Influence of Organisational Behaviour on the Management Of employees in Selected Commercial Banks in southeast, Nigeria

Influence of Organisational Behaviour on the Management Of employees in Selected Commercial Banks in southeast, Nigeria.

Table of Contents


In all the areas of organisational behaviour, the handling and management of emotions and behaviour seem neglected. These are required for organisations  to  survive  otherwise  personal tensions and conflicts may result. People experience great  difficulties in  copying  with fierce even outrageous impulses.

Researches have been conducted on organisational behaviour, managing behaviour and challenges/prospects of managing behaviour in organisations. Such researches provide general guideline to managers on ways of structuring organisations for effective management of behaviour.

Literature is less clear on the extent to which organisational behaviour can influence employee behaviour and management in the banking sector.

This has become a problem for business managers on how to determine and encourage positive behaviour in banking industry where relationship between customers and workers are more personal and direct-oriented.

This study summarised the literature on the selected organisational behaviour variables and employee management and the findings connecting the two concepts.

The empirical study focused on the selected organisational behaviour variables. Methodology adopted for the research was survey system that involved  the application of questionnaires and interviews to generate data on the subject of study.

The study was done in nine (9) money deposit banks in SouthEast Nigeria. The population of the study was 2,571 and using Freund Williams’ formula, a  sample size of 553  was established and proportionally allocated through the aid of Bowley’s method.

Analysis of data was done first through the determination of frequency distribution of the variables.

Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses to determine the relationship/influence each organisational behaviour variables of motivation, communication, leadership style, group membership and organisational culture has on employee behaviour and management generally and job satisfaction, creativity, absenteeism, group norms and socialisation respectively.

Probability level ofacceptance was 0.05. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient  was used  to test the reliability of instrument using Likert 5 – point scale; the population mean (µ) cut-off point of 3.00 was established.

The findings revealed that motivation, leadership style, communication, group membership and organisational culture had positive significant relationship with job satisfaction, creativity, absenteeism, group norms and socialisation respectively and consequently affect employee behaviour and management.

In conclusion, the study suggested that managers in the Nigerian banking  sector should  strive  to identify  the role each independent variable plays in employee management having established  the existence of positive relationship between the two variables.

The study recommended that managers in the Nigerian banking sector should encourage innovation and creativity as motivators, embrace transformational leadership style, transferring and operationalization of information should be effectively done, encourage group formation and adopt flexible and adaptive culture so that the gap between enacted and actual culture is bridged.

This research has contributed to knowledge by submitting that the management of the banking sector and other service and non-service organisations can use the results of this study as a guide in behaviour management.


Declaration     –           –          i

Approval          –          ii

Dedication      –          –           –          iii

Acknowledgements   –               –          iv

Abstract          –          –         –          vi

List of tables   –                –          xii

List of figures –             –          –          xiv


  • Background of the Study – –       –          –          –          1
  • Statement of Problem – –        –          –          –          6
  • Objectives of the Study – –            –          6
  • Research Questions – –    –          –          7
  • Research Hypotheses – –          –    –          –          8
  • Significance of the Study – – –         –          8
  • Scope of the Study – –          –       –          –          9
  • Profile of Selected Service Organisations used for the Study            –      9
  • Contextual Definition of Terms –          –        –          13

REFERENCES                –          16


REFERENCES           –          –          82


  • Introduction – –          –   87
  • Research Design –        –        –          87
  • Types and Sources of Data – –     –          –          87
  • Tools for Data Collection – – –     –          87
  • Population of the Study – –                    –          88
  • Sample size Determination – –        –          89
  • Techniques for Data Analysis – –           –          –          90
  • Validity of Research Instrument  –       – –          –          91
  • Reliability of the Research Instrument – –          91

3.10 Summary-     93

REFERENCES            –          94


  • Data Presentation – – –                –          95
  • Data Analysis – –          –        –          –          96
  • Test of Hypotheses – –          –         108
  • Discussion of Findings – –          121


REFERENCES         –          132


5.1 Summary of Findings     –           134

5.2 Conclusion          –        –          135

5.3 Recommendations-       –          –          136

Contribution to Body of Knowledge  –               137

Areas for Further Studies     –          –          139

BIBLIOGRAPHY      –        –          140

APPENDICES           146


In all the areas of organisational behaviour, the handling and management of emotions seem more neglected. This is needed for organisations to survive otherwise personal tensions and conflicts may result. People experience great difficulties in copying with fierce  even outrageous impulses.

The Dutch historian Huizinga  (1924) writes about the  more ferocious  and rather unpredictable shifts of behaviour in Medieval Europe.

There undoubtedly were norms and agreements to regulate behaviour and mutual interactions.  Bernard  du  Rosier  (1404 – 1475) in his effort to propagate other rules of conduct in organisations emphasised on keeping behaviour, emotions and temper under control continuously.

Van(1994) noted that during the period of capitalism, the problems of organisationswere discipline, behaviour management and coordination of employees. Factory regimes were based on a tangled combination of coercion from the side of organisations and willingness or motivation on the workers’ part.

Bringing people together in one space implied the  danger  that they would  get  in each other’s way, that arguments could erupt as a result of differences in behaviour or that they would over indulge in other activities detrimental to the growth of the organisation.

Conformance with the individual regime was indirectly threatened by corruption of the moral  in the free time (Van, 1994).


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Atkinson, P.E. (1990): Creating cultural change. Journal of management services 34(7). pp 6-10.

Bagraim, J., Cunningham,  P., Potgieter, T.  &Viedge, C.  (2007):  Organisational behaviour – a contemporary South African perspective, Cape Town, Van Schaik publishers.

Baruch, Y. (1999): Response rate in academic studies – a comprehensive analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 52, 421 – 438.

Baylen, M. (2001): Happiness Index: Nothing is Rotten in Denmark, Denmark, Fortune pub p.242.

Bowditch, J.L. &Buono, A.F. (1997):  A  Primer  on  Organisational  Behaviour;  4th  ed.,  New York, John Wiley & Sons pub. p.120

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