The Influence of Gender on Media Preference among Undergraduates in Selected Universities in South-East Nigeria

The Influence of Gender on Media Preference among Undergraduates in Selected Universities in South-East Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The focus of this study is on the influence of gender on media preferences of undergraduates in selected universities in South East Nigeria.

Going online created more opportunities for mass media activities but if not properly handled, the benefits would not be appreciated.

This study sought to discover the level of media patterns as well as contents that satisfy the information needs of the respondents.

Using the survey research design, 399 copies of questionnaire were distributed to undergraduates in the selected Universities in South East Nigeria.

This study found that male and female respondents preferred national media and perceives the internet as the most credible media that endears them to the traditional media.

The study is rooted in theory of the selective processes. The study recommends that there must be synergy between the opportunities provided by the new media technologies and the traditional media.


Background of Study

Recent studies have shown that audiences are experiencing different forms of media convergence and the media is becoming more mobile than ever. However, expert studies have shown that media are thriving on convergence.

Today’s media consumption has gone beyond the usual single to convergence. Etim (2013, p.5) observes that “the multimedia capability of the computer fostered interactivity, thus making it possible to customize the converged media to highly refined audience segments or even to individual tastes.

So now, we are able to access TV shows, movies, music, games, newspapers, magazines, books on our computer screens.”

Communication media has been reduced to a less complex routine through convergence of the various channels.The fate of the media lies with the extent to which it satisfies the need of its audience.

It is no longer an issue of what is available but how relevant it is in satisfying the media needs of the audience.

Audience is the life wire of any communication media and they are becoming more active by the tick of clock. It is unbecoming to assume the choice or taste of audience at any level.


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