The Effects of Organizational Structure in the Management of Organization

The Effects of Organizational Structure in the Management of Organization.

Table of Contents


The major purpose of this study is to examine the effect of organizational structure on management with reference to life vegetable nnewi.

The population of this study consisted of 90 workers of life vegetable company. The sample of the study was consisted of 40 out of 90 staff of vegetable company oil umudim nnewi.

The sample was drawn using systematic random sampling the data gathering instrument was questionnaire. Three research questions was developed and validated which glided the study.

The research designed utilized in the study was a survey method. Sample percentages were used to answer the research questions.

The major findings of this study was that the organizational structure has contributed immensely to the efficiency or inefficiency of workers in the organization.

The delay in decision making affects the effectiveness or performance of workers in the organization. Organizational structure encourages inefficiency and ineffectiveness.


Title page

Approval page



Table of content



  • Introduction
  • Statement of problem
  • Purpose of study
  • Significance of the study
  • Research Questions
  • Limitation of study
  • Delimitation


2.1   Literature Review


  • Research Methodology
    • Target population
    • Sample size
    • Instrument for Data Collection
    • Authenticity of Data Collection
    • Data Collection Techniques
    • Source of Data


  • Data Presentation and Analysis


  • Conclusion and Recommendation
  • Recommendation






1.1 Background of the Study

The effects of organizational structure on any worth while enterprise cannot be over emphasized. This is because organizational structure hinges on the very foundation of effective business enterprises. The essential element necessary for effective organization this include;

  1. The nature of the establishment itself.
  2. It objectives
  3. Productivity
  4. Services and interaction

For any meaningful business to thrive, these factors must be placed in motion and must work harmoniously amongst each other. Organization is defined in many ways. In the study of the management, it can be referred in structure of relationship among individuals.

Organizations are primarily complex of goals seeking of unit which in order to survive must accompany secondary task e.g. they must maintain their internal system to co-ordinate the human side of the enterprise and must adapt and to shape the external environment.

EITON (1984) stated that human affiliation of man could be a motivating force and viewed of the industrial organization as a social and economic as well as technical system.


ALLN AND UNIWINS (1973) Management and Organization.

BEIHSON R.J. AND PETERS (1972) System Behaviour, The open University Press, Harper and Row.

BERNARD C.I. (1968) Functions of the Executive, Mass Harvard University Press.

BRENCH B.F.L. (1965) Organization the framework of management: 2nd Edition, London; Longman Publishers.

BROWN W.B.O. (1962) Exploration in management, London, Heinemann Publishers.

NWADUKWE U.C. AND CHUKE L.U. (2003) Office Administration and management. 1st Edition: Nigeria, Christian Publishers.

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