In Nigeria, the idea that the author of a work of literature or art had economic right to control the production, reproduction and distribution of such work was not particularly well established. Although, those who falsely claimed a work were considered contemptible. The recognition of the right to the protection of what is now generally referred to as ‘intellectual property’ is comparatively a recent concept in the country. As a result, there is a poor amount of literature on the concept.

Like every other aspect of Nigerian law, copyright law in Nigeria owes its origin to the English law. Before 1960 and even long after, issue of copyright in Nigeria were regulated by the English copyright Act of 1911. Though England gave itself a new Act in 1956, that Act was never made applicable in Nigeria as we continued to apply the 1911 copyright Act until 1970 when copyright Decree was promulgated  




Anthony Lilly, Inside the Creative Industry (Cotal publishing 2000).

Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal: Patent and Copyright (Petal Publishing 1992).

David Bainbridge, Intellectual property (Pitman Publishing 1992).

Doris Schroeder and Peter Singe, The Prudential Reason for Intellectual property (University of Melbourne 2009).

Edward Elgar, Global Intellectual Property Law (Suthern Uma 2008).

F.O Babafemi, Intellectual Property: The law and practice of Copyright, Trade Mark patent and Industrial Design in Nigeria (Justinian Books 1994).

G.H.C Boden Nausen, Guide to the Application of the paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property as Revised at Stockholm in 1967 (World Intellectual Property Feb.1,1968).

Jeremy Philips and Allison Firth, Introduction to Intellectual Property Law (London, Dublins Edinburgh 1995).

Jide Malamo, Copyright law in Nigeria: some Critical Issues in Professor Uvieghara (ed.) Copyright Law and Administration in Nigeria (Y. Books 1992).

Laddie Prescott, Modern Law of Copyright and Design Vol. 1 (Btterworth 1995).

Miller and Davis, Intellectual Property: patent Trade Mark and Copyright (St. Paul Miniesta Publishing co. 1983) 

Obatosin Ogunkenye, Legal Remedies for Infringement of Copyright in Professor Uvieghara (ed.) Copyright law and Administration in Nigeria (Y. Books) 89.

 Uvieghara, E.E, Essay on Copyright Law and Administration in Nigeria (Y. Books 1992).

 Okany, M. C, Nigeria Law of property (Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd 2000).

Alubo A.O, Contemporary Concern and Development on Copyright Law and Practice in Nigeria. The Advocate-A Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues Vol.4, Feb. 2002.

Jide Malamo, Copyright Law in Nigeria: Some Critical Issues in Professor Uvieghara (ed.) Copyright Law and Practice in Nigeria (Y. Books 1992)

Obatosin Ogunkenye, Legal Remedies for Infringement of Copyright in Professor Uvieghara (ed.) Copyright Law and Administration in Nigeria (Y. Books)89.



E-Mail:ekpa shedy@rocket mail.com



Blacks Law English Dictionary 8th Edition.

Stroud’ Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 6th Edition.


The Kogi State University Bi-annual Journal of Public Law Vol.2, 2009.

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