9 Days Left for My Birthday Quotes

Oftentimes, we celebrate and show love to other people so much that we forget to do the same for our own selves. That is actually being unfair to you and you should start to celebrate yourself more deliberately than before.

Now that it’s 9 days to your birthday, you should look forward to having the best birthday ever. Give to yourself and receive from yourself all the love and affection you want, the way you want it. This is not only how to show yourself love but also how to celebrate your own birthday memorably.

So, start celebrating already by counting down to the big day with these 9 days left for my birthday quotes. Have you a great one!

It’s 9 days to my own birthday and I cannot wait to celebrate it. I wish myself all things good because I deserve the best there is. Countdown to my big day!

1. Now, the countdown begins. I can’t wait to see my birthday come. May God grant me the grace to see the day. Happy birthday in advance to me!

2. It’s exactly 9 days to my birthday! I pray for God’s success in all my endeavours. Great things come my way as I enter into a new phase, Amen.

3. For so long, I have been waiting for my day to come. It’s 9 days to the time and I am so blessed to be alive. Be glorified God!

4. Counting upon God’s blessings shows how much God has endowed me and showered me with His love. I’m rest assured in Him that my birthday coming up in the next 9 days is a success.

5. In the next 9 days, I will turn 19. May God keep me and make His face shine on me. Amen. Happy birthday to me. The D-day is just 9 days away!

6. Just as I expect a new morning to come, I also expect my birthday to come very quickly. Now it’s almost my birthday, just 9 days to go. I pray for success and happiness in all my endeavours.

7. There is a joy that fills one’s heart when his/her birthday is on the way. I feel so much joy and so blessed to make it again. May the good Lord satisfy me with a long life.

8. Ever since this month came in, I have been making a countdown to my birthday. It’s exactly 9days to my day. I’m more favoured than ever.

9. Many great opportunities come my way as I am about witnessing my birthday in 9 days times.

10. My heart is filled with joy, happiness, laughter and the goods things of life. I can’t wait to have my day come in 9 day’s time!

I am so overwhelmed right now that I do not know how best to express my feelings. It’s 9 days to my birthday and all I can do is thank God for how far He has brought me and trust Him for the greater heights He is taking me. I can’t keep calm, my birthday is 9 days away! Countdown!

11. As the time clicks, so does the day go by. I can’t have to see my birthday come in the next 9 days.

12. I am happy I will turn to a new age soon, implicating that I am getting bigger and older. In nine days time, I will turn older.

13. It’s amazing to have birthdays to mark each year we have spent already. I know I’m going to enjoy every bit of my birthday happening in nine days time.

14. I love who I am growing to be. I am full of power and potentials. I have visions for my new year and can’t wait for my birthday to come so that I can unpuzzle these visions.

15. 9 days to my birthday shows it’s almost here. I pray for God’s mercies to dwell with me always and forever.

16. I am born a winner and I keep breaking grounds. I am to see another birthday happening in the next 9 days. Happy birthday to me in advance.

17. I experience greatness and upliftment in all ramifications of life. Birthday loading in the next 9 days.

18. As I celebrate my birthday in 9 days time, everything works in synergy for my upliftment.

19. Happy birthday in advance to me. I wish myself a fruitful and prosperous life.

20. The Lord supplies all my desires and needs according to the riches of His glory. Happy birthday to me in advance.

9 days from now, and it will be my birthday! My heart is filled with so much joy for the new things that are about to begin in my life as I mark a new age. Happy birthday in advance to me.

21. I live a purposeful and ambitious life. My birthday coming in 9 days will be the best one ever.

22. My birthday will a stepping stone for possibilities and opportunities in my life. Happy birthday to me in advance.

23. By God’s grace, all things will work together for me as always. Happy birthday to me in advance.

24. My birthday in 9 days time will be a stepping stone for me. Happy birthday to me in advance.

25. Happy New Year to me. I can’t wait to start journeying on the next chapter of my life in the next 9 days.

26. Today is 9 days close to my birthday although it seems like it’s still far. Happy birthday to me in advance. I am exceedingly rich and blessed.

27. Lines are falling into pleasant places. I am pleased to be a year older again. Happy birthday in advance to me.

28. I love myself for who I am. I love the person I am becoming. I wish myself a happy life and a happy birthday in advance coming up in the next 9 days.

29. I can’t believe it’s 9 days to my birthday already. I am so happy for witnessing my birthday again this year. I wish myself a peaceful and fruitful life.

30. It is nine days left for my birthday already. I can’t wait to invite friends to my birthday party to have a lot of fun. Happy birthday to me in advance. I pray for more successes in my endeavours.

Now that you have read these 9 days left for my birthday quotes for your birthday, you should share them with the people you love too.

Remember to also leave a comment here.

I’ll be back soon.

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