Marketability of Made in Nigeria Textile

Marketability of Made in Nigeria Textile.

Table of Contents


It was in recognition of the fact that a favourable attitude towards locally manufactured textiles in needed for the Nigeria textile industry to survive the present intense competition with foreign textile, that this research work was born. The work is a study of the Marketability of made- in-Nigeria Textile.

The research is aimed at analyzing various factors that influence consumer response to made in Nigeria Textile. It was also aimed at finding the consumer perception of quality, price, colour and design of made in Nigeria textile.

The study was expected to help the locally textile industry identify areas in their production and marketing activities that need to be reviewed and improved upon.

Data were collected using structured questionnaires and interview guides from consumers. Secondary data were collected from journals, publications and related works.

A sample size of 384 respondents was used for the study and the chi- square statistical tool was used in the analysis of primary data at 5% level of significance.


1.1 Background of Study

Nigeria is the largest country in black Africa with a population forecast of 150 million people broken into 36 states with Abuja as the capital.

With this population and clothing being a basic need of life, it is evidently clear that Nigeria constitutes a very large market for clothing items – Textile Materials.

The local textile needs is presently being met by locally manufactured textiles, cheap textiles dumped in the country as well as high quality textiles entering through unofficial trade.

In 1990, there were 175 textile factories operating in Nigeria but today we have 42 epileptic operators. Only 12 of these can boast of operating at 30% capacity.

Among these, 4 textile factories produce embroidery lace materials as part of their product brands. This further establishes the inadequacy of the local supply of textile products in Nigeria.

For instance, over $760 million worth of embroidered lace materials/textiles exported from South-East Asian countries to sub-Saharan Africa annually.


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