Leaving the Past Behind Quotes

Leaving the past behind can be a difficult task, especially if it was a very good one. We should not live in the past because it doesn’t exist. When we resist change and stay stuck in a time that passed us by, we will have a hard time moving forward.

Moving on can be hard, but when can let go of the things from our past then can embrace the new opportunities which appear in our life.

To leave behind the past, we need to appreciate our potential. We must be open to possibilities and we must not shy away from doing things differently. We should also know that it’s okay to change our minds about the direction we want in life or career because the only constant thing we have is change.

As individuals, instead of dwelling on our pasts, we must be thankful for what we have learned from the past and use the knowledge gained as a stepping stone for moving forward when making new choices.

Letting go of the past and moving on is not as easy as it seems and that is why I compiled this collection of leaving the past behind quotes below to encourage you to stop living in the past, start living in the present and be looking forward to the future.

Let go of the past and stop living there. Leave it behind you, close the door on it and make room for the good things that are coming your way. When you leave the past behind, you can live in the present and look forward to the future.

1. Don’t be afraid to leave the past behind, because that’s where it’s been the whole time.

2. It’s time to be reminded to leave the past behind, let it go and move on.

3. If we could all just get leave the past behind and start over, life would be fantastic.

4. Remember to leave the past behind and look ahead with hope.

5. Sometimes you have to let go of the past, so you can move on to a better future.

6. We all have a past, but we can’t live there anymore. Focus on the future and make it yours!

7. When you let go of the past, you open up a window to your future.

8. Life is a journey full of lessons and adventures. Don’t let the past hold you back from living your dreams.

9. At some point, the past will catch up with you. It will knock on your front door and you have to make a choice: let it in or shut it out forever.

10. The past is a place, where old memories linger on, but the future is a road, where the possibilities open up before you.

11. If we all tried to leave the past behind, maybe we could live in the moment and discover a little bit more about this world that we share.

12. When we leave the past behind, we can look forward to a brighter future.

13. We all have a past and future. The only way to move forward is to let go of the past.

14. Don’t get stuck in your past. The past is just a place you pass through on the way to your future.

15. You’re not in the past, you’re not in the future—you’re in the present, live in the moment!

16. The past is not someplace you’ve been. The past is the life that’s played out. It’s okay to leave the past behind and move on.

17. No matter what has happened in the past, you have a choice to make about where you are going in life. Make the most of your choices and leave the past behind.

18. We can’t change the past, but we can make the future better by leaving it behind.

19. The past shouldn’t hold you back. Let it go, let it slip away.

20. Don’t let the past define your future. Let go of your past so that it doesn’t stop your future.

21. Don’t let the past define your future. You only have one life to live, live it well.

22. The past is a place we can’t go back to, but you can use it to design a better future.

23. When you’re going through hard times, start by forgetting the past and reaching for the future. You can’t change it, but you can create a better tomorrow.

24. You can only look forward and never back. Embrace the new day, it’s time to move on.

25. When you’re ready to leave the past behind and move forward, good luck. You’ll need it.

26. When you finally decide to leave the past behind and live in a brighter future, it’s like a light switch has been flipped on inside.

27. What did you do today to leave the past behind and start living in the present?

28. Sometimes it’s the things we never realize are holding us back that are holding us back. Take a risk, move forward and leave the past behind you.

29. It’s time to move forward with your life. And let go of the past.

30. You can’t live your life in the past because the past is always changing.

I am glad I chose to leave my past behind and live in the present. Sometimes, you have to look forward and get excited about what’s in store for you and your future. Don’t get stuck in the past; live in the now. And look forward to what’s next.

31. Letting go of my past is not just a choice but an act of will. And it matters more than you think.

32. It’s never too late for me to start over. Especially when it comes to regrets from the past.

33. I’m not here to relive the past. I’m here to live in the present and create the future.

34. To live in the present, I must learn to let go of my past.

35. If I want to achieve anything in life, I have to first leave my past behind.

36. The past is just a story, I choose to live in the present.

37. The past is gone. I can’t control it or change it, but I can make a difference in my life today by moving forward and letting go of the past.

38. I move on from the past and not worry about what other people think, or what I have left behind because my future is better than ever.

39. Letting go of the past can be difficult but it’s one of the best things I can do for myself.

40. I won’t let the past hold me back from living my best life.

41. The past is a place to visit, but it’s also a place you don’t want to stay.

42. I can’t go back. It was my past. But it’s not my future.

43. When I am ready to let go of the past, it is often because I have accepted a new path in life and moved forward into something better.

44. The past is just a place I go to to make decisions on where to go forward with my life.

45. I told myself to always leave my past behind. It’s made up of nothing but dust and regrets anyway.

46. I may only leave the past behind once, but I can choose to move on and make a different choice.

47. Once I’ve let go of the past, nothing is keeping me from moving forward.

48. I will put the past behind and I will not live in the past. I will live for today.

49. The past is gone and the future is still ahead of you.

50. It’s time to go. The past is behind me. I let go of it and move forward into the future.

51. Never be afraid to leave the past behind. It’s just another chapter in your book of memories.

52. This is what it looks like when I leave the past behind and put my energy into something new.

53. When I leave my past behind, it’s like a room without windows. At first, I see nothing but darkness and silence. But as time passes by, the memories fade and with time comes light.

54. When you let go of the past, you realize that life is a journey. And if you want to make it your best adventure yet, now’s the time to get going.

