Be Your Own Sunshine Quotes and Sayings

It is normal human nature to associate happiness only with our families and loved ones. We don’t know how to be completely easy in our presence and spend time with ourselves without judgment or regrets. We have to tie the credibility and validation of ourselves to others.

Human nature will ask you to wait to be perfect or to have everything you think you want until you finally allow yourself to be truly happy. What it doesn’t tell you is that you’ll always want something. If not every second, you’ll spend every minute of your life wishing for one thing or another.

Allowing inadequacies and ungratefulness to control us is giving the keys to our happiness to other things. The result is living an unexplored life, full of self-recriminations and judgment, void of love, excitement and adventures.

Hopefully, these be your own sunshine quotes and sayings will open your eyes to the blessing and uniqueness of you. Hopefully, they’ll be the propeller that helps you live life to the fullest and see yourself as unique magic deserving of complete appreciation and love every day.

To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and maintain positivity. This positivity means that you realize that no matter what happens, there will always be another chance to change the situation you are in right now.

1. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and be in absolute control of your thoughts, actions, and attitude. You’re not allowed to assign responsibilities when it comes to your life and happiness.

2. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and treat yourself with much-needed importance. You’re the magic you’ve been waiting for, and no one can do anything as good as you can.

3. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and not give space to negativity of any kind. A positive outlook can get you out of any sad situation at all times.

4. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. You have to realize that no one can love or care for you as much as you’ll do for yourself.

5. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. Difficult times will always come, but you’ll ride the tides smoothly because you know how to keep yourself happy.

6. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. Learn to laugh often as it will improve your mood and affect the people and things around you.

7. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and not allow negative thoughts to control you. You’ll see your life take a better shape from practising this always.

8. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and learn not to let people or situations ruffle you. Always hold your head high as there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

9. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and exude positivity no matter how life deals with you. This ability will easily make you a light that other people gravitate towards.

10. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and find rays of positivity in any situation you find yourself in. You must always believe that bad times will not last forever.

11. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and have confidence that emanates from within. You must realize that there’s no one like you in the entire world.

12. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and set about achieving the goals that’ll make you feel fulfilled and comfortable.

13. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and stay true to yourself no matter what. Trends will come and go, but your authenticity will never go out of fashion.

14. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and accept your strengths and vulnerabilities. These bits and pieces make you into the unique person you are.

15. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and live with a positive attitude always. This outlook will eventually rub off on situations and the people around you.

16. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and standard. Learn to define what happiness means to you at every point in your life, as to live by any other definition is to set yourself up for a lifetime of sadness.

17. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine and always be honest about who you are and what you want. This way, it’s easier to attract the energy and vibes you deserve.

18. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. The first step to achieving this is believing in your strengths, abilities, and always seeing the brighter side of life.

19. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. Realize that when life knocks you down, it is an opportunity to rise and go harder.

20. To be happy, you must be your own sunshine. You must continually strive to find your happy place by yourself because no one else will do it for you.

To be the sunshine of your own life, you must start by dictating your standard of progress. The world will come at you with its standards, but sticking to yours will help you with contentment and joy in the long run.

21. To be the sunshine of your own life, you must learn patience and fortitude. You’re going to hit some rough patches in life, but you’ll be fine eventually.

22. You will be the sunshine of your own life when you remember always celebrating your small and big wins.

23. Be the sunshine of your own life by taking on adventures every day. Whether small or big, you’ll end up filling your heart with lifetime memories.

24. You have to be the sunshine of your own life because no one else will. Trust your vision and go through the process, and you’ll reap the rewards.

25. You have to learn to be the sunshine of your own life because there’ll be bad times in life, and you’ll only have yourself in those moments.

26. Be the sunshine of your own life even while you strive for more. Your outlook on life is important as it rubs off on the things around you.

27. Be the sunshine of your own life by creating enjoyable moments for yourself. You’re all you’ve got in the end, and nothing and no one should be allowed to determine your happiness.

28. To be the sunshine of your own life is to remember that you’ll have bad days but that you’ll be able to overcome them.

29. Being the sunshine of your own life involves completely letting go of the past and looking to the future with renewed hope and vigour.

30. Be the sunshine of your own life by embracing positivity at all times. Shed off the negativity, drown out the voices of nay-sayers, and stay true to your journey.

31. Being the sunshine of your own life involves taking little steps every day that will lead you to happiness and joy and help you heal from past traumas.

