Nigerian Newspapers and the Coverage of Development Issues: An Analysis of Thisday and Daily Trust Newspapers(January to December 2011)

Nigerian Newspapers and the Coverage of Development Issues: An Analysis of Thisday and Daily Trust Newspapers(January to December 2011).

Table of Contents


The study with the title: “Nigerian Newspapers and the Coverage of Development Issues: An analysis of Thisday and Daily Trust Newspapers (January to December, 2011) has an aim of encouraging adequate participation in the process of social change through the use of the newspaper as a medium of communication, which can be used to actualise the desired development objectives.

This study has adopted a simple content analysis as its methodology, combining it with other techniques of research such as the  interview  technique,  simple  random sampling procedure and comparative analysis.

In the study, which analysed a total of 104 editions has revealed, among others that Thisday, recorded 5% (5.41%) of development coverage and non-development matters constituted 95% (94.58%) i.e 5,154  and  Daily Trust has 476 appearances represented by 8%(7.71%) of development,  while  non-development issues recorded 5,690 represented by 92% (92.28%).

The study recommended among others that development matters should be covered adequately.

Table Of Contents

Cover page—————————– i

Title Page——————————–ii




Acknowledgement——————– vi

Abstract———————————– vii

Table of Content————————– viii


  • Background to the Study————————-1
  • Statement of the Research Problem————- 8
  • Aim of the Study——————————-9
  1. 3 Objectives of the Study——————— 9
  2. 4 Significance of the Study—————–10
  1. 5 Scope of the Study————————10
    • Assumptions———————-11
    • Terminologies————————12


  • Introduction————————– 14
  • Development—————————– 14
  1. 3 Communication——————————20
  2. 4 Development Communication—————– 21
  3. 5 Development Journalism———————– 27
    • Other Research Findings and Reports————– 29
    • The Agriculture, Education and Health Sectors in Nigeria———–38
  4. 8 Theoretical Framework————- 41


  • Introduction——————–45
  • Content Analysis——————46
  1. 3  Sampling——————————46
  2. 4 Coding and Categorisation—————49
  3. 5  Comparative Analysis—————–50


  • Introduction——————- 52
  • Analysis of Thisday————-52
  1. 3 Thisday: Discussion on Research Assumptions——–60
  2. 4 Interview Questions and Responses from Reporters——- 60
  3. 5 Analysis on DailyTrust—————–63

4.6   Daily Trust: Discussion on Research Assumptions———69

  1. 7 Interview Questions and Responses from Reporters——70

4.8   Comparative Analysis of Thisday and Daily Trust——–72

  1. 9 Analysis on the Units of Measurement———-75
  2. 10 Findings—————-76


  • Summary———- 81
  • Conclusion———81
  1. 3 Recommendations———– 82

References————– 84


Background Of Study

Prior to the introduction of modern means of communication, man has fashioned himself with the appropriate communication approach suitable for  his development,  that  is  the traditional means of communication.

Through this approach, people in different rural settings were mobilized to participate in the affairs of their locality.

However, as the society became large and complex,  traditional  communication  systems could not adequately take care of the communication needs of the people.

Therefore, the modern media was put in place to reach out  to  the  relatively  large, heterogeneous and anonymous audience simultaneously. That marked the era of the mass media.

It is worthy of mention that communication is an important social tool, without it, one could not have influenced the ideas, feelings or actions of others.

Through written, verbal and non- verbal signs and symbols, man communicates his feelings and  ideas  to  his  fellows.

Those who have cultivated the ability to communicate are better than those  who  cannot  express themselves properly. For those who know how to communicate, learn to interact; can achieve leadership in the groups they involved.

It is also true that communication links the  individual with himself,  his environment and other men. The man of our time lives in a diversified media world, the profusion with  which they are distributed and the assault of advertising, etc.


Aboyade, B (1987). The Provision of Information for Rural Development, Ibadan Foundation  Publications,   PP 42-56

Aggarwala, N. (1979) What is Development News?”Journal of Communication, New York, p. 29

Anikweze, C. (2009): Simplified Approach to Educational Research,  Enugu,  Snaap  Press, Ltd. PP. 21-26

Boeren, Ad and KeesEscamp,(1992). The Empowerment of Culture : Development Communication and Popular Media. (ed) The Hague: Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries, PP. 47-52

Bown, L. and Veitch, M. (eds) (1986).The Relevance of Development Studies to the Study of Changing Contemporary Britain. London: Economic and Social Research Council, PP. 9-17

Chambers, R. (2004) Ideas for Development. IDS Working Paper 238. Sussex: ID

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