Design and Implementation of a Departmental Portal

Design and Implementation of a Departmental Portal.

Table of Contents


Education is very important in this century, especially higher education. In recent years, courses development is springing up like mushrooms. Therefore, the need to provide and maintain high quality of teaching and learning services are very important to maintain.

This project report is about developing a Departmental Portal which aims at creating a system whereby common educational challenges can be tackled without much stress from the students or staffs. The use of PHP and MySQL were involved for the developmental process.

The Departmental Portal is a web based system that deals on registration of student, generating blacklist for student, generating quick result for each student, provides upload and download of course material and allocation of departmental courses.

It is an affordable solution that gives the department more values as the system caters to the need of the department which includes: admission, online result, inquiry etc. It maintains all information of the department in a centralized database and allows each Staff to view relevant information from anywhere at any time.


Title Page ii

Declaration iii

Certification Page iv

Approval Page v

Dedication vi

Acknowledgement vii

Table of Content viii

Abstract x


1.1 Background of the Stud 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 3

1.3 Aim & Objectives 3

1.4 Significance of the Study 4

1.5 Scope of the Study 4

1.6 Limitation of the Study 4

1.7 Definition of Terms 5


2.1 Preamble 6

2.2 Theoretical Framework of the Study 6

2.3 Empirical Review of Previous Work 9


3.1 Preamble 19

3.2 Research Methodology 19

3.2.1 Methodologies Adopted for the Proposed System 20

3.2.2 Method of Data Collection 21

3.3 Description and Analysis of the Existing System 21

3.3.1 Components of the Existing System 21

3.3.2 How the Existing System Works 22

3.3.3 Data Flow Diagram of the Existing System 22

3.3.4 Advantages of the Existing System 23

3.3.5 Disadvantages of the Existing System 23

3.4 Description and Analysis of the Proposed System 23

3.4.1 Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System 24

3.4.2 Justification of the Proposed System 25

3.4.3 Advantages of the Proposed System 25

3.4.4 Disadvantages of the Proposed System 25

3.4.5 High Level Model of the System 26

3.5 System Requirement 26

3.5.1 Hardware Requirement 26

3.5.2 Software Requirement 27

3.6 Research Design 27

3.6.1 Input Specification 27

3.6.2 Output Specification 27

3.7 UML Diagram 27

3.7.1 Use Case Diagrams 28

3.7.2 Class Diagrams 31

3.7.3 Activity Diagram 32


4.1 Preamble 35

4.2 Objectives of the System Design 35

4.3 Program Main Menu 35

4.4 System and Program Flowchart 36

4.5 Choice and Justification of Programming Language Used 37

4.6 Program Code Listing 38

4.7 Maintenance 38


5.1 Review of Achievement 40

5.2 Suggestion for Further Research 40

5.3 Recommendation 40

5.4 Conclusion 40

References 42

Appendix I 44

Appendix II


The role of education as an instrument for promoting the socio-economic, political and cultural development of any nation can never be over-emphasised. According to Abdulkareem (2001), a nation’s growth and development is determined by its human resources.

The provision of the much-needed manpower to accelerate the growth and development of the economy has been said to be the main relevance of university education in Nigeria (Ibukun, 1997).

The colonial education which was inherited by Nigeria was criticised for being too theoretical to be able to make meaningful impact on the life of Nigerians (Akinlua, 2007).

Subjects taught in schools reflected the taste of the colonial education officials; hence school curricula were built around the existing colonial values. Students were supposed to mimic their teachers in subject like English Language which involved demonstration of competency.

The same problem which informed dependency on past colonial education relics seems to have continued till date. Woolman (2001: 41) was forced to comment on issue of this sort in his remark about African education. According to him, “African school systems today still follow the rigid structure of time periods and grade-level progression found in Western education.”


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