Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations’ Service Delivery on the Development of Women Education in Kano State

Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations’ Service Delivery on the Development of Women Education in Kano State.

Table of Contents


This study investigated the opinions of the stakeholders (students, PTAs, Principals, Zonal education officers and the members of the NGOs on the impact the later have made on the development of women education in the state.

A structured questionnaire was designed by the researcher, was validated by professionals and administered to 766 respondents  selected  from the schools and Zonal offices of the respective Education Areas of the state through a stratified random  sampling  procedure.

Variables investigated in relation to the impact of the NGOs activities were their role, level of coverage, guidelines for their activities, their level of provision of instructional materials for the institutions within the state, strategies used and the problems they faced in their service delivery for the development of women education in the state.

Data collected were analyzed  using  frequencies and percentages for the demographic variables while, the two sample t-test and analysis of variance were used in the test of  the  hypotheses. From the analysis of the data and test of the hypotheses, it was observed that, NGOs were assisting on the development of women education in the state.

However the assistance provided by NGOS was not considered adequate. No significant difference was observed in the opinions of the respondents of the different sexes on the variables. Significant difference of opinions was observed on the guidelines, provision  of  instructional  materials, strategies and the problems they faced in their activities by respondents of different categories on the activities of the NGOs.


Cover page:…

Declaration:. i

Certification… ii

Dedication:…. iii

Acknowledgments………… iv

Operational Definition of terms…….. v

Abbreviations……….. vi

Abstract….. vii

Table of Contents….. viii


  • Introduction…… 1
  • Statement of the problem………………. 5
  • Objectives of the study……………….. 7

1.4    Research questions: …8

  • Hypotheses………………… 9
  • Significance of the study…………………………… 10
  • Scope and delimitation of the study…………….. 11
  • Basic assumption:……….. 11


  • Introduction…………. 13
  • Conceptual Frame Work………….. 14
  • An overview of the concept of NGOs……15
    • Emergence of NGOs……………….. 18
    • Classification of NGOs………………. 19
    • Other classifications of NGOs……………. 21
    • Community Based Organizations………… 21
  • Development Objectives of NGOS……………. 22
  • Characteristics of NGOS…………….. 23
  • Participation, Empowerment and the Role of NGOs……………. 24
    • List of some NGOS in Kano State……………….. 26
  • Historical Development of Islamic Education in Kano state……….. 28
  • Introduction of Western Education in Nigeria

With Particular Reference to Kano State…………. 30

  • Concept of women education: an over view…………………. 31
    • Relevance of women education to the society………. 32

2.7.2 Women, Gender and Development…….. 33

  • Role of women in modern society………………….. 34
  • Importance of women education to the society……. 35
  • Problems facing women education in Kano state……… 36
    • Socio – cultural factors………………. 38
    • Ignorance and Poverty…………………………….. 38
    • Geographical Location of the School……………………. 39
    • Educational System…………………………… 39
  • Strategies for the improvement of women education…… 41
  • Medical model……………………. 42
    • Critique of the Medical Model on Women Nature……… 42
  • Social model of women nature study…………………. 43
    • Critique of the Social Model on women nature study…………. 45
  • Combining the medical and social models on women nature…… 47
  • Empirical Studies………………… 49
  • Summary of the literature review………………… 51


  • Introduction……………….. 53
  • Research Design……………….. 53
  • Population of the study…………….. 54
  • Sample and sampling techniques………….. 54
  • Instrumentation……………………….. 55
  • Validation of instrument (ANSQ)……………. 57
  • Reliability of ANSQ………….. 57
  • Pilot Study………………… 57
  • Administration of instrument (ANSQ)…………. 58
  • Method of data collection………… 59
  • Method of Data Analysis……………. 59


  • Introduction……………. 61
  • Presentation of demographic characteristics………….. 61
  • Presentation of results and solution to the research questions…… 63
  • : Test of hypotheses…………. 90
  • Summary of findings…………… 102
  • Discussion…….. 103


  • Introduction…………… 109
  • Summary…………………………… 109
  • Summary of Major Findings….. 111
  • Conclusion…….. 114
  • Recommendations………….. 115

References…… 117

Appendixes:……….. 121-134


The right to education has been universally recognised since the universal declaration of human right and has since been enshrined  in  various international conventions, national constitutions and development plans. Education is a human right as well as a tool for achieving goals of equality, development and peace. Subeb (2009).

However, while the vast majority of countries have signed and rectified international conventions such as the universal declaration of human rights and the United Nations convention on the right of woman few countries have integrated these rights in their constitutions or provided the legislative and administrative frameworks to ensure that these rights are realised  in  practice.

In some cases the rights may exist along with and the user is made to pay for the rights, while in other cases the right exists in theory, but there is no capacity to implement this right in practice. Inevitably, a lack of government support for the right to education hits the poorest hardest especially the women. CSACEFA (2008).


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