Social Accounting: a Method of Assessing the Impact of Nigerian Enterprises Development Activities

Social Accounting: a Method of Assessing the Impact of Nigerian Enterprises Development Activities.

Table of Contents


The project work discusses Social Accounting: A method of assessing the impact of enterprises development activities. This study was therefore necessitated by the need to give appraisal of the recognition and growing of sophistication of Social Accounting Techniques for a good practice in corporate social responsibilities.

Specifically the objectives of the study are to answer among others; to ascertain the input/effects of social accounting in enterprise development activities in Nigeria, to evaluate various techniques of using social accounting to estimate enterprises income/earning.

To determine how to solve organizational conflicts between shareholding interest and social consideration and to evaluate some of the problems encountered in assessing social accounting activities in Nigeria enterprises.

To accomplish the above objectives, the researcher made use of both historical and survey research; data were collected by use of oral interview and questionnaires.

Data collected were subjected through analysis using simple percentage, tables, and charts while the stated hypothesis were tested using Chi-Square (X2) to ascertain its reliability and objectivity.

The result of the research shows that the effective use of social accounting approach improves transparency, accountability and compliance in the organization.

The application of social accounting method of assessment has external/ internal environmental impact on the Nigeria enterprises development activities.

It has significant relationship between the corporate image of the organization and the environment and it shows that the conflict of interest between stakeholders and management has hindrance on the auditing and reporting of accounting, where as stakeholders engagement with the organization improves ethical standard and learning.



1.0 Background of the study——1
1.1 Statement of the problem—-5
1.2 Research questions————6
1.3 Objectives of the study——7
1.4 Hypotheses————8
1.5 Significance of the study——-9
1.6 Scope and limitations of the study——10
1.7 Definition of terms——-11


2.0 Review of related literatures———–14
2.1 Definition of social accounting———16
2.2 Scope of enterprises social responsibilities——19
2.3 Principles of AA 1000 process model and accountability—–22
2.4 Application of social accounting in enterprise development——–26
2.5 Social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting in social accounting development enterprise–29
2.6 Challenges of social accounting techniques———32
2.7 Types of social accounting——————–33
2.8 Benefits of social accounting techniques——-40
2.9 Social accounting and impact assessment–42
2.10 Summary of review of related literature——46


3.0 Research methodology———50
3.1 Research design——————–51
3.2 Area of study————-52
3.3 Sources of data—-52
3.4 Data collection and administration of the instrument –53
3.5 Population of the study———–54
3.6 Sample size determination and sampling method—54
3.7 Techniques of data analysis————–55


4.0 Introduction——59
4.1 Presentation and analysis of data—–60
4.1.1 Method of calculation——–60
4.2 Test of hypothesis——–98


5.0 Summary of Findings——119
5.1 Conclusion——–121
5.2 Recommendations—–122
5.3 Suggestion for Further Research—-123


1.1 Background of the Study

Social accounting as an approach began developing in the U.K in the early 1970s, when the Public Interest Research Group established Social Audit Limited.

This organization carried out, and publicized investigations into the operations of large public companies, without necessarily gaining their permission or co-operation.

Whilst lending support to consumer pressure, there is an argument that this had a negative effect on accountability, as organizations sought to ensure that sensitive information was hidden from such investigations.

Globalization has brought with it a wide realization that companies do not operate in isolation, but can have marked impacts on the environment and people at local, national and global levels, (Chris, 2006:1).

This has led to an increasing awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the “triple bottom-line” of business success measuring the business not only in the financial performance, but by its social and environmental impact as well.


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