Effect of Context-Based Teaching Strategy on Senior Secondary Students’ Achievement in Physical Chemistry

Effect of Context-Based Teaching Strategy on Senior Secondary Students’ Achievement

in Physical Chemistry.


The study was designed to investigate the effect of context-based teaching strategy on senior secondary students’ achievement in  physical chemistry.

Five research questions were answered and  five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at the 0.05 level of significance.

A quasi experimental (the non-equivalent pre-test control group) design was adopted for the study. 451 SSII chemistry students selected from four secondary schools in Agbani Education Zone of Enugu State were used for the study.

Stratified random sampling technique was used in the selection and classification of the population into the experimental (treatment) and control groups. Thus, four single-sex schools were used for the study.

The two schools one male and one female were selected from each of the urban and rural locations respectively. 230 and 221 students were selected and classified into experimental and control groups in the urban and rural schools respectively.

Experimental group consisted of  five  intact classes while the control group consisted of five intact classes of male and female students which were randomly selected by balloting from the schools with more than six arms of SSII students.

Only one instrument, which was constructed by the researcher, the Physical Chemistry Achievement Test (PCAT), was employed in the data collection.

The instrument was validated and its reliability coefficient established was 0.56. The PCAT instrument was administered as both the pre-test and post-test.


Background Of Study

Science and technology have permeated every aspect of human endeavour and assumed eminent position in Nigeria education system.

The emphasis is evidently in response to the acclaimed assertion that science and technology education are indispensable to the nation’s development.

This section of education should be geared towards the technical and manpower needs of the country (Abdullahi, 1995; Isyaku, 1997).

Iwuozor (2000) observed that science is an area of learning, which enhances a nation’s development and progress especially in the era of automation by virtue of its numerous values to humanity.

The implication is that the technological progress of any country is predicted on a sound science education.

To this extent, a country’s development, be it economic, social or political can be taken as a function of the advances she is able to record in science and technology.

Erinosho (2004) further opined that science is basically about becoming aware, exploring, understanding, and personal exploration of the environment.


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