500 Days of Summer Quotes You Will Love

– 500 Days of Summer Quotes –

500 Days Of Summer quotes is a romantic comedy film depicting the highs and lows of the relationship between Tom Hansen and Summer Finn.

500 Days of Summer Quotes

Here are a few amusing quotes from ‘500 Days of Summer,’ one of the best films of 2009. After all, this is a rom-com, and there are light moments among the heartbreaks.

1. “Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.” ― Scott Neustadter

2. “Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and they end with no lasting memory made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life.” ― Scott Neustadter

3. “You can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence.” ― Scott Neustadter

4. “You can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coYou can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than co” ― Scott Neustadter

5. “Since the disintegration of her parents’ marriage, she’d only loved two things. The first was her long blonde hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off… And feel nothing.” ― Scott Neustadter

6. “You can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coYou can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than co” ― Scott Neustadter

7. “Since the disintegration of her parents’ marriage, she’d only loved two things. The first was her long blonde hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off… And feel nothing.” ― Scott Neustadter

8. “People don’t realize this, but loneliness is underrated.” – Tom Hansen.

9. “Do you ever do this, you think back on all the times you’ve had with someone and you just replay it in your head over and over again and you look for those first signs of trouble?” – Tom Hansen.

10. “Some people are meant to fall in love with each other. But, not meant to be together.” -Tom Hansen.

11. “I love how she makes me feel. Like anything’s possible. Like, I don’t know… like life is worth it.” –Tom Hansen.

12. “I know that she is the only person in the entire universe that will make me happy.” -Tom Hansen.


13. “But I’ve accepted the fact that she and I were just two very different people who wanted very different things.” -Tom Hansen.

14. “It’s these greeting cards, these cards, these movies, these pop songs. They’re responsible for all the lies, the heartache, everything!” – Tom Hansen.

15. “I got news for you Rach. That true love stuff… it’s make-believe.” – Tom Hansen.

16. “People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, without some strangers putting words in their mouths. The truth.” – Tom Hansen.

17. “She’s not like I thought at all. She’s… amazing.” – Tom Hansen.

18. “I can’t get her out of my head, you know? I see her everywhere. She’s all I think about.” – Tom Hansen.

19. “You know… just cause some cute girl likes the same bizarro music you do doesn’t make her the one.” – Rachel Hansen.

20. “I know you think she was the perfect girl for you… I don’t. I think you’re just remembering the good stuff.” -Rachel Hansen.

21. “You’re just afraid you’ll get an answer you don’t want and that will shatter your illusions of how good everything’s been these past few months. Is that about right?” – Rachel Hansen.

22. “I dream sometimes about flying. It starts out like I’m running really, really fast and I’m like a superhuman… And then I’m running so fast that my feet aren’t even touching the ground and I’m floating. And it’s like this amazing, amazing realness. I’m free… Then I realize, I am completely alone. And then I wake up.” – Summer Finn.

23. “I just like being on my own. Relationships are messy and feelings are always getting hurt. Who needs all that? We’re young. We’re live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I say, let’s have as much as we can afford and leave the serious stuff for later.” – Summer Finn.

24. “I’m just not comfortable being somebody’s girlfriend. I don’t want to be anybody’s anything, you know?” –Summer Finn.

25. “I don’t even know what that word [love] means. I know I’ve never felt it, whatever it is in all those songs.” -Summer Finn.

26. “I think you are interesting. I’d like for us to be friends. Is that alright?” – Summer Finn.

27. “You weren’t wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me.” – Summer Finn.

28. “Since the disintegration of her parents’ marriage, she’d only loved two things. The first was her long blonde hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off… And feel nothing.” – Narrator.

29. “When one strongly believes in something, it takes overwhelming contradictory evidence to change their minds.” – Narrator.

30. “If Tom had learned anything. It was that you can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is.” – Narrator.

31. “It took a long time but Tom had finally learned. There are no miracles. There’s no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be.” – Narrator.

32. “Most days of the year are entirely unremarkable. They begin and they end without creating a single lasting memory. Most days have no real impact on the course of a life.” – Narrator.

