OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (QEII-GSST) 2021

OG/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (QEII-GSST) 2020

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) programs encourage excellence in graduate studies. And this is at publicly-assisted universities in Ontario. Also, both programs are jointly funded by the Ontario government. And other participating institutions.

The government contributes two-thirds of the value of the awards. And the university provides the remaining one-third. Also, students are considered for OGS and QEII-GSST at Waterloo. ANd this is by using one application. However, both scholarships are of equal prestige.

And students who are applying for tri-agency awards will NOT automatically be considered for OGS and QEII-GSST.  Also, they must submit a separate OGS/QEII-GSST application form.

Also, the OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship are very essential and outstanding.

Differences Between OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships

  • OGS – merit-based scholarship program for Ontario’s best graduate students. And it’s in all disciplines of academic study. Also, available to Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents and International students.
  • QEII-GSST – merit-based scholarship program targeted specifically towards graduate students registered in a research graduate program in one of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields. Also, only available to Canadian Citizens/Permanent residents.

Value of OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships

Each OGS and QEII-GSST is valued at a maximum of $15,000. And this is per year. Or $5,000 per term. Also, Waterloo celebrates outstanding academic achievement of its graduate students. And this is by offering the President’s Graduate Scholarship (PGS) to students receiving an OGS or QEII-GSST.

Start Date

Successful OGS and QEII-GSST recipients will begin their scholarship during 2020-2021. Also, the allowable start terms are spring 2020. And fall 2020 or winter 2021.


Recipients have the option to take up their for a minimum of two terms. Thus receiving $10,000 total. Or three terms. And receiving $15,000 total. One term awards are not permitted. Also, the awards are non-renewable.

For full details regarding holding an OGS or QEII-GSST, please refer to our 

International OGS Competition Deadlines

This competition is reserved for international applicants. Those who are currently registered in a graduate program at Waterloo as of the fall 2020 term.  Note: If you anticipate receiving PR status prior to February 3, 2021, please contact the Co-ordinator, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards.

Domestic OGS/QEII-GSST Competition Deadlines

  • February 1, 2021 – Deadline to apply for admission to Waterloo.
  • And February 3, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EST) – Deadline to submit transcript request.
  • February 3, 2021 –  Deadline to submit OGS/QEII Application and Academic Assessment Reports

Visit the OGS/QEII-GSST timeline page  for further details.

Eligibility for OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships

Below is the detailed eligibility criteria for OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship:

  • Preference is given to most had averages of 85%. Or above in each of their last two years of full time academic study.
  • Also, most had published journal articles. And refereed conference proceedings and posters or presentations.
  • Additionally, most have held previous Provincial (OGS/QEII-GSST). And Federal Tri-Council scholarships (approximately 50% of applicants).


  • Be a Canadian citizen. And Permanent Resident. Or Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). This is at the time of the application deadline.
  • And must be an international student studying in Ontario. With a student study permit under the Immigration. And Refugee Protection Act (Canada). Note: International students are not eligible for QEII-GSST awards.

Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Be registered full-time in a graduate degree program. However, students who can only register part-time because of permanent disabilities may still be eligible. Note: to be considered for QEII-GSST, applicants must be enrolled in or plan to register in a research-based master’s or doctoral program in a STEM discipline.
  • And must have achieved a first-class average. Equivalent to Waterloo’s (minimum of A-/80%). And in EACH of the last two full-time academic years.

Application Process

The OGS and QEII-GSST scholarships are not portable. Thus recipients cannot take their OGS/QEII-GSST to another institution. Also, applicants must submit separate applications at each institution in which they wish to be considered for an OGS/QEII-GSST.

Furthermore, applicants may then need to submit multiple OGS/QEII-GSST applications. This is to several institutions. Also, each institution has their own application processes and timelines.

1. Confirm Eligibility

  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to review the eligibility criteria as indicated above before beginning the application process. If you are unsure of your eligibility, contact your proposed department graduate coordinator.

2. Determine your “Proposed” Department

  • If you are already enrolled in the graduate program (at Waterloo) to which you are applying for OGS/QEII-GSST funding, your current department will be your “proposed” department. And the proposed department is where you are planning to hold the scholarship if you are successful.
  • Also, if you are not already registered in a graduate program at Waterloo, your proposed department is the graduate program to which you are applying for admission. And your OGS/QEII-GSST application and supporting documents should be submitted to this department.
  • Also, if you are applying to multiple graduate departments at Waterloo, you must select one of those departments and submit your OGS/QEII-GSST application there as multiple OGS/QEII-GSST applications are not permitted. Additionally, awards are not portable across faculties and may not be portable across departments within a faculty.

