50 Most Asked Risk Management Interview Questions 2022

Risk Management Interview Questions –

The Risk Manager communicates risk policies and processes for an organisation. As a Risk Manager, you must have excellent quantitative and analytical skills, along with the ability to apply those skills across a variety of business processes.

When applying for this position, they will interview you about your analytical skills, finance and also accounting knowledge, attention to detail, and knowledge of enterprise accounting software.

The position will need you to point out and avoid potential exposure to financial loss to your establishment and help your organisation correct harmful business practices, so you can expect to be vetted thoroughly by your employer during the interview process.

To assist you at the interview phase, we’ve compiled a list of Risk Management job interview questions. Some are technical and will only come up if you’re going for a similar relevant position. Read them and get the desired job instantly

Risk Management Responsibilities/Requirements

The duties and requirements under a Risk Management job description include the following:


1. Implementing health and safety measures, and purchasing insurance.

2. Conducting policy and compliance audits, which will include liaising with internal and external auditors.

3. Maintaining records of insurance policies and claims.

4. Reviewing any new major contracts or internal business proposals.

5. Building risk awareness amongst staff by providing support and training within the company.


1. Strong computer and research skills; knowledge of analysis software is preferred (e.g. Statistical Analysis Software, or SAS).

2. Analytical mind with problem-solving aptitude.

3. Excellent communication and presentation skills.

4. BSc/BA in Law, Business, Finance or a related field.

5. Professional Risk Manager (PRM) certification is a plus.

50 Risk Management Interview Questions

Attempt answering these questions below:

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What do you know about financial risk management? Tell me about the risk you know?

3. If you were the Governor of the Central Bank, what would you have done differently to secure foreign investments into the country?

4. Why financial risk management? Why did you switch from Deal Advisory?

5. How analytical are you? What have you done to improve your analytical skill over time?

6. How would you calculate Value at risk (VaR)?

7. What’s wrong with VaR as a measurement of risk?

8. What is a non-Linear VaR? How would you calculate it?

9. What’s the parametric method of calculating VaR? What are its advantages?

10. What is the historical method of calculating VaR? What are its advantages?

11. Why would you calculate VaR using Monte Carlo simulations?

12. What are the challenges in calculating VaR for a mixed portfolio?

13. What’s GVAR? How can you calculate it?

14. What is the one-day VaR of a $50m portfolio with a daily standard deviation of 2% at a 95% confidence level? What is the annualised VaR?

15. What do you know about the extreme value theory?

16. What’s Expected Shortfall? How is it calculated? Why is it considered better than VaR? What are the disadvantages?

17. Also, what are the strengths and weaknesses of historical simulation, Monte-Carlo simulation, and Variance-Covariance method in VaR calculation?

18. What is an expected shortfall?

19. What’s the incremental default risk?

20. What Are the Company’s Top Risks, How Severe Is Their Impact and How Likely Are They to Occur?

21. Who Owns The Top Risks And Is Accountable For Results, And To Whom Do They Report?

22. Describe your management style?


More Responsibilities

23. What type of manager would your team say you are?

24. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made when managing people and what did you learn from it?

25. What’s your greatest strength/weakness as a manager?

26. How do you ensure your team reaches both its departmental and individual goals?

27. How do you instil a team mentality in the people that work for you?

28. Describe a recent situation in which you convinced an individual on your team to do something?

29. However, describe the last thing you did to improve performance and/or productivity on your team?

30. Describe a situation on your team that you had to deal with quickly in order to stop the situation from escalating?

31. Describe a time when you altered your own behaviour to fit the situation?

32. Tell me about a time when you had to change your point of view or your plans to take into account new information or change priorities.

33. Give an example of how you provided service to a client/stakeholder, which was beyond their expectations. How did you know what they expected? How did you respond?

More Details 

34. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client?

35. Describe a situation you were involved in recently that required you to communicate with people at a senior level?

36. Give an example of a difficult or sensitive decision that you have had to communicate with others?

37. Tell me about a problem you have recently encountered?

38. Also, tell me about the last problem you could not solve?

39. Tell me about the last long-term goal you set yourself and how you have achieved it?

40. Give me an example of when recently you failed to meet the target?

41. Tell me about how you helped the last person to join your team to feel part of the team?

42. Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together effectively?

43. Describe a situation in which you were a member (not a leader) of a team, and a conflict arose within the team. What did you do?

44. Therefore, describe a time when you changed someone’s mind?

45. Describe a situation in which you needed to change a decision that had already been made?

46. Tell me about a time when you had to take the lead role in a group so that it achieved its aim?

47. Describe a situation where you had to lead by example?

48. Describe a situation where you inspired others to meet a common goal?

49. How did you go about building the relationship?

50. Tell me about a time when you relied on another person to help you with a work-related task or problem?

Frequently Ask Questions about Risk Management Interview Questions

Below are FAQs about Risk Management Interview Questions. Please, kindly examine the answers.

1. What are the 5 areas of risk management?

There are at least five crucial components that must be considered when creating a risk management framework.
They include risk identification; risk measurement and assessment; risk mitigation; risk reporting and monitoring; and risk governance.

2. How do you prepare for a risk management interview?

Interview Questions for Risk Managers:
1. Can you provide an example that demonstrates your attention to detail? …
2. How do you deal with employees who prove difficult to work with? …
3. How do you stay up-to-date on the best practices of risk management? …
4. Can you describe the most problematic situation you have dealt with?

3. How do you determine risk interview question?

To answer this interview question, take the following steps:
1. Consider the company. Before preparing your response to what your biggest risk is, research the company and its values. …
2. Select an example. …
3. Mention the risk involved. …
4. Explain your thought process. …
5. Share the results that occurred.

4. What are the 3 types of risk management?

Widely, risks can be classified into three types: Business Risk, Non-Business Risk, and Financial Risk.

5. What are the 5 types of financial risks?

Credit risk, liquidity risk, asset-backed risk, foreign investment risk, equity risk, and currency risk are all common forms of financial risk.

More FAQs about Risk Management Interview Questions

6. How do you transfer risks?

The most common form of transferring risk is purchasing an insurance policy transferring risk from the entity pur- chasing the policy to the insurer issuing the policy.
Other methods of transferring risk to another party or entity include contractual agreements or requirements and hold harmless agreements.

7. What are the principles of risk management?

The five basic risk management principles of risk identification, risk analysis, risk control, risk financing and claims management can apply to almost any situation or problem.

8. How can I impress my self-introduction?

A Quick Guide to Introducing Yourself in an Interview
Start by researching the company and your interviewers.
Dress appropriately for the interview.
Avoid distractions and keep eye contact.
Be confident and comfortable.
Be aware of body language.
Prepare what to say.
Rehearse your introduction with a friend.

9. Why do you want this job?

This opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to…’ ‘I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as…

These are the questions every candidate preparing for a Risk Management interview should expect. I hope it helps.

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