10 Differences Between Growth And Development

Difference Between Growth And Development: For some, it is ridiculous to say that growth is different from development. Although these words are used interchangeably they have some subtle difference that makes them applied in very different satiations.

Growth refers to the increase in size and number whereas development refers to an improvement of circumstances. This is the main difference between growth and development.

What is Growth?

The term growth is used in a physical sense. It generally refers to an increase in length, size, height, and weight. Growth may or may not refer to the other. A child may by becoming fat, but this growth may not bring any functional development or improvement.

indicates the changes in the particular aspects of the body and behavior of an organism. Indicators of growth include height, weight, bone size, and dentition. Growth is a continuous process that determines many factors. All humans follow the same pattern of growth.

The factors that influence growth and development are both genetic and environmental. Genetic factors determine such characteristics as sex, physical, status, and race. Environmental factors affect individual improvements like family, religion, , culture, school, community, and .

The poorly nourished child is more likely to have the infection than a well-fed child. He may also not attain his/her potential height. The changes that took place by growth are the subject of measurement they may be quantified and are observable.

Growth is an aspect of the developmental process of human beings in nature. Growth is an irreversible constant increase in the size of an organ or even an individual cell. The period of human growth from his birth to his adolescence is commonly divided into four stages.

What Is Development?

Development refers to a progressive series of changes in an orderly, coherent pattern until the end of life. The development of a particular organism not only grows physically but acquires as well. Development mainly means to progress and improve.

Development is a qualitative measure. When a thing develops, the quality of that thing also improves. Development refers to the overall progressive changes of a thing. The development includes overall changes in shape, structure, or form which results in improved working and functioning.

It specifies the changes in the quality or character rather than in quantitative aspects. Development is the process that is also possible without growth as we see in the cases of some children who do not gain weight, height, or size but do experience functional improvement in physical, emotional, social, or intellectual aspects.

It is the behavior capacity, and skill of a person, e.g., the person develops their ability to walk, talk, run, etc. The development of physical prowess, skill, and mental processes continues for many years. Even middle-age does not interrupt development.

Any disturbance in the factors required for development will accordingly affect the smooth and successful outcome of the process.

Other Reads:

Notable Distinction Between Growth And Development

1. Growth is quantitative while the other is qualitative.

2. Psychology defines “development” as “the overall growth of humans throughout their lifespan.”

3. Development and growth are the joint product of heredity and the environment.

4. Growth is never-ending on the flip side the other is an end goal.

5. Generally, development occurs at specific stages of age. On the other hand, it takes place throughout life.

6. Development is an improvement whereas the other is just ‘getting bigger.

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