Our Independence Business plan Template promo is here for the first 50 people!

Our Independence Business plan Template promo is here for the first 50 people!

As we hinted you in the previous email of our big announcement, the opportunity is here to get our business plan template at a subsidized price for the first 50 people.


Why is a Business Plan Important?

Let me take a guess or an assumption that you should be familiar with this statement: “If you failed to plan, you have already planned to fail!” And the statement has proven to be true over and over again in all aspects of our lives. It is even probably much true in the world of business as various studies and statistics have shown that businesses without plans risk 85% chance of failure within the first few years of operations. And it has also been discovered that a huge percentage of businesses which have recorded tremendously are those with solid plan from the onset.

So, we may need to ask ourselves, “Why is a business plan important?” What is it about business plans that we must seek to understand if it hold so much effect on how businesses succeed or fail.


Our subsidized business plan template is here for the first 50 people. Click the link below.



 So, why is a business plan important? The following answers might satisfy your curiosity:

  1. A business plan is a major requirement if you’re seeking funding

Potential investors or lenders want a written business plan before they give you money. A mere description of your business concept is not enough. Instead, ensure you have a thorough business and financial plan that demonstrates the likelihood of success, how much you will need for your business to take off, and the plan you have to make money back into the business. This is a major importance of a business plan.

  1. A business plan helps you to test the feasibility of your business ideas

There are simply two ways to find out whether a business idea will work or not. One way is to actually get out there, invest in the business, and run it for a while. If you are fortunate, you might get a clue in six months. If the business fails within 6 months or 1 year, then you know the idea won’t work. That’s funny right? I know. The other way to test if a particular business idea will work is to take advantage of the insights and tools that a business plan provides.

Compared with the previous option, the business plan is a safety net and can help you avoid losses that can be avoided. If the results of the analysis occasioned by your business plan suggest that a given business idea won’t lead to profit, getting such information before actually investing in a business is a huge saving grace that we must learn to take advantage of.


Our subsidized business plan template is here for the first 50 people. Click the link below.


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