80 Quotes for Toxic and Selfish Parents

These selfish parents quotes are intended to fill you with hope, courage and certainty that you are not alone. Though the journey so far has been a troubled one, you can now change the direction.

A loving family should provide unlimited warmth, happiness, and hope. It should inspire trust and respect while also celebrating unity.

Dealing with toxic and self-centered parents can be difficult. When parents are emotionally detached and unavailable for their children, their mental health suffers.

Here are 80 selfish parents quotes to help you cope better with your difficult relationship. Because understanding your heartbreak is the first step toward healing.

Quotes about Selfish Family

1. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” – Unknown

2. “People tend to raise the child inside of them rather than the child in front of them.” – Joe Newman

3. “To all you parents out there, don’t make your little girls, or little boys, so thirsty for love that they will want to drink water that will poison them.” – Lisa Bedrick

4. “Some parent will provoke an independent child to anger in order to feel superior and prove the child’s flaws.” – Shannon Thomas

5. “Being a selfish parent is the biggest crime you can do to your child.” – Anonymous

6. “Being a parent is easy but being a good parent is tough as it requires a lot of dedication and goodwill.” – Anonymous

7. “When you’re three or seven years old, it’s less frightening to think of yourself as an unlovable, disappointing screwup than to recognize the fact that you’re living with a monster.” – Keith Ablow

8. “Never substitute ‘presence’ with ‘presents’. Presents can spoil your child, but your presence will make them a true human being.” – Anonymous

9. “One of the saddest things in this world is to see a child grow up hating one of their parents because they only got one side of the story.” – Unknown

10. “Somewhat paradoxically, parenting programs should focus on the behavior of the parents not the behavior of the children.” – Timothy Carey

11. “Narcissist parents don’t care about their children’s feelings at all. Only their feelings matter.” – Kim Saeed

12. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” –Sigmund Freud

13. “Today’s troubled homes are made by parents who want to have children but don’t want their children to have parents.” – Agona Apel

14. “No child is born a delinquent. They only became that way if nobody loved them when they were kids.” – Jeannette Walls

15. “Being a parent does not give you an excuse for bad manners.” – Rosalind Wiseman

16. “It is not a bad thing that children should occasionally, and politely, put parents in their place.” – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

17. “All of us develop our expectations about how people will treat us based on our relationships with our parents.” – Susan Forward

18. “Parents. Honestly. Sometimes they really do think the world revolves around them.” – Randa Abdel-Fattah

19. “When you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe.” – Johnny Depp

20. “Anyone could father a child. But a good parent puts his child’s needs before his own. A parent should be selfless, not selfish.” – Penelope Ward

21. “A family who relies on their children for happiness make both their children and themselves miserable.” – Dennis Prager

22. “It is impossible to be both selfish and happy in a family that behaves the same way.” – Unknown

Quotes about Selfish Mothers

23. “The hateful and stinging words of a narcissistic parent can linger in the mind of an adult child long after the adult has left home.” – Shannon Thomas

24. “If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do matters very much.” – Jackie Kennedy

25. “Don’t make your selfishness ruin your child’s life.” – Unknown

26. “Any mother that could be cruel to a child is not going to apologize to that child when they have grown up.” – Rayne Wolf.

27. “A good mother never uses her child for her happiness.” – Unknown

28. “If a mother cannot sacrifice for her kids, she doesn’t deserve them!” – Unknown

29. “It takes someone really brave to become a mother. As it requires lot of strength to raise a child and love them more than one loves themselves.” – Unknown

30. “If we, as mothers, are not careful we can begin to find our identity in our children and their behavior.” – Sue Detweiler

31. “Do your kids see your kindness or are you always telling them NO?” – Brenda M. McGraw

32. “When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your child.” – Unknown

33. “No one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.” – Frank Pittman

34. “Your children vividly remember every unkind thing you ever did to them, plus a few you really didn’t.” – Mignon McLaughlin

35. “She shrieked and shrieked for her mother, but her mother was already there. Her mother was the monster.” – Holly Black

Quotes about Selfish Fathers

36. “My dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately, he didn’t teach me everything he knows.” – Al Unser

37. “There’s nothing worse than a man that can be everything to everybody else. Except a father to their own child.” – Unknown

38. “Boys want to grow up to be like their male role models. And boys who grow up in homes with absent fathers search the hardest to figure out what it means to be male.” –Geoffrey Canada

