Design and Implementation of a Police Crime Diary

Design and Implementation of a Police Crime Diary.

Table of Contents


The complexity and anonymity of computer systems does not only aid crime in the society but also it’s a combating measure to crime and aids crime prevention and assist investigation when positively utilized. Crime is today a salient fact, an integral part of the risk we face in everyday life.

Crime is associated with harm and violence. A crime diary is an automated or manual periodic record or reports of crime.

An automated crime diary is a similitude of a digital diary online diary and blog. This research work, Design and implementation of police crime diary is a web-based system, designed using visual studio 2008 (ASP.NET) as front end and MS SQL Management studio 2005 as its back end (data drum).

This system fully automate the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) police crime diary with additional and a beneficial features.










CHAPTER ONE – Introduction

1.1          Background of study    2

1.2          Objectives of study     4

1.3          Scope of the study   5

1.4          Motivation    6

1.5          Statement of Problem

1.6          Limitation of study

1.7          Methodology          6

CHAPTER TWO – Literature Review

2.1          Introduction     11

2.2          Review of verification systems   11

CHAPTER THREE – System Analysis and Design

3.1          Introduction     29

3.2          System analysis of the system  29

3.3          Constraints of the existing system   31

3.4          Proposed system design    33

3.4.1      System algorithm design     33

3.4.2      Input design     39

3.4.3      Interface design  41

3.4.4      Output design    42

3.4.5      System database design 43

3.5          Technology, tools and programming language used    45

CHAPTER FOUR – Design and Implementation 

4.0          Introduction     48

4.1          System design      48

4.2          System description           49

4.3          System implementation    52

4.4          Hardware requirement    53

4.5          Software requirement  53

4.6          System testing      54

4.7          System review and maintenance  54

4.8          Installation procedure       55

4.9          User guide        55

CHAPTER FIVE – Summary and Conclusion 

5.1          Summary     57

5.2          Recommendation   58

5.3          Conclusion     58




A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer.

According to Stella C. Chiemeke and Franca A. Egbokdara (2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified whole.

In this modern age, computers have verified the cause of their existence. The advent of computers in our society caused a lot of criticism on the danger it poses on the society.

Critics of computer and new techniques express their fear on how computers will displace and replace all human skills thus resulting to mass unemployment.

The presence of computer on virtually every field of today’s fast life has proved the critic wrong as the invention of computers and new technologies continues to create additional jobs for those who identify themselves with computers and new technologies. This make computes partner to human beings in any fields of human endeavor.


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