32. Be the sunshine of your own life, and don’t focus on the terrible situations you’re faced with currently. There’s light at the end of the tunnel if you hold on to faith and practise joy.

33. Being the sunshine of your own life means making room for disappointment from people. This will place the keys to your happiness completely in your hands.

34. Be the sunshine of your own life and live each day as it comes. You don’t always get the opportunity to choose your circumstances, but you can always choose your response to them.

35. Be the sunshine of your own life because not every day will be sunny, and you can’t afford to let your happiness wait.

36. Be the sunshine of your own life, and you’ll see the universe shining through you and aligning for you at all times.

37. Today, choose to be the sunshine of your own life even if the image of your vision isn’t yet complete in your mind.

38. Be the sunshine of your own life and watch every aspect of your life blossom. It’s just normal for things to thrive on continuous positivity and patience.

39. Start now to be the sunshine of your own life because it’s not by how long you’ll be alive, but by how well you’ll live each day.

40. Be the sunshine of your own life by taking charge of each day and living to the fullest. Being alive is a blessing and an opportunity to learn from every moment.

You’ll always be your own sunshine when you discover your unique strengths and leverage them. You’ll not only find true happiness this way, but you’ll find fulfilment too.

41. Always be your own sunshine because nothing is guaranteed in life. Waiting for someone to make you happy will be a waste of time and opportunities.

42. Always be your own sunshine and not give anything or anyone complete control of your joy. Your joy is yours, and you have a responsibility to be joyful always.

43. Always be your own sunshine because the world will try to bring you down at every point. Once you master being happy by yourself, there’s no challenge thrown your way that you can’t surmount.

44. You can always be your own sunshine when you focus your strength, heart, and perseverance on the things that matter the most to you.

45. You’ll always be your own sunshine when you decide to pay attention to your blessings every day and to celebrate your wins, whether small or big.

46. Always be your own sunshine and even let it spread to the people around you. In the end, we’re the association we allow into our lives.

47. Always be your own sunshine as even your tribe might get too busy with their own lives and struggles. Learn to find your happiness in the small and big things around you.

48. Always remember to be your own sunshine. It doesn’t matter what yesterday came with; today will bring you new sets of opportunities.

49. Always be your own sunshine, and remember that there’s no one else like you in the entire world. You are created with a different kind of magic and unique capabilities.

50. You can always be your own sunshine because you’re not without the strength or the ability to make choices for yourself each day.

51. Always be your own sunshine, and deliberately try to enjoy your company as often as possible. You can’t give what you don’t have, so you must first be comfortable with yourself.

52. Darkness will always find a way to creep in, but you can beat it to its game when you’re always your own sunshine.

53. The ability to always be your own sunshine is what will determine if you’ll have a largely good and enjoyable life or if you’ll spend the bulk of it feeling sulky and sullen.

54. Always be your own sunshine because life is too short to wait on people to fill the void in your heart. Make deliberate efforts every day to create happiness for yourself.

55. When you’re always your own sunshine, it doesn’t take long before the people, and things around you pick up the positive vibes.

56. It’ll be wrong to remember to be your own sunshine only when you’ve hit rock bottom in your life. To live deliberately is to create moments of enjoyment for yourself every day.

57. Always be your own sunshine, as it is as important as the way you eat, your skincare routine, and even how you drink water.

58. When you learn to always be your own sunshine, getting over sad situations will be faster because your mind has been trained to pick up lessons from situations and look forward to the future.

59. Always be your own sunshine even when you’ve experienced loss. Life won’t always be bleak, and there are many opportunities for you ahead.

60. Learning to always be your own sunshine can help you glow effortlessly, build confidence and esteem, and rid you of the toxic situations you had in the past.

To be your own ray of sunshine doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect. It means that you’ll be able to look at yourself in the mirror and love your reflection, strengths and weaknesses regardless.

61. Choose to be your own ray of sunshine today. Once you can be happy with yourself, regardless of the circumstances you’re faced with, then there’ll be nothing to stop you from being happy all the time.

62. Learn to be your own ray of sunshine because it’s how you’ll learn to be comfortable in your skin and with your presence.

63. Be your own ray of sunshine, and you’ll notice that the bulk of your strength and determination to get things done come from your inside.

64. Be your own ray of sunshine today and choose to depend on your strengths. You’re your biggest source of power, and you should act as such.

