What Qualities do Employers Look For in a Good Resume?

What Qualities do Employers Look For in a Good Resume?

If you want to get hired by a company, you have to make sure that you are winning your resume’s hiring manager’s interest. To get to an interview process, you have to make sure that your application or resume is of good quality. There are certain elements that you have to work on to make your resume stand out.

Employers are always looking to add members to their team with good qualities and characteristics that can add value to their work. If you are applying for a job and are creating/modifying your resume for it, you have to make sure that you mention the right traits in your resume. 

Before we tell you about the characteristics of a quality resume we would like you to know that there are tons of resume builder tools that can help you create a resume within less than seconds. 

Today creating resumes has become very easy because of these online resume builder tools, so we suggest you pick the right one.

Things that employers looking in a good quality resume!

Here are some of the things that employers would hunt for in a resume or job application.

  • Personal Skills!

Employers always look for skills mentioned by the candidates which can help their company grow. Some of these embellished skills are:

  • Communication skills

The most important quality that employers value in a candidate is effective communication skills. You have to make sure that you show that you are verbally and physically active and competent in communication. The best way to do it is to make sure that there are no mistakes in your resume and that the resume details are straightforward and concise. Also, know that communication is about being talkative, but a person also can listen.

  • Honesty

Honesty is another key quality that employers want in their staff. We have seen many applicants exaggerate their experience and qualifications to secure a job, but we would not advise you to do so. Instead, we would urge you to be extremely honest while creating your resume with the online resume maker tool. If dishonesty is found in your resume or your character, you would never be able to recover the employer’s trust. Also, make sure that you are honest in the interviewing process. 

  • Problem-solving skills

Adding problem-solving skills to the resume is very important. According to recent statistics, resumes with this skill or quality mentioned in them are more likely to be selected. So if you want to win the employer’s interest, you have to show them that you are willing to solve problems in the workplace instead of creating them.

  • Add Relevant Keywords 

In a good quality resume, employers would always search for the keywords that are relevant to the job they have posted. Most companies would electronically scan resumes and would skim the applications with the most relevant keywords. So when you are creating a resume you have to ensure that you are making a thorough research on keywords related to the job. You can add these keywords in your job experience, skills and education section.

The more you make your profile relevant to the job post the better it would be your chances to get in the eyes of the employer.

  •  Career progression

In a good quality resume, employers would always see your career progression and your role in different places that you have worked in. This gives them a better understanding of how you can add value to the company. In your resume, you have to make sure that you mention your roles and your contributions in the areas you have worked in. 

Online resume maker tools can help you perfectly highlight career progression. So we would suggest you try the best ones. 

  • Personal experience and digital presence

Hiring managers are always eager to dig into details about your personal experience and digital presence. You would be surprised to know that more than 75% of employers hire candidates based on their digital presence. So you have to make sure that you add buttons & social media details on the resume. 

This would give the employer a chance to visit your profile and visually see your experiences and digital presence. You have to make sure that your social media profiles are catchy so that the hiring manager can be attracted to you in a very less amount of time!


So in this post, we have learned about a few things that hiring managers would see in a good quality resume. Well to create a good quality resume you would need help from a free resume builder like the one offered by SmallSeoTools, https://smallseotools.com/resume-builder! This online resume maker can help you create quality and clear resumes in less than minutes. The best thing about using this online resume maker is that it is easy and free to use so you don’t have to worry about the cost and experience!

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