33. “Rachel Hansen: You’ve broken up with girls before. – Tom Hansen: Yes. Rachel Hansen: And girls have broken up with you before. Tom Hansen: This is different. Rachel Hansen: Why? Tom Hansen: Cause it’s Summer.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

34. “Tom Hansen: I just… I need some consistency. Summer Finn: I know. Tom Hansen: I need to know you won’t wake up tomorrow and feel differently. Summer Finn: I can’t promise you that. Nobody can. Anyone who does is a liar. I can only tell you how I feel right now.” – 500 Days of Summer Quotes

35. “Summer Finn: I’ve never told anybody that before. Tom Hansen: I guess I’m not just anybody.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

36. “Summer Finn: I just… I just woke up one day and I knew. Tom Hansen: Knew what? Summer Finn: What I was never sure of with you.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

37. “Tom Hansen: It hurts me that we live in a world where no one’s ever heard of Spearmint. Summer Finn: I’ve never heard of them. Tom Hansen: I put in on the mixtape I made you… It’s on track one.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

38. “Summer Finn: So, are you ok? Tom Hansen: I will be.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.


39. “Summer Finn: This thing. This whatever it is. You and me. Do you think this is normal? Tom Hansen: I don’t know. Who cares about normal? I’m happy. Aren’t you happy?” – 500 Days of Summer Quotes

40. “Tom Hansen: What happens if you fall in love? Summer Finn: Well, you don’t believe that, do you? Tom Hansen: It’s love. It’s not Santa Clause.” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

41. “You are ridiculous. Your favorite Beatle is Ringo. -Tom Hansen.

42. “Paul: You know what they say. There’s plenty of other fish in the sea. Tom: No. Well, they’re wrong. It’s not true. I’ve fished in that sea. I’ve jumped in and swam in that sea! I’m Aquaman!” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

43. “Love? I don’t know. As long as she’s cute and she’s willing, right?” -McKenzie.

44. “McKenzie:  So maybe it’s best we don’t ever bring her up again. Paul: Just let sleeping dogs lie. McKenzie: Leave those dogs alone Tom!” – ‘500 Days Of Summer’.

45. “I’m messed up. I am. You know, on the one hand, I want to forget her. On the other hand, I know that she’s the only person in the entire universe that will make me happy.” — Tom

46. “It pains me that we live in a world where nobody’s heard of Spearmint.” — Tom

47. “I’m saying you do want to ask her. It’s obvious. You’re just afraid you’ll get an answer you don’t want, which will shatter the illusion of how great these past few months have been.” — Rachel

48. “There’s two options, really. Either she’s an evil, emotionless, miserable human being or… she’s a robot.” — Tom

49. “Whatever, man. It’s fine. I don’t need this crap, really. I just, you know… I’m comfortable. I’m unhassled. People don’t realize this, but loneliness? It’s underrated.” — Tom

50. “Maybe playing it safe is the wrong approach. The nuclear family is dead; we need a new holiday that recognizes that. May 21st. ‘Other’ Mother’s Day. Thank you.” — McKenzie

51. “‘Why rock the boat?’ is what I’m thinking. I mean, things are going well. You start putting labels on it, that’s like the kiss of death. That’s like saying, ‘I love you.’” — Tom

52. “I’ve been happily married for 30 years. She’s the light that guides me home. Yes, it is from one of our cards. No, someone else wrote it. Doesn’t make it less true.” — Vance

53. “Just because she likes the same bizarro crap you do, doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.” — Rachel

54. “Every day you make me proud. But today you get a card.” — Tom

55. “It was good.” — Summer

56. “Nobody loves Ringo Starr.” — Tom

57. “People change,feelings change, but that doesn’t mean that the love once shared wasn’t true and real. It simply means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart” ― Scott Neustadter

58. “You can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence.” ― Scott Neustadter

59. “Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and they end with no lasting memory made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life.” ― Scott Neustadter

60. “Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.” ― Scott Neustadter

We believe this article is super helpful and encouraging, do well to share this wonderful quote to love ones and friends.

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