50 Powerful Prayer for Strength in 2022

We know we still have so many things to do.
We have dreams that should come to pass, goals to be achieved, desires to be granted, lives to impact, work to do, money to make and many other things we use our precious time for.
And, oh! We can’t afford to be weak!
We can’t afford to break down!
We mustn’t lose strength!

Often times than not, prayers perform a lot of wonders than we think they do.

Your words of prayers, today, can go a long way in giving strength to that special someone you believe shouldn’t get weak. As you offer prayers for them in your heart, letting them know you remember them in your prayers by sending a powerful prayer text is so sweet.

I trust you to make a beautiful choice from the list of messages we’ve prepared for you.
Please, do share with others.

Religious Prayer for Strength

Below are spiritual prayers for strength you can use personally or send to your loved ones, friends and family daily.

1. I pray that the Lord grant you strength in all of your ways. May you not fall by the way. You will continually move from strength to strength. And may you always be happy. In Jesus name.

2. Make you always wake up strengthened for each day. Weariness is not your portion, in the name of Jesus. You will never be tired, even after all you want has been achieved, in Jesus name.

3. Your strength will never fail you. You will always remain strong to forge through each day. The joy of the Lord in your life will be your strength, always, in Jesus mighty name.

4. It’s a new day. The mercies of the Lord are new every day. And today, His mercy will speak for you and grant you strength to go through today and days to come, in the name of Jesus.

5. Those who wait upon the Lord will have their strength renewed. And because you trust the Lord, you will get new strength for each day. You will never fail, in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. Strength for each new day is what I pray for you. You will always have reasons to go through each day because of the strength the Lord will bestow on you. And may you never get weak. In Jesus name.

7. Some days can be so tough, one would want to give up. But I pray that the Lord grants you the fortitude to go through each day as it comes. You are strengthened, by the power of the name of Jesus.

8. May the good Lord in His infinite mercies, grant you the power to go through today and all the travails of life. May you never lose focus, in Jesus name.

9. Even when the times are harsh, you will have the power that will make you never throw in the towel. You will love to go through each day, knowing that you have divine backing. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

10. Truly, it isn’t easy to live in a world like ours. It really takes divine strength to remain standing. I pray for you, dear, that you receive that strength. And that strength will help you never to give up on living, in the name of Jesus.

Awesome Prayers for Strength

These are well-constructed powerful prayers for strength that you can send to loved ones, and you can also use it personally.

11. Live through each day believing that God is the strength. And once you live with this belief, even tough days will seem fun for you. May the sufficient strength of God abound to you in the name of Jesus.

12. Once the heart is strengthened it will be easy to go through even tough days. And you know, dearest that God is the strength of our heart. So give him your heart for strength and I trust God that you’ll never be let down in Jesus name.

13. You will never be sick. You will never be weak. You will never fall. You will never be weary. In the powerful name of Jesus. You will always remain strong and your strength will never fail you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

14. I believe you trust in the Lord and you have your anxieties cast on Him. I pray that you will not have reasons to think that your prayers are not answered. He never fails and He won’t begin with you dear. He’s your strength. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

15. The Lord will hold you up in His arms and you can be assured that stumbling is not for you. And that strength to go through all sort of situations will constantly be yours. He will surely provide for you, strength and courage for each day, in Jesus name.

16. In the name of Jesus, the Lord will strongly uphold you with His strong arms lest you dash your foot against any stone. He shall preserve and grant you the ability to scale through tough circumstances, Amen.

17. Grace and strength for each passing day will be granted unto you. The devil has lost his hold on you, therefore you can’t stumble, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

18. Strength from above can go a long way in making a day fulfilled. I pray you receive this strength for this day and for days to come, in Jesus mighty name. You are strong, dear!

19. And the Lord will grant unto you, strength beyond your comprehension. Nations you know not will rise for your cause and you shall not be weak in Jesus name.

20. May you have the strength to resist the works of Satan, today and beyond. May you become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, in His mighty name we pray, Amen!

Biblical Prayer for Strength

Biblically ask for strength for yourself, friends and family through the following biblical prayers for strength to carry on.

21. May His strength never leave you and may you continue shining like the light God has made you. May His face shine on you even as you go about your daily activities in Jesus name.

22. Today, May God strengthen you and may all things work in your favour. May you obtain favour, even before men and those you know not, in Jesus name, Amen!

23. There is no need to give in to negative thoughts, today as the Lord himself will dwell in your heart and thoughts and strengthen you beyond your thinking. You are blessed in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

24. Daily, you will live life in its entirety. You will not just exist, but live, because as surely as the Lord lives, your strength will never fail you. In Jesus name, Amen! Go, and end it in thanksgiving.

