Reducing Poverty through Info-Action: National Poverty Eradication Programme And Enugu State Ministry Of Human Development And Poverty Reduction

Reducing Poverty through Info-Action: National Poverty Eradication Programme And Enugu State Ministry Of Human Development And Poverty Reduction.

Table of Contents


The worrisome level of poverty and understanding how to reduce it has been the major thrust of all development plans in all economies.

The poverty incidence was 31.1% in Enugu State in 2004. Information is power and development communication is a veritable tool for fighting poverty.

Information and communication must be strategic enough to achieve this. It must be integrated and institutionalised in the PRSP process.

This involves the active solicitation of stakeholders’ perspective to help consider options to shape the formulation of policy, ensuring that the mechanisms are in place for a two-way flow of information and to build consensus among stakeholders about development.

This work examined the place of information as a strategy for fighting poverty in the context of various strategies employed by National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) and Enugu State Ministry for Human Development and Poverty Reduction (MOHD&PR.

It addressed the information and communication issues in poverty reduction from the perspective of the newly and very practicable model, Synergistic Communication for Development (SCD), developed by Prof. Ikechukwu Nwosu.

Our findings during our interactive sessions with the officials of the two agencies show little or no involvement of communication experts in their project formulation stage.

Active participation and co- operation that promotes synergy amongst the various stakeholders in a project life cycle were not maintained.

Table Of Contents

Title page                                      i

Certification page                        ii

Approval page                              iii

Dedication page                           iv

Acknowledgments                      v

Abstract                                       vi

Table of Contents                       vii

Acronyms Used in the work      x


  • Introduction 1
  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 10
  • Objectives of the Study 15
  • Hypotheses 18
  • Limitations 19
  • The Scope of the Study 20

References              21


2.0 Literature Review 24

2.1Theoretical Framework 24

2.1i Strategic Communication 30

2.1ii Rational for Strategic Communication in PRSP 33

2.1iii Functional Theory of Communication 34

2.1iv Uses and Gratification Theory 35

2.2 Empirical Literature Review 37

2.3Building-In Strategic Communication ProcessInto the Project Life Cycle: The Place of Synergistic Communication for Development 43

  • Purpose of Communication 44
  • Forms of Communication 45
  • The Place of Public relations Officer in the Emerging Role of Information in the Fight Against Poverty  47
  • Goal Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation of Results      49
  • The Role of Information and technology in the New era              51

References                 53


  • Methodology 58
  • The model 58
  • Sample Size 61
  • Analytical Technique 62

References                   63


  • Data Analysis and Results 64
  • Data Generated and Test Results 64
  • Testing the Hypotheses and the Result

Interpretation            66


  • Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 76
  • Summary and Conclusion 76
  • Recommendations 78

References            80


Background Of Study

The worrisome level of poverty and understanding how to reduce or eradicate the scourge of poverty has been the major thrust of all development plans both in developing and developed economies.

There is no gain saying the fact that policies designed to foster economic growth significantly reduce poverty. Nevertheless, policies aimed specifically at reducing poverty are also very important.

Timothy Besley (1997) in his study on “perspective on programme design for alleviating poverty” took two disparate approaches to programme design, which he called the technocratic and the institutional approaches.

The technocratic approach is usually associated with economists, focusing on targeting, exploring the theoretical and empirical implications of trying to direct limited resources to people with the greatest need.

These efforts emphasize the difficulties of identifying target groups and use creative approaches to programme design that substitute for detailed information required to achieve first- best results.


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