Study Abroad Programs 2020 in Ecuador for International Students

Study Abroad Programs 2020 in Ecuador for International Students.

Study Abroad Programs in Ecuador: If you are looking for an opportunity to take your studies or conservation to a higher level, Ecuador might be the place for you.

Ecuador has an excellent educational community and has more Spanish study abroad programs than any other country in South America.

Students can choose from a wide variety of disciplines from Ecuador’s prestigious universities, as well as experience the countries specialties.

Read on to discover the study abroad programs in Ecuador for international students.

12 Study Abroad Programs in Ecuador for International Students

1. Ecuador: Summer Government Internship

The Government Internship Program at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito is designed for students interested in public policy and administration, social development, and international cooperation.

Students will complete an internship within a local government office in Quito. On average, students will work approximately 30 hours per week.

Students benefit from an in-class component that provides a platform for analyzing the workplace and cultural norms.

In combination with the internship hours, this in-class component and corresponding assignments allow students to earn 3 U.S. semester credits.

Students who are interested in completing a language course may choose to do so at the USFQ for an additional fee.

2. Santiago summer – Health Studies Program

Designed for advanced Spanish students in health-related majors, this program offers you valuable insight into Santiago’s health care system.

Develop experience through clinical observation and participation in public health care projects, while improving your communication skills through a Spanish course for health practitioners. All courses are conducted in Spanish.

Their mission here is to provide you with the best study abroad program possible, which includes the highest quality academic and cultural experiences.

3. MSID—International Development in Ecuador

The program puts you in direct contact with the social and economic realities of actual communities and of people working within them to address complex problems.

Through classes, field trips, and an extended internship or research placement, MSID strives to establish a continual dialogue linking experience with theory and critical analysis.

Home-stays are an integral component of the learning experience, and often a highlight for participants. Your family provides not only housing and most meals but is also a vital connection to Ecuadorian culture.

Although excursions change from semester to semester, you can expect to visit a variety of sites that may include local markets, development agencies, and other areas of interest around Quito.

4. Service-Learning in Bahia Ecuador

This course aims to provide a platform for service learning. This course is for the adventurous student who seeks active, participatory learning.

Students receive a minimum of 5 hours per week of Spanish instruction. Studies in the field on Ecuadorian culture, education, and sport will take place through field trips to sites around Bahia and neighboring communities.

5. CISabroad Summer in Ecuador

Here, you’ll study at the leading private university in the country, the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and be based at its well-equipped U.S.-style campus.

Quito will also be your classroom as you practice newfound language skills in everyday settings. CISabroad’s program includes incredible, unique excursions that will complement your coursework.

6. Love One Love All

Love One Love All (LOLA) is a leadership development program that has re-defined the traditional path to college.

LOLA programs are educational experiences designed to help youth increase their global perspective by providing immersive travel programs around the world.

The unique and stimulating routes designed by this team allow for an exciting blend of engaging community-based projects.

LOLA is a unique program by allowing students to remain enrolled in their university courses while experiencing a gap year.

Through their enrollment, students can receive academic scholarships as well as utilize their FAFSA.

7. Quito Latin American Studies Program

The Quito Language & Liberal Arts Program immerses students in the cultural and ecological diversity of the northern Andean country of Ecuador, through direct enrollment in university coursework and all-inclusive excursions throughout the country.

The program features a guided excursion to the Galápagos Islands and an excursion to the Amazon rainforest, two trips to the famous Otavalo Indian market, a guided tour of the colonial architecture of Quito, and other day trips.

Students in this program are considered full-time undergraduates at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), a modern private university located in the valley town of Cumbayá, on the outskirts of Quito.

8. Global Health Perspectives

This is an intensive program that will teach students about various health systems throughout the world and have the opportunity to observe more closely the Ecuadorean health system available to both the public and private sectors.

Through site visits to various health care facilities, students learn about the many challenges faced by indigenous, poor people and also see facilities in the private sector that resemble the state of the art health care facilities in the developed world.

This is a wonderful opportunity for students to study health care delivery systems throughout the world with specific emphasis on Ecuador.

Through cultural events and activities, the students learn not only the history of the country and the people but also do a short term stay in an indigenous community and participate in the life of the people from cooking food with the host families to plowing the fields, hiking a medicinal plant trail.

9. International Center for Exploration & Education

The International Center for Exploration and Education (I.C.E.E) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing engaging, hands-on experiences to our clients to allow them to explore and master the capabilities needed to succeed both in business and in life.

Tours here are intended to allow clients to improve their capacities to communicate effectively, build effective team relationships, identify and build character strengths, and sharpen resilience skills while learning to work together in challenging environments.

10. Andean Center for Latin American Studies

ACLAS is offering a language course that is flexible to a student’s needs. Courses can include composition, grammar, cultural studies, literature, and Spanish for specific purposes such as business, and nursing.

Outside of coursework, students have the opportunity to live with Ecuadorian families and are encouraged to participate in service-learning activities.
The curriculum will be designed based on student goals and needs. For example, some students wish to work on specific areas of their Spanish or improve fluidity or writing.

Others are interested in learning and practicing a vocabulary specific to a career or need. General Spanish courses based on a level are also offered.
Programs include home-stay housing with three meals a day and laundry services, airport pick-up, excursions, and all course-related costs.

11. ICHIVision

ICHIVision is a program where students from 18-25 year old can inquire about cultures that are not their own, Create new relationships and different perspectives, Humanize and give back to society, and inspire to become and gain a broader mentality to bring back to their home country.

One of the most interesting things that are offered of this program is the internships. Students can choose from a variety of options where they would like to carry out their internship.

These internships are in very well-known companies in the country. Another cornerstone of this program is to help students not only in their social and personal development but also their professional development since it is an important aspect of life.

Once the student is registered in the program, his or her needs will be taken care of by looking for an internship that suits their area of interest.

12. Guitar Playing Course Intensive

This course is for people that want to learn to play the acoustic guitar fast and easy with a step by step method and at the same time enjoy different cultural activities in a comfortable atmosphere.

You will learn how to play popular songs and how to play the guitar much faster and efficiently.  Study Abroad in Ecuador programs might be a great choice for your study abroad opportunity.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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