65. Remember to be your own ray of sunshine even when you don’t feel like it. You should control your feelings and not the other way round.

66. Learning to be your own ray of sunshine can sometimes be challenging. However, it’s part of the process of becoming strong, self-reliant, confident, and assured in yourself.

67. There are days when you’ll feel all alone and lost. But practising how to be your own ray of sunshine prepares you ahead.

68. To be your own ray of sunshine is to appreciate the little and big things about you. It is choosing love and acceptance over perfection and a life of unfulfillment.

69. Being your own ray of sunshine is an appreciation for the heart and body that gets you through each day. It is an absolute dependency on yourself without hinging your happiness on people or things.

70. Be your own ray of sunshine today because you deserve to be loved as you are, without pretence or judgment.

71. Being your own ray of sunshine can be as simple as enjoying a sunset or listening to the sound of rain falling to the ground. It doesn’t take much to be happy; all you have to do is decide to be happy.

72. To be your own ray of sunshine doesn’t mean that everything has to be perfect with you. It just means that you’re choosing to find beauty even in imperfection.

73. Be your own ray of sunshine by taking out time to celebrate parts of you every day. You’re uniquely created, and there’s a need for you on earth.

74. Be your own ray of sunshine and love yourself for who you are. You may not have everything you want, but you don’t need to wait before you love and choose yourself.

75. Be your ray of sunshine because, at different points, your loved ones will be too busy with their lives and journeys.

76. Be your own ray of sunshine as your happiness is your responsibility alone. No one else should be charged with that responsibility except for you.

77. Be your ray of sunshine and make it a way of life for you. Practice self-love and appreciation every day, and you’ll see yourself glow.

78. Be your own ray of sunshine every day because it’ll determine how well and full you’ll live the life you’ve been given.

79. Be your ray of sunshine and realize that happiness isn’t a destination. It is a way of life and a choice you have to make every day.

80. Being your own ray of sunshine doesn’t mean having everything you want. It is a recognition of how far you’ve come and how far you will go.

Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by cheering for yourself. You’re all you’ve got at the end of the day, and you owe it to yourself to be happy.

81. On some days, you have to be your own sunshine by indulging in whatever you’re craving for that period. When you constantly show yourself, love, you’ll see how you’ll glow.

82. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by being courageous enough to follow your passion and what your heart truly wants.

83. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine when it’s as though the lights around you are dim. You have all it takes to light up your world.

84. Some days, how you can be your own sunshine is by following the conviction in your heart. When you’re true to yourself, you’ll get to your envisaged reality eventually.

85. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by choosing to shed family expectations and following only what your heart wants. You may lose family support, but your authentic self will remain.

86. Some days, every day even, you have to be your own sunshine. You were born to shine, and nothing around you should be allowed to dim that.

87. As you follow your heart and the sunshine within, there’s no height you won’t be able to attain in life.

88. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by setting yourself free of the pressures and expectations around you. You have all it takes to be anything that you want.

89. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by putting your best foot forward. You were born to shine and live your best life!

90. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine. Step into your authentic self and passions, and you’ll see things lining up for you.

91. Trying to find meaning in every aspect of your life is demanding. Yet, it’s how you’ll be your own sunshine and enjoy rewarding experiences.

92. To be your own sunshine is to stay passionate enough until you attract the things you want to see in your life.

93. Sometimes, being your own sunshine involves waking up each day and staying motivated enough to create something much bigger than your own life.

94. We are all born for greatness, and sometimes all it takes to walk in this reality and be our own sunshine is by taking a step of faith.

95. To be your own sunshine is to take control of your life, make your own choices, and let go of addictive thoughts and behaviours that might be holding you back.

96. When you’re your own sunshine, your light will eventually spread to the people around you, and ideas and projects will grow into opportunities.

97. People with positive attitudes tend to lead more successful lives. Hence, it would help if you learned how to be your own sunshine at all times.

98. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine by being the bigger person. The only purpose of offence is to strip you of your peace and liveliness.

99. When you choose only to see the bright side of things, you’ll end up living every day of your life feeling happy, optimistic, and peaceful.

100. Some days, you have to be your own sunshine and not let what anyone else says about you get you down. You are perfect just the way you are, and your abilities are unique.

Hopefully, these be your own sunshine quotes and sayings have helped you see reasons to practice self-love and appreciation every day.

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