Evaluation of the Performances of the Standard Organization of Nigeria (Son) in Anambra State

Evaluation of the Performances of the Standard Organization of Nigeria (Son) in Anambra State.

Table of Contents


This study is basically concerned with the evaluation of the performances of the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) with reference to Anambra State. The effort made in this direction in the past was given proper attention. Moving ahead, the researcher in his efforts aimed at carrying out a proper research made use of various methods/instruments or data sourcing and analysis, that comprised of primary and secondary sources of data which included face to face discussion, oral interviews, questionnaire and the use of relevant textbooks, magazine, journals, libraries, internet, etc.

The research was conducted with a known total population of two million seven hundred and fifty thousand, and a determine sample size of four hundred relevant people. Equally, some research questions were put forward to direct investigation in conducting the research, while tables together with percentage were employed to provide comprehensive data presentation ad analysis. The findings from the study revealed among other things that the rate at which substandard products are imported into the country is very high. 


Man is always struggling to survive in his given environment. He is always conscious of making his life worth living on this planet earth. At every point in time, he is trying to produce those things that would make his life better. Not only is he producing to make his life better but also to better the lives of his co-habitators here on earth. Elementary economics teaches us that human wants are insatiable. In effect, human nature is highly demanding of the good things of life.

Unfortunately, the means to satisfy these wants are very limited, limited in the area of money, manpower and materials to produce and buy these need satisfying wants. The quest to take part in the satisfaction of these wants and take part in reaping the gains thereof, has resulted into mass production of goods and services. This mass production of goods and services in most cases has tended to neglect certain attributes or qualities of the products as desired by the consumer.

The scarcity of most of these goods especially in the third world countries of which Nigeria is one, has therefore left the consumer at the mercy of the producers. He is left with no other option than in many cases to patronize the sellers of these unwholesome and sub-standard products. The use and consumption of such sub–standard products have led to so many negative consequences on the part of the consumers including collapse of building, house burning owning to the use of defective electrical devices and in some extreme cases death. 


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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