The Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Nigeria

The Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Nigeria.


Title page           i

Approval Page          iii

Certification page         iv

Dedication         v

Acknowledgement             vi

Table contents         vii

Abstract                  x


  • Background of the Study 18-19
  • History 19
  • Economy: 20-21
  • Function of Sokoto South Local Government 21-24
  • The Evolution And Administration Set Up 24-28


3.1 Data analysis:       29-38



  • SUMMARY 39-40
  • Conclusion 40
  • Recommendation 40-41


Table of Contents


Local government being the third tier of government in Nigeria is established to ensure development in the rural area. The central purpose of local government is to make findings on governmental presence at the grass roots.

There has been series of conferences by leading scholars of local government to find out the extent to which local government has been able to provide basic amenities to the rural populace.

The development of rural areas strategies is important in the achievement of any appreciable growth, of the non-industrialized societies, like Nigeria. In view of the above, varying policies, theories, and techniques to tackle rural poverty were adopted in Nigeria by various governments.

However, it has been assumed that a three tier arrangement, federal, state and local will help remove such factors hampering developmental activities at the grass root level, and help transform that marginal segment of rural areas into our national life by providing them with social and economic amenities equally enjoyed by urban dwellers.

Furthermore, it will help bring the government closer to the grass roots (Santa, 1986).


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