Effective Communication as A Tool in the Management of Organization

Effective Communication as A Tool in the Management of Organization.

Table of Contents


This project work examines the effective communication as a rudiment in organization management. Therefore the viability of any existing organization depends wholly on the effective management and communication ability.

No action taken in an organization without communication leading to it. There is no life without effective communication.

Consequent upon the fundamental roles of communication, this work tries to x-ray the important of effective communication in every business of our daily lives.

However, it is also important to note that effective communication is the backbone and all essential ingredients for a purposeful business that of course wishes to thrive and compete favourably.

It equally called to mind to kll0W that communication is quite indispensable to human existence because there is need to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences.

In furtherance to the study a well organized communication creates awareness in organization management and leads to effective communication in the organizations under study.

It is also however believed, that strict application of rules of communication brings maximum improvement and productivity.

Table Of Contents

Title Page   –        –        –        –  i

Certification        –        –        –     ii

Dedication           –        –        –        iii

Acknowledgement        –        –       iv

Abstract     –        –        –        –      vii

Table Of Content          –        –         ix


  • Introduction – –        –        –        –        –        1
  • Information/Communication Gap – – –        10
    • Historical notes on the case Organizations – 11
    • Statement Of Problems – –        –        –        15
    • Hypothesis – –        –        –        –        –        16
    • Objectives of the study – –        –        –        16
    • Relevance of the study – –        –        –        17
    • Limitation of the study – –        –        –        19
    • Definition of terms – –        –        –        –        21

Reference   –        –     25


  • Literature Review – –        –        –        –        26
  • Definition Of Effective Communication – – 30
  • Communication As System Approach – –        36
  • Model of the Communication – –        –        38
  • Classification Of Communication – – –        42
  • Barriers To Effective Communication – –        51
  • Purpose of Communication – – –        –        58
  • Overcoming Barriers To Effective Communication 59 Reference – –     64


  • Types or Data Collection techniques – –        67
  • Sample size – –        –        –        –        67
  • Data analysis and test of hypothesis – –        67
  • Decision rule – –        –        –        –        –        68


  • Data presentation, analysis and Test of Hypotheses 69
    • Data presentation and Analysis – –        –        69

4.1.   Test of Hypotheses       –        –    69

  • Test of Hypothesis I
  • Test of Hypothesis II
  • Test of Hypothesis III


5.1.1 Findings     –      97

  • Recommendation – –          102
  • Conclusion – –     106

Bibliography       –        –    109

Appendices         –        112


Background Of Study

Communication was derived from the Latin word “Communis” meaning common, it is the process of establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between a sender and receiver of Information.

Communication is a lubricant of the society that pervades our entire lives. It is the art and science of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes or opinions from one person to another.

Communication is fundamental to the existence of every organization and it is so vital that without it no organization can succeed.

Effective communication is the backbone of any business that wishes to thrive in a given society.

Based on this fact effective communication is designed to be in the understanding and practice of those kinds of most crucial to the growth and success in organizations.

Communication is the ingredient that makes business possible. Business functions would not be carried out without it. Managers direct through communication.

Co-ordination of areas or units as well as personnel is handled through communication. No action is taken in an organization without communication leading to it.


Akpala A. (1990), Management, An Introduction And The Nigerian’s Perspective. Department of Management, faculty of Business Administration UNEC, Enugu pp 102,105-107.

Awakession, Herbert S. (1979) Business Administration An Annual Journal of the Society for Advancement of Business Management (SABM), University of Nigeria vol. II, p. 21

Charles Conard (1989) Strategic Organizational Communication (Holt, Rineert and Winston, Inc. Senders Publishing P. 5

Chester Barnard (1960) Effective Managerial Communication (Cambridge: Harvard University, Press) p

Coulson J.C. (1974), Communication Means as contained in Develle S. Communication A Book for Students, London, Gee and Co. Ltd V. 48

Drucker P. (1969) The Practice of Management Heinemann Publishers, London

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