55. I can’t take my past into the future. So, I let go of yesterday and embrace the future.

56. I’d rather let go of the old and embrace something new than stay stuck in a situation that no longer serves me.

57. Sometimes you have to let the past go to be able to move forward.

58. We all have a past, but we don’t have to be a slave to it. Let go of the guilt and self-pity that are holding you back from becoming more.

59. You don’t have to live in the past or run away from it. You can let it set you free, allowing you to embrace a new way of living that is better than an old way.

60. The past is just that—the past. I don’t let it hold me back.

You must put your past struggles behind you and continue to work hard for the future. The past is the past and the future is yet to come. Don’t worry about either of them, since they cannot be changed. Focus on today, because it’s your only chance at a fresh start.

61. The past is gone, the future is uncertain and you can’t go back. So, live in the present, learn from your mistakes and don’t let your past hold you back.

62. Whatever happens, don’t let the past control your future. You are a new person with a fresh start today.

63. Uncovering your true self and living in the now is the key to happiness.

64. You can never get better at something if you’re always looking back for what got you here.

65. Be kind to yourself and your past. Know that it is okay to let go of the things you can’t change and keep the things you have control over.

66. When you leave your past behind, you can be free to live in the present.

67. You don’t have to run away from your past. It’s something you can learn from and grow from.

68. Letting go of the past is the first step to living in the now.

69. When you decide to let go of the past and trust in your future, you begin moving forward.

70. Instead of clinging to the past, let it go and move forward with purpose.

71. The past is just a memory, and the future is an opportunity.

72. Our past is our history, but our future is our present. So let’s live it to the fullest.

73. As we move forward from the past and into our future, let’s never forget where we came from.

74. The past should be used as a learning tool and not a place to hold on to.

75. It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.

76. You don’t have to leave your past behind, you can use it to help shape the future.

77. You can only regret the past if you don’t leave it behind.

78. You got this. You’ll find something even better than what you left behind.

79. When it comes to the past, we can’t change it. But we can change the future. We can leave the past behind if we use our power of choice to move forward, and keep moving forward.

80. The past is dead. It cannot hurt you anymore. You are not the same person who lived there, nor do you have to be.

81. Each time we cast off the past, we gain a little more tomorrow.

82. No matter how hard it is to let go of yesterday and start afresh, you have to move on for your own sake and your loved ones’ sakes.

83. How do you move on from the past? When you stop trying to hold on to it and allow it to pass, allowing yourself to be free.

84. Move on, because there is nothing to be gained by dwelling on the past.

85. The past is just a memory, the future is your creation.

86. The past is not your business. The only thing you have control over is what happens right now.

87. You can’t control what happened in the past, but you can control how you respond to it.

88. When you’ve left the past behind, you can live a new life for yourself. That’s what it’s all about—living life on your terms.

89. When you leave the past behind, you don’t have to be stuck in the same place anymore.

90. Leave the past behind. Start fresh, with a clean slate. Get your mind off this old world and make it new!

91. No matter how much distance you put between yourself and the past, it can still haunt you. Feel free to live in the present, but don’t forget to look back from time to time.

92. When you’re done with the past, the future can be anything you want it to be.

93. We can’t go back, but we can always choose to go forward.

94. You have the power to change your future, but first, you must leave the past behind.

95. It is not what happened to us in the past that matters; it is what happens next.

96. Hey, it’s time to leave the past behind. This is the only life you have and it’s up to you how you want to live it.

97. Don’t be afraid to leave the past behind and start a new adventure.

98. Let’s take a deep breath, leave the past behind and focus on today.

99. Sometimes we have to let go of the past to move forward.

100. It’s time to let go of the past. Let the past go and live in the present.

101. You can’t change the past, but you can change your future.

102. You can only control your actions. You can’t hide from your past, but you can choose whom you let in.

103. Let’s not live in the past. Let’s gather up all the love, strength and courage we need to move forward and embrace a bright future.

104. This is your life. It’s not about what happened yesterday, or the day before. It’s about today.

105. Let go of the past and embrace the future – it’s a fresh start and always worth the risk.

106. Once you let go of the past, your future can be whatever you want it to be.

107. With a flourish, you can throw away the past. It’s gone and there is no need for its memory.

108. It’s time to move forward, leave behind the pain and make a new start.

109. When you surrender to the here and now, you free yourself from your past.

110. We can’t change the past, but we can always change for the future.

111. Indulge in the present, trusting that the past will never haunt you again.

112. Whatever happened in the past is unimportant. What you are now, that’s what matters.

113. You don’t have to live in the past just because it’s over. You can leave it behind.

114. Let us all take a pledge to leave the past behind and stay focused on our future.

115. Leave the past behind and move forward, into a future you can’t yet imagine.

116. We’re always leaving behind the past. You just have to know how to get where you want to be.

117. You can’t hold onto the past. You have to move forward and leave it behind.

118. Don’t let the past define your future. Learn to let go and move on. Let go of the past and start a new journey today.

119. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give yourself is to stop living out the past—and move forward.

If you learnt anything from these leaving the past behind quotes above, it should be that leaving your past behind can be accomplished in multiple ways.

You can do it by confronting it head-on and learning from your mistakes, or you can learn from the experience of others so you don’t have to make the same mistakes they did. Either way, you might just find yourself with a more positive outlook on the future.

If you found this post inspiring, let me know in the comment section below and please don’t forget to share this post with your friends and families, you might be helping someone who’s stuck in their past. Thank you.

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