8 Most up to Date Ways to Grow a Thick Beard in 2022

– Thick Beard –

A beard is like a priceless facial accessory to a man. Maintaining a proper beard is a scarce advantage to some. Growing a beard is natural but not all men have enough testerones for this facial luxury.

Some men simply have a higher testosterone level and can develop a full beard. Others are left with little to no facial hairs at all.

The thickness of a man’s beard depends on 85% of his genes. That means every man is left with just 15% to contribute in order for the beard to grow thicker.

But, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything at all. Actually, you have a part to play. There are a lot of tricks you can apply to have the lustrous and full beard you desire.

Ways to Grow a Thick Beard

This article will be exposing you to 10 of those tricks. So sit tight.

The Four Week Rule

Before we get down to the tweaks, the four-week rule is the most important beginning.

To grow a thicker beard consistently instead of missing out on the full potential is what it means.

The sad truth is that most guys do things to impede beard growth long before it reaches its full potential.

More Information

For many men, facial hair itches around the two to three-week mark, and they let this consume them to the point they either shave or trim before the hair growth reaches thick status.

The reason the hair is itching is a combination of:

1. Poor grooming habits, and the skin not being moisturized so it can withstand the hair follicles piercing through it.

2. Second, as new hairs grow, they cause slight irritation in the skin that will subside in a few days, but most men get a little impatient.

So while growing your beard, here are a few grooming techniques.

Take Care of Your Skin

Healthy skin is the beginning of a healthy, thick beard. So cleaning and washing your face regularly stimulates circulation, exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells that are causing ingrown hairs.

Keep a good moisturizer close to you because it keeps your skin healthy.

In return, you’ll notice increased beard growth, which leads to thicker beard.

Exercise Patience

I already talked about most men being so impatient throughout the four-week growth period.

Well, if you’re reading this that is something you need to cultivate. You need to allow the beard grow and that takes time.

Live Stress-Free

Stress increases the cortisol in your body. This will have a negative impact on testosterone development.

Stress can also constrict the blood vessel, making it more challenging for the nutrients in the blood to get to the hair follicles, improving beard circulation.


Get Enough Sleep

Men who are trying to grow a thicker beard may find it especially harmful because it disrupts their sleep patterns.

Not getting enough sleep directly affects your facial hair, making it more challenging to grow thicker.

Getting 5 hours of sleep can reduce your testosterone production by a staggering 15%, which can cause those patchy beard areas throughout your facial hair that never seem to fill in.

Take Supplements

There is no magic pill that will give you the beard you want.

Taking biotin supplements can, however, encourage facial hairs to grow faster. Biotin strengthens your hair’s keratin infrastructure.

This thickens the hair and fortifies it. In theory, the supplements will not only help make the beard thicker, but they will also grow uniformly on the hair shaft.

Exercise Often

Exercising is great for your overall health. Like getting enough rest, it can also assist in testosterone production which triggers beard growth.

Working out will also boost metabolism which has been linked to spurring hair growth. It can also trigger bodily recovery that helps replenish skin and hair.

Shaving Doesn’t Make Beard Grow Thicker

There is no truth in this theory. Don’t fall for this myth. Shaving removes your beard, leaving your beard alone and letting it grow makes it thicker.

When you shave and start growing a beard again, it will appear to be thicker at the beginning (a small optical illusion).

Always Drink Enough Water

Staying hydrated is necessary for thick hair growth. Drinking enough water daily, which is about half your weight in ounces, will help you flush out toxins from your body.

This will make your skin hydrated, and healthier skin means a healthier and thicker beard.

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