now, I need your miracle to break out of this bondage. I put my hope in you for you are merciful and compassionate. Thank you because nothing is impossible with you.

34. Dear Father, I know I’m blessed, because I trust in you and make you my hope and confidence, just as your word says. I put all of my hope in you, including my finances. Make me like a tree planted by the rivers, which roots reach deep into the waters. I will not experience any lack of financial pressure, because you are my source. Thank you because my financial miracle has come.

35. My God, you are my shepherd and I shall not want. Though my finances seem down at the moment, I know that I will lack nothing. I have all I need to thrive. I know you will take care of me, no matter the situation. I believe in you and I await your miracle.

36. Maker of all, my mighty deliverer, please deliver me, by Your mercy, out of this financial crisis. Empower me to lend to nations and not borrow. Thank you because you are on this journey with me. I am secured in you.

37. Almighty God, please come to my aid, and save me from this pit of financial distress. Let me experience your miracle for I am helpless and weak. Make my life fruitful, that I may be a blessing to those around me. Amen

38. Father I do not fear, because I know you are with me, I will not be dismayed, because you are my God. I know I will find help and strength in you. Please uphold me with your righteous hand and let me see a miraculous financial breakthrough. With you, all things are possible.

39. Dear Lord, I thank you for you have not given me the spirit of timidity, but love power and a sound mind. I have the boldness to take the step of faith into my financial freedom. I have the power to resist the devil over any form of attack and financial oppression. Thank you, Father, because I will experience financial miracles.

40. Holy God, it is you I look up to for my help. I will not look up to any man for help, because only you cannot fail. You control all things and you supply all needs. I turn to you to receive my financial miracle and I appreciate you because I will have financial prosperity.

Prayers for a Miracle Right Now

Say you have been praying, and it seems your answer is delayed, you are likely to be wearied and want to lose hope. However, engaging yourself in some instant miracle prayers will be of great help to hasten the manifestation of your miracles. This list of prayers for a miracle right now covers all aspects of life where you might need a miracle. Let’s read on.

41. Lord of hosts, my Heavenly Father, I know you are near me, even in the valleys of the shadows of death. Please take this sickness away from my body. Heal me totally and let me walk on my feet again. Please, touch me with your miracle hand. Amen.

42. Dear Father, may your will be done in my life. Please give me a miracle baby. Please give me the grace to conceive another healthy baby. Bless the fruit of my womb by your mercy. Amen.

43. My powerful God, I’ve seen and heard of your miraculous healings. By your power, Lord, you
healed the sick, open the blind’s eyes, cured the lepers, and stop the issue of blood. Father, please heal me completely by your miraculous power. Let my spirit, soul, and body experience your healing touch. Amen

44. You have said in your word, that everything is possible for him who believes. I pray and I believe today that you will touch the heart of my man to propose marriage to me soon. Dear Lord, I believe in you, because I know you are a miracle-working God. I receive my miracle with thanksgiving. Amen.

45. Father Lord, we are helpless and need your intervention, please show yourself in the life of my mum, and heal her of her disease, let your mighty power fall on her, and let us experience your miracle. Thank you because you are a merciful God and we believe you will show us a miracle.

46. Lord I need a miracle right now, to pass my board exam. Please let me be favored and pass excellently, to make you proud and make my parents happy. Thank you, Lord, because I believe it’s already done. Amen.

47. Dear Lord, I know you love me. Now I pray Lord, please give me a man to also love me. Lord, I need a better half in my life, someone who will stay with me, and support me through thick and thin. Please bring him into my life by your miracle, and let my joy be full. Amen.

48. Dear Lord, you are my shield and buckler. I will keep trusting you even when things seems unfortunate. My heavenly Father, I just lost my home and I am stranded and all hope is lost. Miracle working God, please give me a place to rest my head and provide for me my daily bread. Thank you dear Lord for you will perform this miracle in my life right now.

49. Mighty King, You are the Lord that restores hope to the hopeless, and strength to the weak. This is the moment I need you the most, because I just lost my job, my only source of income. Today I look up to you for strength and trust you for a new and better job. Please give me the grace to hold on to you and perform your miracle in my life today.

50. My good lord, right now, everything seems to be crumbling and shattering in my life, but you, my God remain forever. Today, I lift my voice to you to save me and lift me. Lord, you have never failed me and I’ve been assured of your love. Please do your miracle again in my life and let me not be ashamed. Amen.

Awesome instant miracle prayers, right? You can leave a comment below to ascertain that. Don’t forget to share with family and friends on your social media. Blessings!

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