25. Even at moments when you have a broken heart with a groaning spirit, trust in God. His Grace is sufficient and His strength never fails. And He’ll provide you with His strength from above in Jesus name.

26. Commit each day into the Lord’s hands and see how he’ll rise for your cause and strengthen you. This should be the order of your day. God first. And divine strength will be yours, in Jesus name.

27. The Lord knows you, even more than you know yourself and He, in fact, knows when you weak. And because He loves you, He’ll provide you with strength lest you fall, in Jesus name, Amen!

28. Christ died and rose again and so we have life and strength to go through even tough times. May you receive the manner of strength that will leave you dazed and wanting more in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

29. You only have to believe, and His divine strength is yours because He never fails and He’ll give to you according to your request. In the name of Jesus.

30. Our God never sleeps nor slumbers and He has His eyes on you. He’ll be your strength and your backbone and you shall not be weary in Jesus name.

Godly Prayer for Strength

The following are Godly prayers for you can send to that special person, that will earn you their respect.

31. He cares for the sparrow, so He’ll never leave those He has created in His own image in their down moments. He’ll definitely provide strength,  and you shall give Him thanks, in Jesus name.

32. Don’t stop believing. Keep looking on to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He will surely provide for you, strength, even more than you deserve and you will have cause to eventually praise Him, in the name of Jesus.

33. Rather than worry, pray! Keep trusting Him because the strength of those who wait upon the Lord will be renewed and there’s nothing they won’t have the strength for. He’ll be your strength, in Jesus name.

34. Don’t be afraid nor fearful. The Lord will definitely show up for you, even when you least expect. He’ll show that He’s your God, over and over. And strength will be yours, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

35. All things will work for your good as long as you trust the Lord for strength and He’ll give it to you. He will give you strength whenever you need it, in Jesus name.

36. The Lord Almighty will provide for you, strength from above that defies man understanding. You will never have cause to be weak, now and ever. In the name of Jesus.

37. No matter what you are struggling with, the Lord will always show up for you, strong. You will always have reasons to rejoice and praise our Saviour. So shall it be. In Jesus name, we pray.

38. It doesn’t matter what you think is gonna overcome you because it won’t. The Lord is near and he wouldn’t test you more than you can withstand. You only have to trust God and He’ll provide you with strength beyond your understanding, in the name of Jesus.

39. He will always be with you, as your guide, guarding your footsteps and strengthening you, because He’s a mighty God. His strength, He’ll give to you, in Jesus name, Amen.

40. You shouldn’t be scared of breaking down because you can’t because your trust is in the all-powerful God and He never lets down. So I decree that you receive strength from the Lord, now. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Inspiring Prayer for Strength

Here are inspirational prayer points for strength with and without that you use to inspire your friends, loved ones.

41. A city on the hill that cannot be hidden, that’s what He calls you. A person of strength as long as you dwell in His secret place. I pray for divine strength in all your endeavours. By the power in the name of Jesus.

42. God’s plan for you will definitely manifest and I pray He grants you strength in fulfilling His plans and purpose for you. You will never fail Him, because He will be your strength, in the name of Jesus.

43. The uncreated creator will be your strength in all of your deeds. He will always be with you and you will know that He alone is God because His strength never fails. His strength will keep you up and standing, I pray in Jesus name.

44. After it all ends, you will have reasons to praise God. This is because you will realize that Him alone stood up for you in all that you went through and that he was and still is your support and strength, in the name of Jesus we pray.

45. His strength doesn’t fail. His word doesn’t change. He won’t leave nor forsake you, especially at times when you need Him most because He’s faithful and true to His words. His strength will abide with you, in the name of Jesus.

46. He will show up as your strength, your ever-present help in times of trouble in the name of Jesus. His strength doesn’t fail and He’ll see you through all phases of your life, for we pray, in the name of Jesus.

47. There’s no one like our God who doesn’t let His own fear and does not let harm come their way. Even when times get hard, He proves He’s God and their strength. I pray this God will show forth, and silence your enemies and give strength to you, in the name of Jesus.

48. Strength to go through it all will the Lord give to you, even more than you desire. And things will go well and smoothly for you, as the Lord God liveth, in Jesus name.

49. The good Lord will watch over you and keep you from harm’s way. He will give you strength to walk through dark valleys of life, and you will not fall by the roadside in Jesus name.

50. Surely as God lives, His eyes of protection will never leave you and you will not lose sight of Him. He will be your guide, strength and refuge in all situations and hard times in the name of Jesus, Amen!

  • Written By Oluwashanu Mayowa.

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