Design and Implementation of an Automated Questioning System

Design and Implementation of an Automated Questioning System

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The automated questioning system is a stand-alone system which enables parents, instructors, lecturers as well as recruiting agents to generate their own questions on their personal computer as an option to the manual way of testing for knowledge through the interview, unlike the traditional pen-to-paper test.

It could be adopted both in the academic and non-academic environment. It is designed to serve as an alternative to the manual way of administering quiz, aptitude test or even computer-based assessment in the academic environment.


Today, implementation of the automated questioning system has brought development in the functioning of different sectors, for example, educational sectors, banking sectors and government parastatals.

The implementation of the automated questioning system has helped different government parastatals to eradicate manual ways of conducting the test in which the result can only be known at a later time.

The automated questioning system also allows the applicants, students, educators to be able to know the result at the scene, unlike the manual method which you can not know the score immediately.

This project is computer-assisted learning software that allow lecturers, instructors and educators to be able to generate their own interactive quiz questions on their personal computer easily. It tests understanding based on a particular discipline.


This research project is aimed at carrying out automated questioning system which allows students applicant to be assessed in a real time. Its aims and objectives is stipulated as follows:

  1. To provide the participant with an instant result for the question taken without further delay.
  2. To eliminate some human-related errors involved in the manual interview or question system.
  3. To provide flexible ways of generating question by providing and associating options for the question as well as the correct options.
  4. It provides accurate result which is more reliable than the manual system of computation.


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