Democracy and Islamic Sect/Boko Haram in Nigeria

Democracy and Islamic Sect/Boko Haram in Nigeria.

Table of Contents


Democracy is always seen as an indispensable feature of any nation. The idea that the practice of true democracy is very pivotal for the survival and progress of every nation of that would Nigerian is not an exception.

Thus, Nwabueze (1991:20) succinctly describes democracy as “A form of government which recognizes and institutionalizes the people as the fountain of power and enables them by the means election

at frequent intervals on the universal adult franchise to choose and mandate those to govern a form of government in which the public good or welfare of the people is the object”.

To efficiently carry out the research, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary source were oral interview on the masses about the regime of ,

the questionnaire was also formulated to solicit information from the respondents which also acted as a primary source of information, whereas the library materials, magazines, newspaper and internets materials acted as secondary sources of information.

The researcher also formulated research questions that acted as guide to the study. The data generated from the questionnaire responses was presented and also analyzed using the questionnaire responses.


Title page                                                                 i

Approval                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgements                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                   vi

Table of contents                                                     viii


1.1   Background of the study                                 2

1.2   Statement of the problem                                3

1.3   Purpose of the study                                        8

1.4   Significance of the study                                  9

1.5   Research questions                                         10

1.6   Scope of the study                                           11

1.7   Limitation of the study                                    11

1.8   Definition of the terms                                     11


2.1   Literature Review                                             13

2.2   Problems of democracy government in Nigeria     19

2.3   Boko haram history in Nigeria                         21

2.4   Boko haram attack in Nigeria                          23

2.5   Views of other people on Boko haram              26

2.6   Comparing Nigeria democracy and boko haram 32

2.7   Consequences of boko haram to national  development          34

2.8   Summary of literature review                          37

2.9   Gap in literature                                              38


3.0   Research Methodology                                     39

3.1   Brief outline of the study                                 39

3.2   Design of the study                                          40

3.3   Area of the study                                             40

3.4   Population of the study                                    40

3.5   Sample of the study                                         41

3.6   Instrument for data collection                         41

3.7   Validation of the instrument                            42

3.8   Distribution and Retrieval of instrument         42

3.7   Method of data analysis                                   43


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                      44

4.1   Findings of the study                                       65


5.0   Summary Conclusion and Recommendation   69

5.1   Summary of findings                                       69

5.2   Conclusion                                                      70

5.2   Recommendations                                           71

References                                                       74

Appendix                                                         76

Questionnaire                                                  77


Democracy and Islamic sect/Boko Haram in Nigeria. This study on democracy and Islamic sect in Nigeria is geared towards bringing to light the menace of Islamic sect/Boko haram on Nigeria democracy.

However, following the president Goodluck Jonathan regime, Nigeria have witnessed several dis-harmony on its socio-polity as a result of the problems posed by Boko haram which is an Islamic militant group based in the north which forbid western education and seeks the imposition of Sharia law in the country.

Therefore, Boko haram has done more harms than good to democracy in Nigeria because of its negative attributes which makes Nigeria an undemocratic nation.


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