Kyushu University International Friendship Scholarships 2021 Updates

Kyushu University International Friendship Scholarships 2021 Updates.

Kyushu University International Friendship Scholarships 2021: Are you seeking an international scholarship? If yes, here’s an opportunity for you.

The Kyushu University invites applications from students who want to undertake their Undergraduate & Postgraduate degree program in the institution.

Kyushu Scholarship for International Students

This scholarship aims to foster the nation’s future leaders, maintain good relations with Kyushu University, and play the role of point of contact to cultivate joint research and bring in external capital depending on their course or career after graduation.

Eligible Countries



Undergraduate & Postgraduate

Number of Scholars

Approximately 5 students per term (Depends on the budget)


The scholar will receive ‘Scholarship’ and ‘Travel Expenses’(Depends on the budget).


Both your period of enrollment at and the length of stay in must be more than 16 days of the month concerned in order to receive a monthly stipend.

Monthly Stipend

80,000 JPY

Support Period

1st Term: From April, 2020 to September, 2020 (Up to 6 months)
2nd Term: From October, 2020 to March, 2021 (Up to 6 months)

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses up to the amount below will be covered (actual cost). Round-trip economy air ticket via the most direct route between Fukuoka and the location of the recipient’s university.

Air tickets and transportation fees in the recipient’s home country will not apply unless receipts and other proof of purchase are made.

Other Kyushu Scholarships

Asia(*): Up to 50,000 JPY
Outside of Asia: 100,000 JPY
*The area designated by the


An applicant must meet all of the following eligibilities.

  1. Students who are enrolled in non-Japanese universities.
  2. Students who are talented in need of financial assistance.
  3. Students who can be accepted by an undergraduate school or graduate school of Kyushu University as Special Auditors, Special Research Students, or Double Degree Program students.
  4. Students who are considering to study as degree-seeking students at Kyushu University in the future. (Only for Special Auditors and Special Research Students)
  5. Students who have been successfully accepted or are under the procedure of acceptance at Kyushu University as of the application for this scholarship.
  6. Students can pay the tuition fee in case they come from universities which don’t have the agreement of student exchange with Kyushu University.
  7. Students who have applied for a student exchange program in case they come from the universities which have the agreement of student exchange with Kyushu University. (In principle)
  8. Students whose terms of study are more than 3 months and status of Visa is “College Students” in Japan.

Students who have received this scholarship and want to continue to receive can apply again.

Application Process

  1. Find a potential supervisor from who you wish to have instruction during your study term at Kyushu University. Those who don’t find a potential supervisor can’t apply for this scholarship.
    [Reference]Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
  2. Contact the potential supervisor by e-mail or other ways, and obtain his/her consent to be your supervisor in Kyushu University.
  3. After getting the consent from him/her, contact the student office of the school/graduate school which you wish to enroll at Kyushu University (hereafter “your student office”) and inquire about the procedure for enrollment. [Reference]Kyushu University Schools & Graduate Schools
  4. Prepare required documents (cf. “4. Required Documents”) and submit them to your student office by the application period (cf. “7. Application Period”). Submission by PDF data is acceptable.
  5. Your student office notifies the selection result to you and your supervisor.

Required Documents

  1. Application Form (Form 1)
  2. Official academic (in English)
  3. Letter of recommendation (No fixed form, within A4 sized 1 page)
    *Written by the potential supervisor at Kyushu University.

Application Period

You need to submit all required documents to your student office by the following deadlines. We don’t accept any application at an office other than your student office.

1st Term Application (April, 2020 – September, 2020)

>> [Deadline] Friday, November 29th, 2019

2nd Term Application (October, 2020 – March, 2021)

>> [Deadline] Friday, May 15th, 2020

For more information,

If you need us to feed you with more updated information at the right time about Kyushu University International Friendship Scholarships 2021, kindly provide us your phone number and email address in the comment box below.

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