Implementation of New Fault Tolerance Solution in Wireless Sensor Networks in A Multi-Channel Context

Implementation of New Fault Tolerance Solution in Wireless Sensor Networks in A Multi-Channel Context.

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Wireless sensor network is application specific, which is deployed in an interested area like about hundred or thousands of sensor nodes.

All the sensor nodes communicate via a wireless medium and works cooperatively to sense the environment in order to achieve the required task.

Such sensor nodes which is application specific needs a good fault tolerance scheme to keep the system working. Since this sensor nodes are battery operated, have a small memory, deployed in harsh environmental condition and can easily be depleted.

So we improved on distributed fault tolerance algorithm which enable the detection status of a node with fewer neighbors to be accurate and can also detect the status of a node in a multi-channel context.

Our distributed fault tolerance algorithm uses majority voting with priority. Although in literature fault tolerance detection in multi-channel channel context has not really been put into practice.


Background of Study

Wireless sensor network consists of a number of sensor nodes and a base station (BS). A wireless sensor network is a collection of nodes organised into a cooperative networks,

Sensors contain an on-board processor, perform simple computations within itself by using their processing capabilities to process their raw data before transmitting it to the central node sent to the BS.

The WSN technology tremendous improvement has gained application in so many areas of our daily routine such as medical care, environmental monitoring, smart buildings, banks, telecommunication industry, many other industry and military application.

Most of these sensor application are in harsh environment which can cause WSNs to be prone to failure as compared to other wireless networks, this involve safe mobility and performance, data quality and energy consumption.

Data quality is defined as the number of readings received by the user divided by total number of readings generated by the network during an observation period.

To preserve resource and achieve high quality of data, we identify the following as key requirements for FT in WSNs :

  • Awareness of the network main operation and the status of the network
  • Adaptability to the frequent changes in WSNs

The Physical harsh environmental condition that can affect WSNs deployment are fire, rain, humidity, floods and any other physical thing that can affect it. All these can actually cause the sensor nodes to fail or transmit error messages.


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