39. “When you grew up with an absent father, you grew up dreaming and wanting.. But most of all, you grew up way too fast.” – Unknown

40. “My dad had limitations. That’s what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he meant no harm. It was kind of her to say, but he did do harm.” – Gillian Flynn

41. “Denying a child, the joy and memories of being with the other parent is an act of “pure evil.” – Unknown

42. “Fathers should know that sons follow their example, not advice.” – Unknown

43. “It doesn’t matter who my father was. It matters who I remember he was.” – Anne Sexton

44. “Real dads support their children without the law telling them they have to.” – Unknown

45. “A real parent is someone who put their kids above their own selfish wants and needs.” – Unknown

46. “Sons aspire to either become their father or vie to be his exact opposite.” – Unknown

47. “A greedy father has thieves for children.” – Serbian Proverb

48. “Every father should remember that one day, his son will follow exactly how his father put his needs above everyone else.” – Unknown

49. “A father shouldn’t have to think of his needs first and then accommodate the child’s needs.” – Unknown

50. “A narcissist parent is easily frustrated by a healthy independent child that they can’t control through parental emotional manipulation.” – Shannon Thomas

51. “Some fathers wonder why the streams are bitter when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.” – John Locke

52. “Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough.” – Wilhelm Busch

53. “There’s really no point in having children if you’re not going to be home enough to father them.” – Anthony Edwards

54. “Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” – Unknown

55. “When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.” – Robert Bly

Quotes about an Unhealthy Relationship and Selfish Parents

56. “If your parents ignored you, or if they are just not emotionally available, or if they yell a lot, that is a type of trauma.” – Tucker Max

57. “Instead of treating your child like how you were treated. Treat them with the same love and attention you wanted from your parents while growing up.” – Jonathan Anthony Burkett

58. “Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term might just as well be thirteen years.” – Graeme Greene

59. “In troubled families, abuse and neglect are permitted. It’s talking about them that is forbidden.” – Marcia Sirota

60. “Most children would rather preserve the fantasy of a loving connection with their fathers and mothers, at all costs, even if it costs them their self-esteem.” – Keith Ablow

61. “As a parent, you should be more concerned with your child’s happiness than your petty insecurities and jealousies.” – Unknown

62. “Anyone can have a child and call themselves “a parent”. A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants.” – Unknown

63. “Being a selfish parent is a sign of not having learned from experience.” –

64. “My parents loved us, but I wasn’t always sure they liked us.” – Tahereh Mafi

65. “Children shouldn’t have to sacrifice so that you can have the life you want. You make sacrifices so your children can have the life that they deserve.” – Unknown

66. “Parents forgive their children least readily for the faults they themselves instilled in them.” – Unknown

67. “Being a parent shouldn’t be when it is convenient for you. It is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year commitment.” – Unknown

68. “They are not sorry for harming you. So, don’t feel guilty for cutting them off.” – John Mark Green

69. “If you teach hatred to your children, one day your child will have that hatred reflected back onto them and onto YOU.” – Suzy Kassem

70. “If mental abuse was a punishable crime, a lot of parents would be in jail serving a long term.” – Maddy Malhotra

71. “Good parenting gives headaches, but bad parenting gives heartaches.” – Shiv Khera

72. “Remember, you are not managing an inconvenience; You are raising a human being.” – Kittie Frantz

73. “We raise predators by treating children as prey.” – Stefan Molyneux

74. “Put your child’s likes before your selfishness.”– Anonymous

75. “No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education.” – Plato

76. “Just remember when you are ignoring your child, you are teaching them to live without you.” – Unknown

77. “Selfish parents may someday realize what damage they have done that can never be undone.” – Unknown

78. “It is the selfish parents who are to blame. Pay attention, be involved in your children’s lives. They are your legacy, your only hope.” – Aaron B. Powell

79. “They should love you, just as you are. Parents should love their kids, right?” “You’d think so.” – N.R. Walker

80. “They should love you, just as you are. Parents should love their kids, right?” “You’d think so.” ― N.R. Walker

Some thoughts on Dealing With Selfish Parents

Living in the shadow of a self-centered parent can be a lonely and dark place. Many questions will be raised as a result of the lack of affection and understanding. And there will be no answers for some.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t get on with your life and be happy.

Thanks for checking out these amazing toxic and selfish parents! Don’t forget to take a look at our similar collection of quotes as you share to others to get inspire.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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