Economic Relationship between Fiscal Deficit and Macroeconomic Performance in Nigeria

Economic Relationship between Fiscal Deficit and Macroeconomic Performance in Nigeria


The growth and development of the Nigerian economy have not been stable over the years as a result, the country’s economy has witnessed so many shocks and disturbances both internally and externally over the decades.

Internally, the unstable investment and consumption patterns as well as the improper implementation of public policies, changes in future expectations and the accelerator are some of the factors responsible for it (Siyan and Adebayo, 2009).

Similarly, the external factors identified are wars, revolutions, population growth rates and migration, technological transfer and changes as well as the openness of the country’s economy.

The cyclical fluctuations in the country’s economic activities have led to the periodical increase in the country’s unemployment and inflation rates as well as the external sector disequilibria(Okunrounmu, 2003).


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