How to Join the Peoples Democratic Party 2020 See Latest Update

How to Join the Peoples Democratic Party 2020 See Latest Update.

Peoples Democratic Party: Amongst many political parties exists a body called The Peoples Democratic Party.

The Peoples Democratic Party is a politically organized group of persons who exist with a common interest and for the main reason of being in power. This body, like other political parties, has a manifesto.

The manifesto is the cardinal plans and also the aims of the party. This being what they seek to achieve when they get into power.

This party was formed in August 1998, with Alex Ekwueme, who was once a Vice President of the country, as its first Chairman and Jerry Gana as its first-party chairman.

Can anyone just step in and gain membership in this body?  No, of course. This means there are conditions and procedures to follow to become a member of the Peoples Democratic Party.

NOTE: Membership of this party is not open to people below the age of 18 years and anyone who wants to be a member must strictly adhere to the constitution of Peoples Democratic Party.

Furthermore, a register of members is made available for the prospective member in the ward and this register ought not to be moved from the ward secretariat.

The register is then authenticated through the signatures of the ward chairman and the ward secretary.  An member of this party must register at his/her ward of origin that is the ward of the party located in the local government area and state of origin where he/she lives or is involved in a business in.

In addition to these, a prospective member must make some payments before being admitted by PDP. These fees include registration and other fees which are mandatory requirements before admission.

The inability to pay these fees equals disqualification from membership of the Peoples Democratic Party. Thereafter, the application of the intending member is being looked into by the Wards Executive Committee. It is their duty to accept or reject the application upon consideration.

However, if The Wards Executive Committee disregards the application, it is thereby sent to a higher organ of PDP for critical analysis. When this has been successfully carried out and the member cleared, he/she is being issued a membership card.

This membership card is similar to an identity card of any other organization or body as it carries the image of the newly registered member of the Peoples Democratic Party on it.

Moreover, this card is made and available at the National Headquarters of the Peoples Democratic Party and it is being approved and consented to by the National Chairman and National Secretary of the party.

Conclusively, it is pertinent to note that PDP  is a political body that exists for the major purpose of being in government. There are conditions to be met before becoming a registered member of the party.

It ranges from being at least 18 years of age, payment of registration fees amongst others which must be met.

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