Relevance of Newspaper in Enhancing Reading Ability among Students

Relevance of Newspaper in Enhancing Reading Ability among Students.

Table of Contents


The research is aim to find out the relevance of reading newspapers among students.

The majority of students agree that reading newspapers enhancing their reading ability and its develop their grammatical structure, semantic knowledge and creative ability as well as lexical items.


Title page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i
Approval Page . .. .. .. .. .. .. ii
Dedication .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iii
Acknowledgements .. .. .. .. .. .. iv
Table of contents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. v
Abstract .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. viii


1.0 Background to the study .. .. .. .. .. 1
1.2 Statement of the problem .. .. .. .. 3
1.3 Research questions.. .. .. .. .. .. 3
1.4 Objectives of the study .. .. .. .. .. 4
1.5 Significance of the study .. .. .. .. .. 5
1.6 Research Hypotheses .. .. .. .. .. 5
1.7 Scope and Delimitation .. .. .. .. .. 6
1.8 Definition of operational terms .. .. .. .. 6

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review 

2.1 Definition of Newspaper .. .. .. .. .. 8
2.2 Kinds of Newspapers .. .. .. .. . 10
2.3 Types of Newspaper in Nigeria .. .. .. .. 12
2.4 Functions and relevance of Newspaper in enhancing reading ability … 16
2.5 The concept of reading .. .. .. .. .. 18
2.6 Definition of reading .. .. .. .. .. 19
2.7 Kinds of reading .. .. .. .. .. .. 21
2.8 Relationship between Reading and Newspaper .. .. 22

CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology 

3.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
3.2 Research Design .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
3.3 Population of the study .. .. .. .. .. 25
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique .. .. .. 25
3.5 Instrumentation .. .. .. .. .. .. 26
3.6 Validity of the instrument .. .. .. .. 26
3.7 Method of data collection .. .. .. .. 26
3.8 Procedure of data analysis .. .. .. .. 27


4.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis.. .. .. .. 28

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary of findings .. .. .. .. .. 39
5.2 Conclusions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40
5.3 Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. .. 41
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42
Appendix I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43


1.0    Background to the Study

The first newspaper to be published was a daily newssheet called actadium (daily event) which was in Rome around 15BC. This was followed by Dibao published in China in which caved wooden block were used in printing it during 700AD. Latter on newsletter and news sheet.

(Official News sheet) 1500s and notizic scrite appeared which were posted up in public places in Vanice. They could be read on a payment of a coin as a reward called Gazzeta which became the common name for early newspaper.

However, the first regularly printed newssheet called Avisa Relation ordezertung came on stage around 1609 in Germany. It was followed by the weekly frank – fauta it is a journal which was regarded as a world fist real newspaper in the year 1615, by Egonolphelmel Germany.

Then many countries began to havetheir own newspaper such as Dandan skemercius,. Denmark, the weekly news in England the Gazzeta de Mexico.

In Mexico the courant in Netherland the Gozzeta in Spain and the ordinaire – postitinde in Sweden, vie domost in Russia the Halifax in Denmark, the Chrotain intelligent sedler in Norway, lagaceta de santaein in Colombia, and world in India, India.


Adegbija, E. (1987) Effective Study Skill and Use of English. University of Ilorin Nigeria.

Crystal, (1964) Encyclopedia of Language Volume 3

Grellet, F. (1981) Developing Reading Skills Cambridge University Press London.

Harris, A. J. And Sipay E.R. (1985 8th Edition) How to Increase Reading Ability A Guide to Development &Remedial Method. New York London.

Mamman, F. N. (2004) Use of English for UndergraduateUsman Danfodiyo UniversitySokoto.

Nwenjo, O. E. (1984) Mass Communication in Nigeria A Book of Reading Fourth Dimension Publishers. Enugu, Nigeria.

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