Assessment of Supervisory Role Performance of Principals on Teachers’ Duties in Secondary Schools

Assessment of Supervisory Role Performance of Principals on Teachers’ Duties in Secondary Schools.

Table of Contents


The study is on the assessment of supervisory role performance of principals on teachers’ duties in secondary school in Kogi State.

It identified the perceived effectiveness of principals in the supervision of teachers’ duties some of the objectives of the study were to examine the supervisory role performance of principals on the punctuality of teachers, to determine the supervisory role performance of principals on teachers design of lesson plan/note,

To examine the supervisory role of principals on teacher’s evaluation of students and to find out the supervisory role performance of principals on the conduct of extra-curricula activities in secondary schools in Kogi State. The related literature review was based on the variables in the objectives of the study.

Also the concept of duty and meaning of the supervisory role was reviewed. Five research questions, five null hypotheses were formulated based on the objectives. The survey research design was used and the population of the study includes 244 principals, 2,280 teachers and 6,800 SS 1 and SS 2 students.

The sample size was determined using nana technique of percentage and stratified random method. The sample size is a 548Structured questionnaire was used using the Likert rating scale and content validity was used.

The pilot study was carried out using five schools outside the sampled schools 5 principals, 25 teachers and seventy students. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha and the reliability coefficient is .9310.analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for testing the hypotheses at

0.05 significant level the findings revealed that principals used attendance register, they made sure that teachers prepared lesson plans/notes before going to the class to teach among other findings.

Some of the recommendations of the study were that principals should intensify more efforts in the supervision of teachers and students’ punctuality, that relevant textbooks should be provided to help teachers in preparation for their lesson and writing of lesson plan/note.

Principals should always ensure that teachers break the content of each topic to be taught and enter into the diary and also that government and principals should ensure that the number of students in each class do not exceed 40-45 for effective evaluation and management of students.

Also, principals ensured that teachers evaluate students through continuous assessment, more sporting facilities should be provided for schools.


Background to the Study

Supervision is as old as the school system. Supervision has undergone a series of evolution since the colonial era. It is directed towards sustaining the teaching and learning process in the educational system. This is because education plays an essential role in the growth and development of any nation socially, politically and economically (Akinwumi, 2002).

Ojogwo (2001) opines that supervision is the art of overseeing the teaching-learning process making sure that the school is administered and managed that will lead to an effective achievement of educational objectives.

He stressed that supervision as a field of educational practice with clearly delineated roles and responsibilities did not fall from the sky fully formed, rather a supervision emerged slowly as a distinct practice, always in relation to the institutional academic, cultural and professional dynamics that have historically generated to the complex agenda of schooling.

Kochhar (2007) opines that the principal holds the major position on the supervision of teachers through effective and efficient supervision of teachers’ lesson plan and lesson note, punctuality, adherence to curriculum content, evaluation of students and conduct of extracurricular activities.

He stressed that the principal as the head of a school is the architect of the quality of activities in the schools and the quality of academic achievement of students and teachers dedicated to duties depends on the supervisory role of the principal.

It becomes obvious that the principal supervisory role should be done diligently in order to influence teachers’ duties. The desired expectation in education could only be achieved through effective and efficient supervision since it creates an awareness of sound education.


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