3. Complete an OGS/QEII-GSST Transcript Request Webform (if applicable)

  • Waterloo and non-Waterloo post-secondary transcripts are required as part of a complete OGS/QEII-GSST application.
  • Also, students are NOT permitted to submit copies of their transcripts themselves along with their OGS/QEII-GSST application form. However, instead, applicants are required to submit an OGS/QEII-GSST transcript request webform (with some exceptions). Thus, to determine whether you are required to submit an OGS/QEII-GSST transcript request, please visit the .

4. Apply for admission (if applicable)

  • Domestic students – by February 1, 2021 domestic students must apply for graduate program admission. And is through the department/school that will be responsible for reviewing the OGS/QEII-GSST application.
  • International students – due to the limited quota of awards available for international students, OGS applications will only be accepted from students who are currently registered in a graduate program. Thus current UW undergraduate international students are not eligible to apply.

5. Select and Contact Two Referees

  • A complete OGS/QEII-GSST application includes two academic references. And applicants must complete sections 1-3 of the OGS/QEII-GSST Academic Assessment Report. Also, must forward it to their referees for completion and submission to the applicant’s “proposed” department graduate coordinator.
  • Additionally, applicants are encouraged to review the Academic Assessment Report Instructions.
  • And referees must use the space provided on the form for their reference letter. Also, separate letters must not be attached. If applicable, referees may re-use the content of their 2021-2022 Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC or Vanier) reference letter for the applicant. This is by pasting it in the space provided. And, it is permissible for letters to refer to another award name in this case.
  • However, the deadline for referees to submit the Academic Assessment Report to the applicant’s “proposed” department graduate coordinator is the same deadline by which the completed application must be submitted.

6. Complete the Application

  • An OGS/QEII-GSST application is required in order to be considered for the scholarship. Also, students only need to submit one application in order to be considered for both OGS and QEII-GSST.
  • Furthermore, the application must be submitted to the proposed department graduate coordinator (see Step 2 above) by the appropriate submission deadline. Also, students may contact their department graduate coordinator to see if they would prefer a hardcopy or electronic submission (scanned via email) for the application form. For electronic copies, digital signatures are acceptable.
  • Additionally, refer to the Helpful resources & forms section below for the application and application instructions, as well as other resources.

7. Review Application Components for Completeness

  • A complete OGS/QEII-GSST application is comprised of the following:
    • OGS/QEII-GSST Application
    • Additionally, admission application to the University of Waterloo (if applicable).
    • Furthermore, transcripts (requested using the transcript request web form, if applicable).
    • Lastly, two Academic Assessment Reports.

Waterloo’s Administrative Process

International Competition

  • Applicants must complete and submit their application to the proposed graduate department by the appropriate deadline.
  • Also, the department will review and rank applications and forward to the Faculty.
  • Additionally, the Faculty will review applications and select the top 3 candidates from their Faculty. This is to be considered at university-level adjudication.
  • Lastly, institutional selection committee will review top 3 candidates from each Faculty. And select 5 international OGS recipients as well as a ranked reversion list.

Domestic Competition

  • Applicants must complete and submit their application to the proposed graduate department by the appropriate deadline.
  • Also, OGS/QEII-GSST recipients will be selected. And this is according to each Faculty specific adjudication processes below:
    • Applied Health Sciences, Arts, EnvironmentScience
      • Departments submit ranked applicants to their Faculty. And this is for Faculty-wide assessment.
      • Faculty-level committee reviews. And makes award recommendations based on Faculty-set quota.
    • Engineering, Mathematics
      • Faculty distributes quotas to departments. But reserves some for Faculty decision-making.
      • Departments make award recommendations based on departmental-set quota. However, Faculty-level committee review is not required.
      • Also, after the first round of offers are accepted/declined, the remaining Faculty allocation is adjudicated separately by Faculty-level committee.

Evaluation criteria

There are three areas of evaluation under which the application will be considered. Thus, each department and Faculty will determine the weight placed on each of the following criteria within the ranges indicated:

1. Academic Excellence (30-50%*); As demonstrated by:

  • Academic transcripts.
  • Also, the list of competitive scholarships, awards and honours.

2. Research Ability and Potential in Program of Study (30-50%*); As demonstrated by:

  • Publications.
  • Also, with conferences.
  • Additionally, with presentations.
  • Furthermore, with originality, artistic performance and creations broadly defined.

3. Communication and Leadership Abilities (0-20%*); As demonstrated by:

  • list of relevant volunteer, leadership and academic work experience.

*Individual faculty weights:

  • Arts, Engineering: (1) 50%, (2) 30%, (3) 20%
  • Applied Health Sciences: (1) 50%, (2) 40%, (3) 10%
  • Environment, Mathematics, Science: (1) 40%, (2) 40%, (3) 20%


The above information is essential. This is as long as OGS/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship is concerned. As such, do well to adhere to it. Also, feel free to share this post.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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