Short Essay Examples, Elements and Writing Information 2023 Update

Short essay examples are great resources for learning how to write compelling and concise essays on various topics. They serve as valuable tools for students and writers looking to improve their essay writing skills and explore various writing styles.

Nonetheless, it presents a wonderful chance to acquire the skills to surmount the challenge.

Furthermore, if you’re a student facing this issue, fret not as this article aims to assist you with short essay examples that complement the advice provided.

What is a Short Essay?

As we intend to provide you with short essay samples, bear in mind that a short essay is a type of academic writing in which the author presents factual information in a succinct yet comprehensive manner.

Additionally, the primary objective of a short essay is to provide concise but detailed information about a particular subject.

What Makes Up a Short Essay

As we endeavor to provide you with short essay samples, take note of the following components that constitute a short essay:

A short essay should possess the following characteristics:

1. It should be researchable, precise, coherent, unique, and brief.

2. It should also be credible, and the introduction and conclusion must not exceed one paragraph.

Moreover, this category of essay is designated to hone a student’s proficiency in argumentation and concision. As such, it can have a significant impact on a student’s public speaking aptitude.

Additionally, while composing this essay, it is crucial to bear in mind that emphasis should be placed on presenting factual information rather than personal opinions or preferences.

Guidelines for Composing a Short Essay

As we get ready to provide some short essay samples, it is important to keep in mind the following steps to take when writing a short essay:

Choose a Good Short Essay Topic

The ideal topic for a short essay must possess coherence and relevance to the subject matter being studied.

It should also hold significance, contain inherent value, and have the potential to be further researched.

Endeavor to Conduct a Good Research

A good topic for a brief essay should be both coherent and relevant to the subject at hand. Additionally, it should be meaningful, have inherent worth, and offer potential for further investigation.

Carry Out a Careful and Adequate Editing

To effectively edit your work, it is important to follow these steps: Allow some time to pass before revisiting your initial draft.

During the revision process, carefully review grammar and punctuation. Additionally, verify the accuracy of your facts. If possible, seek the help of a proofreader to review your work.

Some Short Essay Examples

Below are some short essay examples:

Example 1

Should Public Workers be Allowed to Strike?

Embrace the “ability to express oneself” and bid farewell to “work-related stress.” Numerous public employees are deprived of their right to speak out, even when subjected to unfavorable work conditions and violations of their rights.

Consequently, their motivation to perform their duties effectively is often undermined. Allowing workers to strike serves as an incentive for them to work better.

This is because it empowers them to voice their concerns whenever their rights, safety, or regulations are compromised. Therefore, nations around the world ought to permit public employees to go on strike.


Example 2

Organic and Non-Organic Foods

In the past twenty years, the demand for organic foods has experienced a significant surge. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for organic foods compared to conventional options, leading to a significant rise in their popularity.

In the United States, sales of organic foods increased by more than 10% between 2014 and 2015 (Brown, n.p).

This trend reflects the perception of many consumers that are safer, more delicious, and healthier than non-organic foods.

Additionally, organic foods are considered to have fewer environmental risks than conventional foods.

This is because organic foods are grown without the use of artificial chemicals or genetically modified substances, such as hormones and antibiotics (Brown, n.p).

Example 3

Wealth Inequality

The issue of wealth inequality goes beyond a nation’s total wealth and instead focuses on how wealth is distributed within a society. It is important to acknowledge that each society has its unique set of distinguishing features.

Nevertheless, inequality can result in a host of problems as various aspects of society become uneven, including views, attitudes, and beliefs.

Financial inequality refers to the uneven distribution of wealth among members of a group or society.

Wealth is not limited to an individual’s yearly salary but also encompasses all assets or resources acquired through employment, investments, state benefits, rent, or royalties.

Economic inequality can manifest through pay, wealth, or income. Income includes any compensation received through investments, savings, employment, rent, etc., whereas pay inequality pertains only to the received through employment.

When economic inequality is too high, it can result in high levels of poverty and limited opportunities for children to surpass their parents.

It is important to note that the levels of economic inequality vary across different societies.

Example 4

The Corner Store (by Eudora Welty)

“Our Little Store was located right on the sidewalk, surrounded by family houses without any front yard, trees or flower beds. It was a simple frame structure covered with brick, with a small railed porch above the door and four windows with shades on the upper level.

However, upon entering the store, it appeared to be almost completely dark, with tangible smells filling the air.

The scents included recently-sucked licorice, dill pickle brine that had leaked from a paper bag and left a trail across the wooden floor, ammonia-loaded ice from wet Croker sacks that had been slammed into the icebox with sweet butter at the door, and possibly the smell of mice that were still not caught.”

This description of the “Little Store” is not only brief and to-the-point, but it also includes vivid imagery and sensory details about the store’s structure and atmosphere.

Example 5

A book by Joanne Lipman titled ‘And the Orchestra Played On

The old violin case made a creaking sound when I opened it, and I found my bow covered in loose horsehair due to mites, as explained by the repairman.

It was difficult to play, but to my surprise, I was still able to produce a sound that impressed my teenage children, who had never heard me play before.

Later on, I discovered that I was not alone in my love for the violin, as there were about a hundred people who shared the same passion as me.

I met them at a local school where we had a rehearsal. Among the group were doctors, accountants, engineers, college professors, and others who had not played in decades, as well as professionals like Melanie, daughter of Mr. K., who now played the violin for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

The author uses sensory details in both paragraphs to effectively describe the scene.

Example 6

The Taj Mahal (by Salman Rushdie)

Salman Rushdie’s description of the Taj Mahal emphasizes the importance of experiencing the real world and the power of beauty to transcend imitation.

He believes that the Taj Mahal is a truly beautiful thing that cannot be fully described with words, and it stands out as the loveliest of things, even in a world full of images and imitations.

Once these writing tips have been revised and applied, you are one step closer to mastering the art of essay writing.

In conclusion, short essay examples can provide valuable insights into effective writing techniques and help improve writing skills.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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