Managing People and Team for Organizational Growth

Managing People and Team for Organizational Growth.

Table of Contents


Good management of people and Team helps organization and employee to reach their numerous goals. In the course of doing this, human resources management face many challenges arising from the demands of the employee, the organization and the society in general.

The purpose of human resource management is to improve the productive contribution of people in the organization in a way that are strategically ethnically and socially responsible.

In line with the above, this research work investigated low productivity of workers as a basis for investigating the methodology  adopted in manage  people and  Team in MB-ANAMMCO Ltd Emene Enugu.

Chapter one looked at the background to the study, the statement of problem, objective of the study hypotheses, scope and limitations, assumption as well as the definition of terms.

The related literatures were reviewed, this assisted the research to investigate how to manage People and Team in MB-ANAMMCO for effective result.

Chapter three deals with research design and methodology which the discussion here include population for the study, sample size as well as primary and secondary sources of data.

Chapter four discussed the presentation and analysis of data mathematically and statistically tools were used in these data, special and technical words were clearly explained.

Chapter five discussed the finding, conclusion and recommendations based on the analysed data.

Also recommendation for further study or research was made. This is to carry out research in the area of employee-centred and job determine which one is better in achieving strategic growth in an organization.


Cover page – – – – – – – – i
Title page – – – – – – – – ii
Certification- – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – v
Abstract – – – – – – – – vi
Table of content – – – – – – – vii
List of tables and figures – – – – – – viii

Chapter one Introduction

1.1 Background of the study – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the problem- – – – – 8
1.3 The objectives of the study – – – – 10
1.4 Hypotheses – – – – – 11
1.5 The scope and limitations of the study – – 12
1.6 The significance of the study – – – – 12
1.7 Assumptions – – – – – – 13
1.8 Definition of terms. – – – – – 14

Chapter two Review of Related Literature

2.0 Document study – – – – – – 17
2.01 History of the organization under study MB-ANAMMCO 21
2.02 Training and Manpower development – – 25
2.03 Organization – – – – – – 30
2.04 The native of people and Team management (human resource management) – 30
2.05 Ten commandment of managing people – – 30
2.06 People as resources – – – – – 32
2.07 Investing in people- – – – – – 33
2.08 Developing Team – – – – – – 33
2.09 Management style – – – – – – 35
2.10 Human resource planning – – – – 36
2.11 Recruitment and selecting – – – – 37
2.12 Job evaluation and salary Administration – – 37
2.13 The role of Adequate motivation and compensation of workers on performance and productivity – 38
2.14 Training and development – – – 52
2.15 Human resource management and organizational productivity. 56

Chapter three Research Design and methodology for data collection

3.0 Research design – – – – – 61
3.1 Procedure for data collection – – – – 62
3.10 Primary source of data – – – – – 62
3.11 Secondary source of data – – – – – 62
3.2 The population for the study – – – – 63
3.3 The sample for the study – – – – 64
3.4 Sampling technique – – – – – 64
3.5 Validity and reliability of instrument – – – 65

Chapter four Presentation and Analyses of Data

4.1 Presentation of data – – – – – 67
4.2 Analysis of data – – – – 68

Chapter five

5.1 Discussion of findings – – – – – 89
5.2 Recommendations – – – – – 91


1.1 Background of the Study

The most valuable asset any organization has today is not its facilities. It’s not the inventory in the warehouse or on production line.

It’s not healthy bottom line the company achieved last year. It’s people it’s especially true  in the communications and public relations arena where quality and quantity are in such short supply.

It’s an asset that is difficult to find, difficult to retain and difficult to manage. But if you manage the assets properly it can produce exceptional results for your company and for you.

According Mc Murry, 1953: 16-11 “Only when business management has a realistic understanding of human attitude and reaction can it formulate appropriate polices and the procedure of their implementation which reduces natural human resistance and evoke potential positive response.

Management is the process of working with and through people to get organizational job done.

It referees to the series of systematic sequential overlapping and interdependent steps by which the goals of an organization are attained. People here refers to the human intellect and physical energies employed in purposeful enterprise.


Akpala Agwu (1990) Management: An introduction to Nigerian perspective Enugu. Department of management faculty of Business Administration UNEC.

Akpala Agwu (1987) Management: Search for Nigeria System: Department of management UNEC

Banji A (1992) Personnel Management in Nigerian OUP Press Ltd Ibadan. Banjoko S.O. (1997)Human Resources Management Macmillian Publicans Nigeria

Butle et al (1997) “Strategic Human Resources Management” Academic of Management Journal (VOL 24 no 11)

Celester ED (1989) Management of people at work DPP Publication Limited in N.Y

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